Busqueda en la ciudad de Mexico

Alguien me puede ayudar como puedo encontrar una familia que algunos de sus miembros aparecen en la Santa Veracruz y otros aparecenen en el templo de la Asuncion, Sagrario Metropolitano pero el resto no aparece en los registros ya indexados, sabe alguien si hay algunos registros sin idexar entre 1608 y 1650 mas o menos?

Hi Juan

I do no think these are indexed, I went to the link and then to image 5, the firste image is the 1576 marriage of Juan Garcia and Guiomar (not certain of the last name). I put these names in the search fields with the date 1576 and they do not turn up. The writing is fairly easy to read (compared to other record I am still ploughing through from the 1580) so maybe you should still take a look...

Roy many thanks for the link, I think I can use it too.

Best Regards,

oops need to correct my previous mail. The marriage was in 1575, and when I checked it was in fact there in the index...Sorry for any confusion. The book is indexed.
