Family Search Film number 708746

Can someone help me find matrimonios for Ocampo, Guanajuato - Iglesia de San Juan Bautista. This is the record I'm looking for . The matrimonios under Ocampo / San Juan Bautista don't start until 1866 / film 708754. I know it has to be in a different location, but I cannot figure out where. In Ocampo, films for Bautismos and Confirmaciones go up through 708744, so it's 708745 and 708746 that are missing.

Never mind. The index citation is wrong - it's got to be 1884, not 1844. All of the other records are in the late 1870s through the mid 1880s.

Tienes que detallar la fecha o año del matrimonio por lo siguiente; Ocampo dependía para sus registros religiosos y civiles, de la parroquia de San Felipe hasta 1866, por lo que deberías buscar allí.