My name is Lino Martin. I am the 12 descendent of Blas Martin del Campo tracing back to 1520 from Spain. I follow the lineage of Bartolome Martin del Campo who is the 1st to Nueva Galicia with two borthers. Bartolome settled in San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco.
Of further interest, both my father and mother are descendents of Blas, 1st connecting with Manuel Martin del Campo, born in 1765. My mother's great-great grandfather and my father's grandfather were brothers. They say I turned out normal!
If that were not coincidence enough, my mother's mother is also a Martin. Her mother's grandfather is Rafael Martin, married to Maria de la Cruz Barba Franco from La Jolla, Jalisco. Well, it's a small world!
I am unable to trace Rafael back to his connection with Blas. I have posted a file with my findings. Any help connecting Rafael would be appreciated.
By the way, the existing files, emails and other content members have posted have been of great help filling in holes. I have many primos among you! Thank-you to all that have taken the time to contribute.
It turns out that there are two Leonor de la Moras married to two men surnamed Martin del Campo. This marriage dispensation does show descent from Ildefonso (Alonso) Martín del Campo and Lorenza Romo de Vivar, so there are three couples that are often confused with each other. I will post important information distinguishing each couple later this week.
Sorry that I can't do it right now.
Here is a little info.:
Ildefonso (Alonso ) Martin del Campo is the son of Miguel Martin del Campo and Margarita Muñoz de Nava.
Miguel Martin del Campo is the son of Lazaro Martin del Campo and Maria Lopez de la Cruz
Great find by Ruben. This is an important correction to the Martin del Campo family tree from Valle de Guadalupe and Pegueros.
Sorry to Lino for sending you bad info. Hopefully this makes up for it. I promise to send you an email to set up a meeting this summer.
Thanks again to both Ruben and Lino,
Rick A. Ricci
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Manuel Ignacio Martin del Campo , born before1775 was married on 10/April/1799 in Tepatitlan, Jalisco to Maria Ysidora del Rosario Martin del Campo, baptized on the 17/April/1795 in San Miguel el Alto Jalisco
My wife descends from their daughter Maria Hilaria Martin del Campo and her husband Marcelino Barba Martin del Campo (her 1st cousin)
Their daughter Maria Feliciana BARBA Martin was the first wife of Gerardo Alvarez-tostado Perez of Jalostotitlan fame.
Maria Hilaria is prudencios's sister. there are many Rafael Martin del Campo in the family tree so it easy to confuse them. I have also often seen Rafael as a middle name in your tree.
My wife and I are 5 th cousins and we both descend from Manuel's father numerous times through both of his father's marriages.
I have the family lines from Rafael Martin to the the rest of of the Martin del c lines
I have too much information on your lines to add here. I have done their ancestry going back to the first families in Mexico and beyond
I also have many of their descendents in Jalostotitlan, San Miguel el alto and Valle de Guadalupe, Pegueros, and in the USA
Petra Martin Barba and Esteban Martin del Campo are second cousins. Your Rafael's parents are Prudencio Martin del campo and Maria Sostenes Gutierrez, their common ancestor. Maria de la Cruz's parents are Jose agapito Barba Casillas and Prudencia de la torre. Many generations of all of these people's ancestors are in the tree, not just Martin. The martins and Barba intermarried a lot.
There are descendents of this couple all over the San Fernando valley
PS I just took a look at your family tree that you posted. It is the family that I visited in my youth. I can add much information to your tree (complete names) and dates. It is too much to put here. Both my grandmothers are related to the martins through their grandmothers who were both Martin del campo .
You state that Cleto had 25 children in his 3 marriages. I have only 21 my records. I am missing 4. I had only 20 but just added your ancestor to raise it to 21. Please give me info on the four I'm missing I will give you a list of who I have.
Armando is right that there are a few problems with your tree but most of is correct but mainly lacking many lines. I will show you the true full tree. I have birth dates, marriage dates and you can easily look up my information through the records easily since I am providing dates. to verify its validity, I have to show you my unpublished unfinished book to you since it is so much material
Two of the main problems with your tree is that you are confusing a Jose Martin del campo married to leonor Franco in Jalostotitlan at about the same time with the correct Jose Martin del Campo Munoz de Nava married in Tepatitlan on 7/February/1717 to a Leonor de la Mora de Hurtado de mendoza (she went by a different name combinations which makes it confusing) (aka leonor Hermosillo Samora, aka Leonor de la Mora Mendosa aka Leonor Zamora, aka leonor de la mora y Hermosillo, aka leonor Hermosillo.)
the correct Jose was baptized 16/oct/1691 in Aguascalientes and was the son of another Jose Martin del campo and Maria Romo de Vivar Tiscareno ( aka Maria de vivarRangel) daughter of Jeronimo Romo de Vivar and Margarita Tiscareno. this Jose is the son of Miguel Martin del Campo and Margarita Munoz de Nava
I also descend from all of these Jose Martin del campo and both leonor Franco and leonor mora zamora mendoza.
I have a middle name for the Jose married to leonor zamora mendoza but since I saw it in only one place I will do more research to confirm it before giving it to you.
One of the Joses was known as josesito and had numerous middle names when he was baptized.
I will ask Jesse Padilla Martin for your phone number. His mother and my maternal grandmother are 3rd cousins through the Martin.
R.A. Ricci
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Hi R.A.
I had not been on the site in a while and I thought I would automatically get emailed any replies to my initial posting.
Anyways, Hola Prima!
I just saw your posting today. Thank you for all the information and your thoughtful reply. You've done great work. I would very much like to see the research you mentioned you could share with me.
I was born and grew up in the San Fernando Valley and now live in La Verne, CA. My parents are still in the Valley.
You can email me directly at la2ya@a0l.com.
Lino Martin
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Mr. Ricci,
There is a Dispensa in Tepatitlán
Stating the father of this José is... Ildefonso Martín del Campo !! ??
Is this Dispensa on Error?
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Hello Ruben,
You bring up an interesting point. According to Mariano Gonzalez Leal's book it should not say Ildefonso. More research is needed to clarify. It is possible that even back then they confused the tree as Rafaela Martin del Campo's maternal grandfather is Ildefonso (Alonso) Franco de Paredes y Lomelin. Another point to consider is that he lists Manuels father as Jose and not Jose Manuel Martin Del campo as we would have expected. Could Mariano have made a mistake by merging two people, Jose Martin del Campo son Of Ildefonso and Jose Manuel son of Lazaro M. Martin del Campo?
As to the line you are researching, I do have lots of information on Maria Teresa de Jesus Gomez De Mendoza y Padillas ancestry going back many generations on all of her grandparents.
Getting back to your finding of Ildefonso Martin del Campo being the progenitor of this line and not Lazaro, I will do more research on this line to see if it is a mistake in the dispensation or a mistake in our records. I will also pull out Mariano Gonzalez Leal's books and look at Jaime Holcombes records to see if they can provide any clues before I start pulling out all the Martin del Campo marriage dispensations that I can find.
Lino Martin may may have had the correct parents, Ildefonso Martín del Campo and Lorenza Romo de Vivar, after all!
Thanks again.
Rick A. Ricci
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Hello Lino and welcome to the group.
According to Juan Francisco Javier Salceda Andrade and Mariano González Leal the first Martín del Campo in Nueva Galicia was Bartolomé de San Lázaro Martín del Campo who went by the name Lázaro.
Juan Francisco Javier Salceda Andrade and Mariano González Leal also have different parents for your ancestor José Martín del Campo y Romo de Vivar husband of Leonor de Mora. You have the parents as Ildefonso Martín del Campo and Lorenza Romo de Vivar married 10 May 1690 in Aguascalientes. They have the parents as José Martín del Campo y Muñoz de Nava and María Romo de Vivar y Tiscareño de Molina married 23 Jan 1684 in Aguascalientes.
I am sure they are basing the above on a dispensa, testamento, or similar but they don't mention the source in Retoños de España En La Nueva Galicia.
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Hi Armando,
Thank you for your input. My records also confirm Lazaro as thefirst Martin del Campo.
As to Jose, I have two "unofficial" documents I relied on. I am just at the point where I have filled in the boxes with dates that make sense. Now I need to validate through official documents. I will start with your lead.
Thanks again.
Lino Martin
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Introduction (Lino Martin)