Help 1769 slave from London

Hello Group,
I'd appreciate help interpreting this unusual baptismal entry (on right)
from 1769 San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla, image 161.…

It's difficult for me to understand, but I believe this adult Negro slave
from London, England??? is being baptized because they're not sure he was
ever baptized? There is a lot that appears interesting, but unfortunately
I can't make it all out. Thank you so much for your assistance.
Alice Blake

I did a search of those without a last name from England in the 17th Century looking for similar baptisms. I wasn't able to find anyone else listed as a slave. If you find out more information, could you please post it here? I will be interested in what you learn. Elizabeth

I can't really help you read this, but it's really interesting to see. I didn't realize that they brought slaves from london. wow. i wonder how often that happened.

Danny C. Alonso

Hi Danny,
I was just doing my usual ancestral research and came across this entry and thought others would find it interesting. It was a first for
me, but then I haven't been doing genealogy as long as many group members. If I
could interpret what was written, it might give some clue as how a negro English slave came to 1769 Puebla?! I thought maybe by way of Cuba, as the English took over Habana in 1762 and brought 10,000+ African slaves, but he claims to be from
London, England. How interesting?!
Alice Blake