Need help with surname

Hi everyone,

I'm still researching the Fulgencio Valdez and Cecilia Hernandes line. Born 20 years before 1831 or born in 1811. My biggest problem has been trying to figure out Celcilia's mother's last name.…

Jose Maria Hernandes and his wife "Maria Gregoria Marmeto"...I know that the priest probably misspelled this but I can't find a surname that I can apply to mispelling.

Patrones ...Juan Esteban (can't understand if the this is his last name or a suppose to be a Spanish word) Y su mujer Maria Caluida Banegas.

Also in the sidebar it says what village they are from...but I can't figure out what village that would be.

In the marriage record that I found for a Jose Maria Hernandez and a Maria Geogoria Marceto it seems that Jose Maria is a widower and they were only married in 1825. Which would mean that Cecilia could not be Gregoria could not be her mother. Unfortunately this marriage is held in Ixmiquilpan and not Mequitic de Carmona which makes me think the records aren't related because in the Marriage record for Fulgenico and Cecila it states that they are both citizens of the village of ..... and therein lies my confusion or stumping.

last entry on left side (second page)…

And to continue my dilemma in my continuing research I found a baptismal record for a Sillia Hernandes born in 1811 whose father is Jose Maria Hernandes but whose is mother is a Josefa de La Cruz.

Last entry on the second page.…

I would like to say that I've tried all the extraction methods that the family history guides provides but my limited Spanish can sometimes be a disadvantage. I've been stumped on this for a couple of weeks now and I sure would like to make some progress, so all help is appreciated.

Could someone be kind enough to help me find me way around this puzzle. Thank you.

Hello Juanita,

Re your side note it only states that they are "Ciudedanos de esta vila", doesn't give the name but the front of this book says "San Miguel en Mexquitic", probably the villa they are referring to. Also on the "Padrinos" he is Juan Esteban Quiros and his muger....

You have a similar problem that I am dealing with. My search is stopped at my 4X great grandfather Jose Maria Valdes. Which is the most common of names, as is your Jose Maria Hernandes. I'm sure, like me, you have found many almost identical records that seem to match all the names except for dates that don't make sense. All I can tell you in that regard is it happens a lot in my research because of the common names I'm working with and that it's is not too unusual. I have spent many hours correcting my tree due to these similarities.

Also, I'm not sure why you assume that the name Marmeto is a misspelling they do have some Marmeto's in family search.

Good Luck,
On Nov 25, 2012, at 11:21 AM, wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm still researching the Fulgencio Valdez and Cecilia Hernandes line. Born 20 years before 1831 or born in 1811. My biggest problem has been trying to figure out Celcilia's mother's last name.…
> Jose Maria Hernandes and his wife "Maria Gregoria Marmeto"...I know that the priest probably misspelled this but I can't find a surname that I can apply to mispelling.
> Patrones ...Juan Esteban (can't understand if the this is his last name or a suppose to be a Spanish word) Y su mujer Maria Caluida Banegas.
> Also in the sidebar it says what village they are from...but I can't figure out what village that would be.
> In the marriage record that I found for a Jose Maria Hernandez and a Maria Geogoria Marceto it seems that Jose Maria is a widower and they were only married in 1825. Which would mean that Cecilia could not be Gregoria could not be her mother. Unfortunately this marriage is held in Ixmiquilpan and not Mequitic de Carmona which makes me think the records aren't related because in the Marriage record for Fulgenico and Cecila it states that they are both citizens of the village of ..... and therein lies my confusion or stumping.
> last entry on left side (second page)
> And to continue my dilemma in my continuing research I found a baptismal record for a Sillia Hernandes born in 1811 whose father is Jose Maria Hernandes but whose is mother is a Josefa de La Cruz.
> Last entry on the second page.
> I would like to say that I've tried all the extraction methods that the family history guides provides but my limited Spanish can sometimes be a disadvantage. I've been stumped on this for a couple of weeks now and I sure would like to make some progress, so all help is appreciated.
> Could someone be kind enough to help me find me way around this puzzle. Thank you.


Thank you. I'm learning more each day in how to research properly and effectively. I assumed the name mareto was misspelled because I thought the other records for sillia hernandes was the one I was looking for which then meant the name was misspelled. Lol, I too have spend hours correcting my family tree. I too am stuck on the last Jose Maria Valdez. In the last record that I found I encountered my first wife with seemily no last name. I read that many times during those years the indios didn't have last names. I was exhuasted looking at that line so, I've moved on with the intention of going back later. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.

Juanita Henniger

In order to determine if Marmeto is a rare Spanish surname I looked went to and searched for it. It does not show up at that site so I did a search for the surname in without specifying a country. It shows up a lot in the Philippines. Then I specified Mexico where Marmeto shows up a few times. This surname most likely made it's way into Mexico from the Philippines.

In the second link it is Jose Marcelo and not Jose Marceto. Look closely at all of the letters l and t in the document. They are written differently. The l has a small line like a tail. The t has a a line going all the way through and much longer.


In reply to by Armando

Thank you Armando,

I've only been seriously researching my family history for a few months and sometimes I find it quite daunting. I begin to question what I believe is a correct extraction and then the someone to tell me I'm on the right track.

Those tricky letters are sometimes frustrating and I start to doubt that what I deduced to be the spelling must be mispelled. And then there is those almost but not quite data that makes me crazy. Lol, but you guys are great and very helpful. I love seeing how your thought process goes to get the result. It is extremely helpfu. Thank you so much.

Juanita Henniger