Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
I don't speak Spanish although I'm taking it in school right now and I saw
a Spanish post by gmotovar about the ancestors of Blas Macias Valadez on
this page. its the 3rd post.
are these the parents and ancestors Blas Macias Valadez?
Danny C. Alonso
Thank you for the information Armando and for the family sheets. there's a
lot of new information for me. This is my first year of Spanish but I think
by the time I go to college I'll be able to read the Spanish posts in the
Nuestros Ranchos Forum.
Danny C. Alonso
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As far as I know, Jaime Holcombe Izunza was the person that had Blas Macias as the father of Alonso or Nicolas Macias. Bill Figuera pointed out that Jaime Holcombe had used the padrón (basically a census) of 1610 as the source for the information in the sheet. You can see the Jaime Isunza's family sheet at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1gmvyck444nzewr/AABwy6Jqc998ouaZG4_wDatNa?dl… (The numbers in parenthesis are for files at the AGN in Mexico City) I have a book Santa María de los Lagos by Alfredo Moreno González that has a list of the people in the padrón and it doesn't name the parents of the people mentioned. The town historian of Lagos de Moreno, Mario Gómez Mata, published an article naming Blas Macias as the first owner of the hacienda Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de las Cajas, which is on the outskirts of Lagos de Moreno, but it didn't provide a source for the document.
Also read the following thread http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/20511#comment-23299 and use https://translate.google.com/ for the parts you can't understand. Miguel Beltrán pointed out a document published by Mario Gómez Mata from 11 Sep 1571 in which Alonso Macías states that he is from "los reinos de Castilla e de la Villa Nueva de Barcarrota, es hijo de Pedro Macías Valadez e de Ana Rodríguez vecinos de la dicha villa de Villa Nueva de Barca Rota"
Guillermo Tovar de Teresa blew off his post has information that was already available and that we were wasting time since a discussion had already gone on about the ancestry but Miguel rightly pointed out that it hadn't been mentioned in a post that we could all read.
Miguel also provide us with some of the names of the first inhabitants of Santa Maria de los Lagos (founded en 1563) which included Alonso Macias Valadez, el bachiller Alonso Vazquez Valadez, Juan Macias Valadez, Blas Macias Valadez, y Mariana Valadez (casada con Diego de Cuenca).
I hypothesized that the Alonso Macias, son of Pedro Macías Valadez and Ana Rodríguez, could have been a brother of Blas Macias but since we don't have more documentation on the families it will remain a mystery as to who was the son of who.
By the way, I am pleased to know that you are interested in studying Spanish.
Un saludo cordial,
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Blas Macias Valadez