Rita Garcia de Sanchez

I am looking for descendants of Rita Garcia de Sanchez and her husband Miguel Sanchez.i am trying to find Rita Garcias parents. I was hoping that descendants of theirs may have more information on Rita Garcia that may provide clues to his ancestry.

Miguel Sanchez (born 1882) and Rita Garcia (born abt 1883) were married and lived in Tepatitlan Jalisco, Mexico.

They have at least five children but I suspect they had more than that.

I have as their children :

Paula Sanchez Garcia born about 1904 married to Jose Maria Franco Gomez born in 1903

Agustin Sanchez Garcia born about 1913

Maria Sanchez Garcia born about 1915

Ysaac Sanchez Garcia born about 1917

Maria de la Luz Sanchez Garcia born about 1920

The national census has them residing in Tepatitlan Jalisco Mexico in 1930. In 1930 Paula Sanchez Garciawas already married to Jose Maria Franco.but the rest of the siblings that I have listed are shown as residing with the parents.

Thank you,

R.a. Ricci

Here is Maria's baptism record. Baptized Nov 02, 1919. Paternal grandparents:Matias Sanchez & Atilana Becerra, maternal grandparents: J. Roque Garcia & Dorotea Carrion.

Citing this Record:Copy Citation

"México, Jalisco, registros parroquiales, 1590-1979," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-18570-54125-38?cc=1874591&wc… : accessed 31 August 2015), Tepatitlán de Morelos > San Francisco de Asís > Bautismos de hijos legítimos 1918-1920 > image 294 of 467; parroquias Católicas, Jalisco (Catholic Church parishes, Jalisco).

Maria Eustacia, daughter of Roque Garcia & Dorotea Carrion baptism record
iting this Record:Copy Citation

"México, Jalisco, registros parroquiales, 1590-1979," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-18684-92938-84?cc=1874591 : accessed 31 August 2015), Tepatitlán de Morelos > San Francisco de Asís > Bautismos de hijos legítimos 1880-1883 > image 587 of 669; parroquias Católicas, Jalisco (Catholic Church parishes, Jalisco).

This should give a good start. Good Luck, Gloria

You're very welcome. I did not find a civil registration record for Paula Sanchez & I did not find her parents marriage record 1901-1905. Do you know how to search the familysearch.org records?

In reply to by LasFlores

Hello Gloria,
I have used familysearch.org for years. I go back to the time when I used to look through family search records before they had computers.

I could not find Paula Sanchez records but did find her in the census of 1930. I already had Paula's parents and was looking for her grandparents. I had been told that the paternal grandfather was named Roque but it turned out that her maternal grandfather was the Roque and that is the information that was throwing me off track. I had already searched for some of the siblings records but could not find them. I thought I would ask for help on nuestroranchos just in case someone else was also working on this line. I was going to go back and search again when you posted the information that I was looking for.

I am related to this family through Paula Sanchez's husband. He is a cousin to my paternal grandfather. I descend from Jose Maximo Franco y Barba (he reversed his surnames at times and was aka as Maximo Martin Franco y Barba and Paula's husband descends from Maximo's brother Jose Gabriel Franco y Barba. Both of them are sons of Jose Maria Franco o Martin ( Jose Maria Franco y Martin) and Maria Francisca Barba. Their father was the first one in this family to sometimes use the Martin surname instead of the Franco surname.

Thanks again,

Rick A Ricci