Hola primos y primas,
I have a question for those of you who are researching this line: are Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor, also known as Antonio Jimenez de Castañeda and Jacinta de las Ruelas?
On p63 of his "Cartas," Don Jaime Holcombe says in the early Pinos index, listed are Pedro Jimenez de Castañeda and Jacinta Martinez de Sotomayor. I’ve never seen him listed as “Jimenez,” nor her as “Martinez,” but this would logically establish her as a child of Andres Martin and Maria de Ruelas. He also points out how, on some records, he is called Antonio Jimenez, and then he mentions another couple in the appendix, “Antonio Jimenez de Castañeda y su esposa, Jacinta de las Ruelas.”
From dispensations, we know that Jacinta de las Ruelas, married to Antonio Jimenez de Castañeda, was daughter of Andres Martin Camacho and Maria de Ruelas; are she and Jacinta de Sotomayor one and the same person, and would anybody have any information to verify this?
I don't descend from this line, but she is a collateral ancestor, and reconciling the 2 Jacinta's would clarify some things in my lines - and basically, rock my world.
Thanks for any assistance!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
this is the record for joan dias de leon and jacinta de sotomayor don't know if it is information you already have visited.
This record Id LVYJ-Y2H is for Nicolas de Castaneda de Sotomayor I have attached his IM to this record he is married to Ana Vargas de Cardona may not be the same person you are looking for but here is IM. married 15 Abril 1656 I could not read who was his first wife
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Hi Simona,
Thanks for posting. Jacinta Martinez de Sotomayor, who married Juan Diaz de Leon “El Mozo” is daughter of Andres Martinez de Sotomayor and Maria de Islas y Moctezuma. She is from at least 1 generation later than the target Jacinta de Sotomayor, and might have been named after her.
Nicolas de Castañeda is a son of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor. Check Mary Lou’s notes, there is a file for this family group that names their known children.
Mary Lou,
You likely already have these 2 dispensas (in fact, they’re both probably in “Cartas”), but they establish that Jacinta de las Ruelas (cc Antonio Jimenez) was daughter of Andres Martin and Maria de Ruelas:
Alvaro Carrillo cc Josepha Flores 3o consang; the groom’s mother is prima hermana del padre del pretenso:
TRONCO Andres Martin cc Maria de Ruelas
Jacinta de Ruelas-1-Augustina de Ruelas
(Antonio Jimenez) (Gonzalo Gomez)
Augustina de Ruelas-2-Antonio Gomez Garcia
(Nicolas Carrillo) (Francisca Flores de la Torre)
Alvaro Carrillo-3-Josepha Gomez
Bernardo de Ornelas cc Gabriela Sanchez Carrillo 4o grado por ser hermanas sus bisabulas Maria de Sotomayor y Jacinta de Ruelas:
Maria de Sotomayor-1-Jacinta de Ruelas
(Juan Montanez) (Antonio Jimenez)
Elena Montanez-2-Augustina de Ruelas
(Diego Perez Frias) (Nicolas Carrillo)
Melchora Perez-3-Ygnacio Carrillo
(Joseph Ornelas) (Gertrudis Sanchez)
Bernardo Ornelas-4-Gabriela Sanchez Carrillo
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Hello Mary Lou,
this is a little off topic, but, I read the same genealogy carrion that Manny read and you mention Gines de Carrion and Francisca de Temiño who are my ancestors. and you mention their son Diego Carrion's madrina was Doña Angela de Velasco, so does that mean Doña Angela de Velasco and Francisca de Temiño are sisters and if they are do you know who their parents are
I mostly wanted to know if these Temiño and Velasco's are related to Angela Temiño de Velasco whos married to Geronimo de Orozco.
Danny C. Alonso
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Thank you so much, Manny and Danny, for the new information on the Castaneda/Gomez lines. And the Jacintas data, too. Very helpful. I can't get to my records for a few days so don't have much to contribute right now. But I will.
Decided to go through some old email correspondence with other genealogists and found some Family Group Sheets that I had shared. I've uploaded them to a newly created Family Group Sheet folder in my Dropbox Genealogy folder. These FGS are all unpolished, as is, done years ago. Fortunately one of them is on Carrion. That's all I have for now. I'll follow up on my source for the Diego Carrion 1615 baptism.
Good luck with Blas Nieto.
Mary Lou
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Thank you Mary Lou
these are very helpful information.
Danny C. Alonso
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In a few minutes check my Dropbox account. I'm uploading my family group sheet on this couple with their many children. This may be old news to you, but it's what I have. On the back of the sheet I wrote:
Josepha says in will that she raised Ines Calvillo de Castañeda, hl de Joseph de Castañeda y Thomasa Marchan. Albaceas: Juan Balades y Antonio de Castañeda.
Mary Lou Montagna
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In the Pinos baptism records there is an 18 Oct 1626 entry that reads:
"En Sierra de Pinos en diesiocho deste dicho mes baptize a Jetrudis hija de Blas Nieto y Veatris Lopez su mujer. Padrinos Gonsalo Gomes y Ysabel Marin."
There is an accent on the "i" in Marin, I just don't know how to type it here. That's all I have on them. Included the FGS in Dropbox.
I also found a Blas Nieto cc Isabel Perez in San Luis Potosi. Their son Juan was baptized on 27 Oct 1637 in SLP. PP: Elvira Rangel mujer de Rodrigo Hernandez.
Mary Lou Montagna
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Hello, Danny. The entry specifically says Angela is "tia del dicho Diego," so I assume Angela and Francisca are sisters. I've done little research on these lines and do not have their parents. But I scanned Diego Carrion's baptism entry for you (see Dropbox). It's entered out of order and the priest goes on and on. Wish we could read Gines de Carrion's little book. Better still, wish we had the old record book the priest refers to.
Mary Lou
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Thank you Mary Lou this is very very helpful. I think they must be related to this group of Temino and Velascos http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Temi%C3%B1o_de_Velasco-1
im just not sure how.
Danny C. Alonso
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Thanks, Manny.
Just uploaded my FGS on Antonio Jimenez and Jacinta de las Ruelas.
Also the FGS on Andres Martin and Maria de las Ruelas (Sotomayor), the root of my Martin de Sotomayor.
Plus a brief write-up I did a few years ago on Maria de las Ruelas (one of my favorite ancestors).
Mary Lou
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Hello, Manny. These couples are challenging to decipher. I keep going back and forth. I tend to think the younger Jacinta (married to Antonio) is the daughter of Andres Martin and Maria de las Ruelas...and...the older Jacinta (married to Pedro) could be the sister of Maria de las Ruelas. They are not my direct ancestors so I haven't spent much time on them. I wrote up something last year on them and have it in my Dropbox GENEALOGY folder. Take a look.
Regards, Mary Lou
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Hi Mary Lou,
I hoped that you’d be the one to respond! Because the first file I opened, Genealogy Carrion, had relevant (and new) information!
As it turns out, my current project involves Blas Nieto. I was hoping that someone had already established the ancestry of Jacinta de Sotomayor cc Pedro Castañeda, in which case, 1) my problem is solved! 2) I have documents to support or refute it.
I’ve found no other mention of Blas Nieto, but I will post what I have on his descendants, and my theories. Jacinta de Sotomayor was either sister or daughter of Maria de Ruelas, and we are going to figure that out.
By the way, thank you for filling in Nicolas Castañeda’s Avalos line, which I didn’t have, here’s Maria Gomez’s:
I. Baltasar aka Sebastian de Avalos (muleteer in Pozos SLP) cc Mariana de Castro
II. Agustin de Avalos cc Magdalena Ruiz Camarillo
III. Isabel de Avalos aka Isabel Ruiz de Villaseñor cc Matias Gomez de Sotomayor
IV. Maria Gomez y Ruiz
Gracias y Saludos!
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Hi Mary Lou,
The Nicolas Castañeda/Maria Gomez dispensa was posted here at NR a few years back. Read my entry from 6 Nov 2014 (last in the thread), which reveals some of my work on Blas Nieto's descendants: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/es/node/21449
For your notes, here's what the tree should look like in that dispensa:
Jacinta de Sotomayor-1-Blas Nieto
(Pedro de Castañeda) ( Unknown)
Nicolas de Castañeda-2-Juan Gomez Nieto aka Juan Gomez de Ruelas y Sotomayor
(Ana de Vargas) (Maria Teresa Martinez Guerrero)
Antonio de Castañeda-3-Matias Gomez de Sotomayor
(Tomasa de Carrion) (Ysabel Ruiz de Villaseñor)
Nicolas de Castañeda-4-Maria Gomez y Ruiz
I've expanded my research, and I'm working on the premise that the relationship is not between Jacinta de Sotomayor and Blas Nieto, but between Jacinta de Sotomayor and his wife: we’ve all read enough of these old declarations, to know that the word “hermano” was used for “cuñado,” so one must always look into the possibility that the relationship is through the spouses, rather than through those named.
I also think that Blas Nieto might be from a generation earlier, and that Juan Gomez Nieto is actually the son of Gonzalo Gomez, who might be the same who was married to Augustina de Ruelas. If I'm right on both counts, then this might establish that Gonzalo Gomez was son of Blas Nieto (and not Benito de la Isla), and that Jacinta de Sotomayor was his sister-in-law, and therefore daughter of Andres Martin and Maria de Ruelas.
Manny Diez Hermosillo
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Joan Dias de LeonJacinta de Sotomayor de martin y maria de Islas