Fulgencio Hermosillo Cornejo

To Marco Xavier Hermosillo

I just read your genealogy report on Fulgencio Hermosillo Cornejo. In my records he has two more siblings, Anacleta and Jose de Jesus.

Anacleta Hermosillo Cornejo was married to Pedro Rodriguez. They had a son named Roque Rodriguez who worked in Real Estate and was a partner in the Roque and Mark Real Estate Company in Santa Monica, California. roque married his third cousin through the Perez and Franco lines. Roque passed away before I was in junior high school. My main memories of him are when he showed houses to my family when I was 6 and 7 years old It was exciting to see him because it meant we were going to check out a possible future home. He helped us buy the home when I was 7. I did see him after that but not often. his wife, my aunt, is still alive. my contact with the family increased in high school and I have always been close to my aunt.

Fulgencio and his siblings are twice second cousins to my maternal grandmother through the Perez and Franco lines.

I have a lot of information to add to Fulgencio's ancestors:
On your Hermosillo line, I have the parents of the spouse as you go back each generation.
On your Vallejo, Cornejo, and Perez lines I have way too much information to post here. These are my family lines and I have over 35 years of research to provide.

Trijio Hermosillo Vallejo's parents, Antonio Hermosillo Garcia and Maria Ysabel Vallejo Perez married 25/oct/1854 in Jalostotitlan, Jal.

Antonio's mother is Maria Dolores Garcia Lomelin baptized 19/April/1787 in zapotlan del Rey Jalisco,
Dolores's parents are Juan Joseph Antonio Garcia and Maria josefa Lomelin

Jose Leocadio Hermosillo's mother Maria Antonia de anda Ortiz is the daughter of Jose de Anda and Juliana Ortiz

the rest of the info on your other lines I will provide through mail or even better in person where we can discuss your second cousins, Roque's children, who live in Santa Monica and Texas. your second cousin that lives in Texas is an executive with IBM and has a daughter that is on the Mexican national woman's soccer team. Two of your second cousins, like their father, work in real estate. One of them owns Tierra realty co. One of your second cousins was born weeks after his father passed away and never knew him. One member of the family is an actor and worked as a mascot for a professional team, I forget which team.
They will be happy to hear that I found a family member from their father's side.
R.A. Ricci

R A Ricci...how do I get in touch with you, by phone or email?

In reply to by mxhermosillo

To Marco Xavier Hermosillo

I sent you my email contact info by clicking on your name and sending it through nuestrosranchos. I am planning on attending the Southern California gen. Conference in a couple weeks. It will be in Santa Ana. Would it be possible to meet there? Maybe we can present on how sharing on nuestro ranchos iis beneficial to researchers. We can show how our work will be connecting you to second and third cousins.


In reply to by R.A.Ricci (not verified)


I actually live in Washington State and won't be back down in California again until February 2015. I can't see any email or mail contact info from you or from Nuestros Ranchos in my inbox her or at gmail.

my email address is info@olympiclavender.com and # is 360.582.0582. Not sure if I can post that here, but I just did :)

M X Hermosillo