Can someone help deciper this one line? "En La Noa......." year 1606

It is the year 1606 Pasajero de Indias documdent for "Joan De Angon" on the very top of first page there is a line which has the name of the ship he traveled on which says:

"En La Noa............"

I can make out the other words which is the name of the ship. "Noa" is the class of ship. so that is how I know right away it is talking about the name of the ship he traveled on.

Here is a copy of first page:

The link:…

Reference number for Pars website: CONTRATACION,5295,N.10

I have another way to find the name of the ship where Joan De Angon traveled on.

You can do a search for "Lista De Pasajeros" and add the year 1606 in the Pars website.

When you do a search for "Lista De Pasajeros" in Pars. It gives you a number of documents that contains names of ships and lists of names of people that was on board each ship.

I asked for help from a historian of Zacatecas and he thinks it reads "La Noa Margarita" which would be the "Santa Margarita" which sank in 1622 along with the Atocha.

I was trying to read the whole document again to see if it makes any more references as to the name of the Noa or galeon on other pages and when I to got to image 20, I ran across an interesting wording where a historian told me it reads "de Moros Judios"

On Image 31 it says something about "Testigos" A historian of Zacatecas told me that:

"Moros judios. Cuando venian de España tenian que llevar testigos para confirmar que que eran cristianos viejos, etc. Por lo regular llevaban 3 testigos"