Colio and Covarrubias connection to Suarez de Ibarra and Sanchez de Porras

I believe I have connected the descendants of Geronimo Sanchez de Porras and Mariana Suarez de Ibarra to Francisco de Covarrubias y Leyva , Contador, son of Gaspar Covarrubias and Margarita de Quijada and Maria de Colio, grandaughter of Conquistador Diego Gomez de Colio and Catalina de la Torre.

There are many documents that must be gone through to get the whole story on the family. At this point I have gone through:
(Capellanias 1649-1851) Capellanias for Pedro Gomez de Colio and Nicolas de Ibarra, images 5 - 214…

Meritos: Diego de Herrera
Pares > Busqueda Avanzada > Buscar: "Meritos Diego de Herrera", Fecha desde 1600 hasta 1650 > Archivo General de Indias > Indiferente General > MERITOS: Diego de Herrera, fecha creacion 1645

I have partially gone through:
Informaciones: Francisco Covarrubias (Contador)
Pares > Busqueda Avanzada > "Informaciones Francisco Covarrubias" > Archivo General de Indias > Audiencia de Guadalajara > Informaciones: Francisco Covarrubias Pages 1 - 45/193

(Capellanias 1692) Capellania for Francisco Covarrubias… Pages 62 - 109

I need to go through:
Capellania for Hernan Guerra de Colio (which seems pertinent)…

For ease of discussion I'm going begin with Geronimo Sanchez de Porras (son of Geronimo Sanchez de Porras and Leonor de Hermosillo) who was married to Mariana Suarez de Ibarra (daughter of Alferez Mayor Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Elena Illan de Vargas)

Here is what I believe to be the proper lineage (I say believe because I have never read so many conflicting testimonies in my 4 years of genealogy, the probably conflict because information is provided about people who lived 150 - 200 yrs before some witnesses):

For the Colio side:

Elena Illan de Vargas
daughter of Mariana de Covarrubias y Colio (spouse Melchor Vargas Machuca)
daughter of Maria de Colio (spouse Francisco Covarrubias y Leyva, contador)
daughter of Maria de Colio (spouse Juan Guerra)
daughter of Diego Garcia de Colio and Catalina de la Torre

For the Covarrubias side:

Elena Illan de Vargas
daughter of Mariana de Covarrubias y Colio (spouse Melchor Vargas Machuca)
daughter of Francisco Covarrubias y Leyva, contador (spouse Maria de Colio)
son of Gaspar de Covarrubias and Margarita Quijada

So heres how I put it all together

Capellanias 1649-1851 Img 12 teaches Pedro Gomez de Colio (Arcediano) is the son Diego Garcia de Colio and Catalina de la Torre, both from Spain

Capellanias 1649-1851 Imgs 70 - 72 teaches Nicolas de Ibarra is is the son of Alferez Mayor Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Elena Vargas, daughter of Melchor Vargas and Juana de Colio, daughter of Diego de Colio, brother of Pedro Gomez de Colio (very different than the lineage above)

For the baptism of Mariana Suarez de Ibarra, Guadalajara 1666 (searchable in FS), Elena uses the surname Covarrubias

Capellanias 1649-1851, Imgs 12,39 appears Pedro Vargas Machuca son of Captain Melchor Vargas Machuca and Mariana de Colio y Covarrubias. Unfortunately the lineage to the Colio's for Mariana is not disclosed thus far in any documents. I believe Mariana is the Juana Colio referred to in Capellanias 1649-1851 Imgs 70 - 72 Nicolas de Ibarra's lineage.

Pedro Vargas is baptized in Guadalajara 1617 (searchable in FS) to Melchor Vargas and Mariana Covarrubias. I believe Pedro Vargas is Elena Illan de Vargas' sister. The latest Mariana would have been born then approx 1577-1601.

Throughout Capellanias 1649-1851 and Capellanias 1692 children of Francisco Covarrubias and Maria de Colio utilize the surname Colio y Covarrubias. Children discloses are Alfonsa, Diego married to Catalina Angulo y Figuroa, and Francisco, a priest. A baptism
for Alfonsa can be found in Guadalajara 1600, daughter of Francisco Covarrubias and Maria de Colio. This would place her mothers birth in a similar range (1560 - 1584) as Mariana de Colio y Covarrubias spouse of Melchor Vargas Machuca. Therefore Mariana de Colio y Covarrubias must be a daughter for Francisco Covarrubias and Maria de Colio.

Smooth sailing from here. In the Informaciones: Francisco Covarrubias (Contador) Pg 1, states Francisco is married to Maria de Colio, granddaughter of Diego Garcia de Colio, conquistador. Pgs 31 - 32 state Francisco is the son of Gaspar de Covarrubias and Margarita Quijada. Maria de Colio, his wife, is the daughter of Juan Guerra and Maria de Colio, this second Maria is daughter of Diego Garcia de Colio and Catalina de la Torre.

That essentially sums up how I concluded the lineage. Further proof Capellanias 1649-1851 Img 13 Pedro Gomez de Colio states Francisco de Covarrubias y Colio is related to him via his sister, Maria de Colio. So any tie with Covarrubias comes from Pedro's sister Maria, and not Diego, as the Nicolas de Ibarra lineage says.

Here is some additional proof that Elena Illan de Vargas probably did not descend from Diego Colio, brother of Pedro Gomez de Colio:

Capellanias 1692 Img 66 Diego de Herrera stated Maria de Colio is his grandmother, sister of Pedro Gomez de Colio.

In Meritos: Diego de Herrera, Diego's parents are Diego de Herrera and Catalina de Colio Alarcon. He is the great grandson of Diego Garcia de Colio.

Capellanias 1649-1851 Img 161 stated Diego de Colio el Mozo married Ines Ramirez de Alarcon, Diego is the son of Diego Garcia and Catalina de la Torre. Since Diego Herrera's mothers surname is Colio Alarcon, I believe Diego de Herrera actually descends from Diego de Colio, brother of Pedro Gomez de Colio and Maria de Colio. Any use of the surname Covarrubias must come from this Maria de Colio.

I have pages of notes from the aformentioned documents. There are loads of inconsistencies. It looks like the priests copied prior incorrect information and it propogated from about 100 years. Also contained in the documents is lots of information pertaining to this family. So far I have gathered that Diego Garcia de Colio and Catalina de la Torre had as children at least Maria de Colio (Juan Guerra), Catalina de la Torre, la Moza, Pedro Gomez de Colio (Arcediano) and Diego de Colio, el Mozo, (Ines Ramirez de Alarcon).

Some names in the documents include:

Isabel Tovar, primo hermano de Diego Covarrubias y Colio, son of Francisco Covarrubias and Maria Colio
Francisco, Diego, and Alfonza Covarrubias son of Francisco Covarrubias and Maria Colio
Francisco Guerra, sobrino Pedro Gomez de Colio
Bartolome Perez de Colio, mi sobrino, son of Rodrigo Gomez Parada and Bernardina de Colio, mi sobrina, relative to Pedro Gomez de Colio
mi sobrina, Agueda Guerra, y su hija, Isabel Tovar, relative to Pedro Gomez de Colio
Alonzo Sanchez Muniz son of the same and Francisca de la Torre, daughter of Diego Rodriguez Ponce and Leonor Ortiz de la Torre, daughter of Catalina de la Torre, sister of Pedro Gomez de Colio
Juan (Berrete Eraso?) son of Maria Guijaro and Martin Berrete? son of Ana Rodriguez Gutierrez daughter of Joseph Rodriguez Gutierrez and Petrona Rodriguez Ponce also daughter of Diego Rodriguez Ponce and Leonor Ortiz de la Torre
Francisco Covarrubias son of Diego Covarubbias and Catalina Angulo y Figueroa
and much more Covarubbias descendants on Capellanias 1649-1851 Imgs 105 - 114, 124 - 129, 134 - 143, 161 - 174, 178 - 212

Antonia de Covarrubias Leyva, niece to Gaspar Covarrubias is an ancestor to:
"Santa Maria de las Maravillas de Jesus"

María de las Maravillas was born in Madrid, Spain, on 4 November 1891, the daughter of Luis Pidal y Mon, the Marquis of Pidal, and Cristina Chico de Guzmán y Muńoz. At the time her father was the Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See, and she grew up in a devout Catholic family.

María made a vow of chastity at the age of five and devoted herself to charitable work. After coming into contact with the writings of St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Jesus, she felt called to become a Discalced Carmelite. Her father, whom she had faithfully assisted when he became ill, died in 1913, and her mother was reluctant to accept her daughter's decision to enter the Carmelite monastery.

However, on 12 October 1919, María did enter the Discalced Carmelites of El Escorial in Madrid. She made her simple vows on 7 May 1921.

Before her final profession on 30 May 1924, Sr María had already received a special call from God to found the Carmel of Cerro de los Ángeles, and the foundation was inaugurated on 31 October 1926 with three other Carmelites. This was the first of the series of Teresian Carmelite Monasteries that she would establish, according to the Rule and Constitutions of the Discalced Carmelites. María was not being called to found a new order or to "branch off" from the Discalced Carmelites - she herself was very careful in pointing this out; she only sought to live deeply and to transmit the spirit and ideals of St Teresa of Jesus and St John of the Cross.

On 28 June 1926, the Bishop of the Diocese of Madrid-Alcalá appointed her prioress of the new monastery. In 1933 she established another foundation in Kottayam, India, and from this Carmel other foundations were started in India.

Her role as prioress would be permanent in the various monasteries she founded throughout her life, notwithstanding the natural aversion and sense of inadequacy she felt in accepting positions of responsibility. María's spirit of obedience and love for the Church and for her Carmelite sisters, however, gave her the strength and diligence to carry out this duty with love.

Mother Maravillas was often criticized for the poverty of the convents she founded; charges were made that they were "not solid", small in size and unfurnished, with bare walls on which hung chosen Bible verses or writings of the Carmelite saints. She would reply, however, that "it is not our concern to plant a seed, since the Discalced Carmelites have already been founded. Even if our convents collapse, nothing will happen".

During the Spanish Civil War, the nuns of Cerro de los Ángeles lived in an apartment in Madrid. In September 1937 another Carmel in the Batuecas, Salamanca, was founded. In 1939 the monastery of Cerro de los Ángeles was restored. Even amid enormous deprivation, Mother Maravillas instilled courage and happiness, always being an admirable example to her daughters.

But she also remained a mystery even to the nuns closest to her, since only her spiritual directors knew the "dark night of the soul" that she lived throughout her life, which kept her in profound spiritual aridity and trials, and made total faith and abandonment to the will of God her guide.

In the following years, foundations were established in other parts of Spain. Mother Maravillas also restored and sent nuns to her original Carmel of El Escorial and to the venerable monastery of the Incarnation in Avila.

In order to unite the monasteries founded by her and others that had the same finality, she founded the Association of St Teresa, which received official approval from the Holy See in 1972.

On 8 December 1974, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Mother Maravillas was anointed and received Holy Communion. On 11 December, surrounded by her community in the Carmel of La Aldehuela, Madrid, she died. At the time of her death, her sisters report that Mother Maravillas kept repeating the phrase: "What happiness to die a Carmelite!". She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 10 May 1998.

Biography provided by the Vatican

Here is the Covarrubias line

1). Juan Covarrubia

2) Hernando Covarrubia

3). Maria Covarrubia + Sebastian Martinez Leyva de Covarrubias

4) Alonso Leyva Covarrubia + Maria Gutierrez de Hegas

5) Gaspar Covarrubias Egas + Margarita Quijada

6) Francisco Covarrubias + Maria Bermudez (Aka Maria Colio)

Source: Mygenes2000 by R.A.Ricci


Amazing stuff your posting.

I'd like to clarify Francisco Covarrubias was married twice, first to Maria Ramirez Bermudez (hl Martin Bermudo and Catalina Asuna), with whom he came to the new world with, and then Maria Colio (hl Juan Guerra and Maria Colio).


Dear Alex,

I just caught that mistake and posted it at the same time that you did.

Rick A. Ricci

In reply to by R.A.Ricci (not verified)

I am assuming that I posted a mistake and that Francisco Covarrubias was married at least twice. I believe Maria Bermudez and Maria Colio are two different people. My research focused on his ancestors and not on him so I do not know much of his wives or children.

Sorry about the mistake,
R.A. Ricci

In reply to by R.A.Ricci (not verified)

I placed an updated Covarrubias line in the other Covarrubias thread under Toribio Hernandez Arellano thread.

I have obtained via ILL Fernández, R. (2003). La gran propiedad en Cocula de Ávalos 1539-1700. México, D.F: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Pg 280 states Francisco Covarrubias and Diego Covarrubias y Leyva were primos hermanos!

Diego de Covarrubias y Leiva was born in Toledo in 1512 and died in Madrid in 1577.

Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada was born in 1543 and died between 13/Jun/1600 & 6/Sep/1600

Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada was born 31 years after Diego Covarrubias y Leiva

Even though the source you provided states that he was a first cousin, the "Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano" identifies Diego Covarubbias as his "tio".

I think your source was trying to get the point across that they were very closely related, and they are.

If they were first cousins then Gaspar Covarrubias Hegas would have to be Alonso's brother and this is extremely unlikely. Alonso's brothers are well documented as they had a big part in the lives of Marco Covarrubias descendants and Gaspar is not mentioned in these documents.

I have no problem changing the family line if he is a cousin, but the information points to Diego Covarrubias being his uncle.

Rick A. Ricci

Do you know if Antonio Covarrubias, Alonso's brother, was married or had any children?

Dear Alex,

Yes, Alonso's brother, Antonio Covarrubias Leyva was married. I only know of one daughter that he was living with when he passed away.

Antonio Covarrubias Egas was born in 1524 and passed away on 23/Dec/1602. He was married int 1553 to Maria Tapia. Maria Tapia is a cousin to Saint Teresa de Jesus. St. Teresa D'avila informed Diego Covarrubias Leyva that his aunt, Maria Tapia, was her cousin. He quoted St Teresa's exact words in his writing.

Diego wrote when quoting St Teresa d' Avila:
(Me dijo estas palabras:...... "Sepa vuestra merced, señor prior, que díos le ha traído a esta casa, y que tiene obligación, de hacerme merced, aunque yo no me precío de las noblezas del mundo, no dejo de estimar lo que es de razón; y sepa que la Señora Doña Maria Tapia, su tía, es mi prima.....")

His daughter Maria Covarrubias married Hernando De Vega.

Hernando and Maria have a son "Don Fernando De Vega Covarrubia", Caballero de Santiago, Paje del Rey

There was another family member named "Antonio Covarrubias Leyva"but he was a priest and an official of the inquisition. This priest was a great grandson of Marco Covarrubias y Leyva. Many of the Orosco Covarrubias descendants used Covarrubias Leivas as their surname to as they weren't close to the Oroscos. They sought and received help from their uncles, the sons of Alonso Covarrubias Leyva. The help they received was an excellent education for many of them. These Covarrubias were so educated that even though they were "cristianos viejos" they were suspected of being Jewish by some just because their family put a heavy emphasis on education. The Orosco Covarubbias branch of the family did have Jewish ancestors through their Orosco line.

Alonso's nephew, Melchor, was the primary money source for the University in Puebla.

R.A. Ricci

Dear Alex,

Sebastian Martinez Leyva and Maria Covarrubias had four sons that I know of. The eldest is Marco Covarrubias Leyva. Second is Pedro Covarrubias Leyva. Third is Alonso Covarrubias Leyva. The fourth son is Juan Covarrubias Leyva. I have already mentioned Marco's two marriages and Alonso's marriage. Juan was a priest.

I have no information on Pedro Covarrubias other than that he was the second son. He is not mentioned by his nephews. I believe that he may have died at a young age. I don't see any records of Pedro being married or having children.

Diego and Francisco are not first cousins unless Gaspar is Alonso Covarrubia's brother that was originally named Pedro Covarrubias. I find this highly improbable.

Gaspar Covarrubias is not a son of Marco or Juan. Gaspar Covarrubias is the son of Alonso Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez Hegas. Francisco Covarubias is the son of Gaspar Covarrubias.

Alonso Covarrubias Leyva and Maria Gutierrez Hegas are the parents of Diego, Antonio, Gaspar, Catalina, Isabel and Guiomar.

Gaspar, Catalina and Isabel definitely left descendants in the Americas. I am still researching Guiomar's descendants.
Melchor Covarrubias is the son of Catalina Covarrubias de Hegas. Melchor and Francisco are first cousins.
Since Diego and Gaspar are brothers, Diego is the uncle of Francisco Covarrubias.


Thank you for the family outline you have. Much appreciated.

Here is the source I was talking about. Ill post it to the Edward III post too and there is Figueroa and Banuelos in that tree.

If you descend from Catalina Figueroa y Angulo Torres cc Diego Covarruvias y Leyva Colio then this is a good reference for you.…


In reply to by R.A.Ricci (not verified)

Juan is not the father of Hernando. I will post Hernando Covarrubias ancestry later. The rest of the line is correct

1). --------Covarrubias

2) Hernando Covarrubias

3). Maria Covarrubias + Sebastian Martinez Leyva

4) Alonso Leyva Covarrubias + Maria Gutierrez de Hegas

5) Gaspar Covarrubias Egas + Margarita Quijada

6) Francisco Covarrubias Quijada

Source: Mygenes2000 by R.A.Ricci

Dear Alex,
This book does confirm what I have for one of his ancestors. It is the other lines, Maria Covarrubias maternal lines where I found an ancestry that connects with a lot of my other research.


I have a question for everyone, hoping you all can provide some insight.

Currently I have in my tree Francisco Suarez de Ibarra, the elder, having married twice: 1st Maria Martinez del Castillo and 2nd Isabel Pimentel.

The elder also had a son, Francisco Suarez de Ibarra, the younger, who married Elena Illan de Vargas.

I assumed the younger was the son of Isabel Pimentel because she is stated as the abuela of Francisco and Elena's daughter, Maria in her baptismal record:…

However, I may have a new development. In a baptismal record from 1609 for Juana, right side second one down, states she was a slave of Francisco Suarez de Ibarra fue su padrino Francisco Suarez de Ibarra (el nino?):…

Am I reading this right? Is saying el nino the same as the younger? This would make Francisco the son of Francisco and Maria Martinez del Castillo rather than Isabel Pimentel.

Furthermore, I have one other document confirming his mother, however reading it again makes me unsure. Could someone who understand spanish much better please take a look? Right side 4th and 5th lines looks like Isabel Pimentel states Francisco de Ibarra is the legitimate son of her husband:…

Thank you all

To me it reads as:

... Y como tales hijosdalgo fueron asi dados y tenidos en la ciudad de granada y sevilla donde fueron vecinos y en la villa de cobarrubias donde el dicho gaspar de cobarrubias era natural y la dicha Margarita Quijada en la villa de madrid donde era natural y en esta posesion les vieron estar sin oir ni ver cosa al contrario y en los hechos que en la ciudad de sevilla suele haber nunca les vieron pecar ni contribuir a sus abuelas en la villa de covarrubias y madrid por ser como es hijosdalgo y en esta posesion a estado y esta el dicho contador francisco covarrubias sin que los testigo ayan oido cosa en contraria teniendolo por tal hijodalgo digan lo que saben...

I might be off on a word or two as some of the abbreviations are unknown to me.

Daniel Serna Valencia

BTW, I noticed that you mention Catalina de Angulo. Her parents were Clemente de Torres and Geronima de Angulo y Figueroa.

In turn Geronima's parents were:

Pedro de Figueroa y Banuelos cc Beatriz de Angulo Montesinos

Pedro's parents were: Francisco de Figueroa and Ana Temino de Velasco y Banuelos

Beatriz's parents were: Alonso de Angulo Montesinos de ls Isla and Catalina de Lila Pereira

Alonso de Angulo's parents were: Alonso Martinez de Angulo and Juana Cervantes

Catalina's parents were: Juan Borallo Pereira and Beatriz Hernandez

These are families with deep roots in the antiguo Obispado de Michoacan. (Juan Borallo was a conquistador and one of the primeros pobladores of Michoacan)

The above information comes from the merits and limpieza de sangre of Pedro de Figueroa y Banuelos, priest, son of Pedro de Figueroa and Beatriz de Angulo Montesinos.

Daniel Serna Valencia


Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

Some new side info: Some trees online have Francisco Covarrubias who married Isabel de Rodas related to Gaspar Covarrubias or his relatives in some manner. I have found info to the contrary. See this post:



I read the document. Its very good. How were you able ascertain who Geronima Angulo y Figuroa's (m. Clemente Torres) parents are? I'm missing that link.

Also where did you get this from? The Bancroft Library? I see that they probably have this document. I'm interested in the previous page as well

Thanks again

Hi Alex,

The ancestry of Geronima de Angulo y Figueroa is included in the pages before the scans I gave you. Unfortunately, I can't locate those pages - I'll keep looking. Suffice to say that her parents were indeed Pedro de Figueroa Banuelos and Beatriz de Angulo Montesinos. The scans are copies from documents available in the Bancroft library. They are part of a set of documents related to the Contreras, Angulo, Figueroa, Padilla, Banuelos, Onate, and Flores de la Torre families. They are limpiezas de sangre of various priests from these families.


In reply to by ibarra55

Very interesting.... I did find a Francisco Ibarra, son of Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Maria del Castillo, in DF married to Beatriz Gutierrez de Carriazo in 1634. They were having children from 1635 - 1648.

Here are their marriage documents:

The document you have translated from me appears to be dated 1641, smack in the middle of the couple having children. So either Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Maria del Castillo had two children named Francisco (then Francisco Suarez de Ibarra with his second wife Isabel Pimentel would also have Francisco Suarez de Ibarra el Mozo) or the DF couple could just happen to be a case of parents having identical but unrelated names. Well, back to the drawing board!

Thank you Daniel for uploading these images. They are fantastic!

I still wonder if the Angulo family from Atotonilco, Ayo, and Tepa were related to this family.

There was also a Pedro de Angulo who was the prior of the Agustinian Convent in Ayo in the first half of the 1600's. Maybe he is also related?


Dear Daniel,

I was just wondering if you have been able to locate the limpieza de sangre documents for Pedro de Figueroa y Banuelos. Or do you happen to have a reference to help you search for them?

Does anyone happen to know if this Pedro de Figueroa y Banuelos was the son of a homonym and Mariana Temino de Banuelos? Or if both Pedros are the same person and he was married before becoming a priest?

Thanks in advance and best regards,


While looking for documents regarding my ancestors from Nuevo Leon, I happened to find a document that was written by Cristobal Covarrubias son of Francisco Covarrubias and Maria Bermudez. It is a document that also pertains to the Zaldivar family of Zacatecas.

Here it is:

I can't read it too well, and I don't think it really gives any more info than we already know, except that I think it states Maria Bermudez died in Zacatecas. I have no idea why Cristobal talks about his family nor why there are declarations from Francisco Covarrubias in a document for the Zaldivars...


My wife and I both descend from Pedro Joseph Covarrubias. I descend from his first marriage to Maria Manuela Gonzalez Rubio and she descends from his second wife Maria Lizarreras. ( I have seen Maria's surname spelled different ways)

Pedro Joseph is the son of Josef Antonio Covarribias and Ynes Guadalupe Gomez de Mendoza

Josef Antonio Covarrubias is the son of Jose Covarrubias (Junior) and his second wife Leonor Sanchez de Porras on 20/Aug/1725

Leonor is the daughter of Cap.Alejandro Sanchez de Porras and Francisca Alvarez-Tostado de. Luna

Jose Covarrubias (Junior) is the son of Jose Covarrubias (senior) and Leonor Hermosillo (daughter of Pedro Franco de Paredes and Leonor Hermosillo

My brickwall is that I do not have any parents for Jose Covarrubias (senior). I have him b. Circa 1659 and married about 1684 in Jalostotitlan Jalisco, Mexico.

Can anyone help me with Jose Covarrubias's ancestry?


Thank you Alex for the information.

The record also names other people in the household. It names two more Covarrubias, Ysabel and María. There are also Rodas in the same household. I will try to see if I can find a Rodas - Covarrubias connection and see if it can lead to more information.

Thanks again Alex,


Dear Alex,

The census record that you found also led me to the same information connecting the Rodas to the Covarrubias. I believe that your clue has led to a big discovery as to the ancestry of José Covarrubias.

José Covarrubias is the son of Ysabel Covarrubias and Alonso Perez

Ysabel Covarrubias is the daughter of Francisco Covarrubias and Ysabel De Rodas

So there are at least three reasons that we had trouble finding the ancestry of José Covarrubias. First because his mother is the one with the surname Covarrubias, and his father’s surname is Perez. Second factor that contributed to not finding this out earlier is that Ysabel Covarrubias had three husbands. The third and biggest reason that we had trouble with José Cobarrubias ancestry was that we kept trying to find a connection to Contador Francisco Cobarrubias y Quijada but he did not descend from him.

Thank you very much Alex for this important piece to this puzzle.

Rick A. Ricci

Dear Alex,

You presented evidence that the Francisco Cobarrubias married to Ysabel De Rodas is not the son of Francisco Covarrubias y Quijada + Maria Ramirez Bermudez. So the family tree looks like this:

1. Martin Navarrete (de Covarrubias )and Isabel Hernandez (de Logroño)
2. Francisco Covarrubias married to Ysabel De Rodas (daughter of Francisco Solano Calderon and Francisca Jimenez Altamirano)
3. Ysabel De Covarrubias y Rodas + Alonso Pérez
4. José Cobarrubias

The search now continues as we now search for the ancestors of Martin Navarrete (de Covarrubias )and Isabel Hernandez (de Logroño).

Here is what I found on the internet regarding the trail from Navarrete to Loroño:
Logroño a Navarrete is a 13.8 kilometer moderately trafficked point-to-point trail located near Logroño, La Rioja, Spain that features a lake and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, nature trips, and backpacking.


Luigi or the Genealogist,

I notice you mention a Ibarra family. I have a Catalina Ibarra in my tree that's the daughter of Antonio ibarra and Maria de Escobar. Do you know if your ibarras connect to my Ibarras?

Danny C. Alonso


What time period and location are we talking for the couple? Early 1600's they would be in Guadalajara to connect to Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Maria Martinez del Castillo or Isabel Pimentel.


What time period and location are we talking for the couple? Early 1600's they would be in Guadalajara to connect to Francisco Suarez de Ibarra and Maria Martinez del Castillo or Isabel Pimentel.


it's this couple here:

theres no dates but looking at everyone and when they probably were married, i guess maybe they were born around the early 1600s or maybe late 1500s, but i'm not sure. theyre mentioned here on sagrada mitra de gualdalajara:

Teocaltiche. Jal. Enero 2 de 1717. Exp 28 - Dispensa de cuarto grado de
afinidad por cópula lícita.- Francisco de Tejeda Villaseñor. español, vecino de
este pueblo, viudo de Doña María Pérez Gallo; con Doña María Morán de Ledesma.
hija legítima de Antonio Morán de Ledesma y de Doña Antonia Ramírez de Rueda.
españoles y vecinos de esta feligresía. Declaración de Alvaro Carrillo, español
de 62 años de edad: Porque Antonio de Ibarra y Catharina de Ibarra, fueron
hermanos, y Antonio de Ibarra fué bisabuelo de Doña María Morán de Ledesma, que
conoció a María de Ibarra, abuela de la dicha y que conoce a Antonio Morán de
Ledesma, padre de la dicha María Morán de Ledesma, y conoció a Catharina de
Arriola, abuela que fué de María Pérez Gallo, e hija que fué de la dicha
Catharina de Ibarra, y que conoció a Angela de Orozco, hija de Catharina de
Arriola y madre que fué de María Pérez Gallo, mujer que fué de Francisco de
Tejeda. Se otorgó la dispensa en la Ciudad de Guadalajara. en 4 de enero de
1717. 10 fojas.

Danny C. Alonso

Sorry Danny I dont have any info on this family.

Rick unfortunately I'm brickwalled right where you are Re. Joseph Covarrubias.

If this thread is still active, I have some information on these families.


Let me start by saying that I think you are definitely on the right track here. I agree with all of your conclusions thus far. My notes on the Colio family may be of interest to you since they overlap nicely with your research.


I have extracted the following information from “Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano”:

Pedro Diaz del Palmar married Juana Hernandez de Gangas. They were the parents of the Conquistador Diego de Colio, el Viejo (born abt. 1500, Cabrales, Asturias de Oviedo – died aft. 1579). Diego’s positions included: being Encomendero de Ixcatlan “con sus estancias de Guautla y Cocoitlan, jurisdiccion de Copala”; being Alcalde Ordinario de primer voto del Cabildo de Guadalajara y del Cabildo de Compostela; and being Corregidor de los Pueblos de Acatlan, Pixtla, Cuyutlan, Zalatitlan, y Iguala.

Diego de Colio, el Viejo married (abt. 1535) to Catalina de la Torre (daughter of Lic. Diego Perez de la Torre). (Catalina de la Torre also had been previously married to the Conquistador Joan Bernal.) Diego de Colio, el Viejo and Catalina de la Torre had the following children:

1. Dona Maria de Colio y de la Torre (I) ( - died aft. 1579) who married twice. First she married Antono de Aguiar y Saavedra. They had Diego de Aguiar. Maria married second (abt. 1563) Juan Guerra (born est. 1540 – died aft 1589). Juan Guerra’s positions included: being Alcalde Mayor de Guachinango; being Regidor del Cabildo de Guadalajara; and being Corregidor de Nochistlanejo.

Maria de Colio y de la Torre (I) and Juan Guerra had:

Dona Maria de Colio y de la Torre (II) ( - died aft. 1617) who married (abt. 1592) Francisco de Covarrubias y Leyva (born abt. 1543 – died aft. 4 May 1599). They had Dona Tomasina de Covarrubias and Dona Maria de Colio y de la Torre (III) who married Capitan Don Diego de Avila Moscoso.

Francisco Guerra de Colio ( - died aft. 1591) who married Dona Catalina de Berrios. They had Dona Antonia Guerra de Colio who married twice: first (abt. 1620) to Don Juan Gonzalez de Apodacia Rubin, Regidor Perpetuo de Guadalajara ( - died 26 Jul 1629), and second, to her first husband’s uncle, Celedonio Gonzalez de Apodaca ( - died aft. 1660).

Don Hernan Guerra de Colio ( - died aft. 5 Mar 1589)

Children of Diego de Colio, el Viejo and Catalina de la Torre continued:
2. Dona Francisca de Colio y de la Torre
3. Dona Teresa de Colio y de la Torre
4. Diego Garcia de Colio, el Mezo
5. Pedro Gomez de Colio, Arcediano de Guadalajara
6. “y otro hijo fallecio joven en Guadalajara”

You will note that some of these “new” individuals do appear in the [(Capellanias 1649-1851) Capellanias for Pedro Gomez de Colio] even though there relation might not be mapped out, per se.


Some other notes:

There is a Gaspar de Colio ( - died aft.1606) who was either the natural son of Diego de Colio, el Viejo, or the adopted child of Diego Garcia de Colio, el Mezo, or both.

Diego Garcia de Colio, el Mezo’s wife is not mentioned in “Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano” but she may be the daughter, niece, or some other relation of Francisco Ramirez de Alarcon, Oidor, Alcalde Mayor de la Real Audiencia (b. 1521 - d. 1578? or Jan 1581?) who "en 1562 hizo un arreglo con Diego de Colio". Francisco Ramirez de Alarcon was married to Dona Leonor Varaona and they had Andres Ramirez de Alarcon.

As for the confusion of mothers for Elena de Vargas among her later descendants in
[(Capellanias 1649-1851) Capellanias for Pedro Gomez de Colio], I would propose that perhaps Capitan Melchor Vargas Machuca was married twice: at one time to Juana de Colio (daughter of Diego Garcia de Colio, el Mezo, and Ines Ramirez de Alarcon), and at another time to Mariana de Colio (daughter of Francisco de Covarrubias y Leyva and Dona Maria de Colio y de la Torre (II)). This might account for Nicolas de Ibarra’s confusion as to who was his natural grandmother and who was his step-grandmother. Elena must be the daughter of Mariana, and Mariana the daughter of Francisco, which would account for the “Covarrubias” that they sometimes used. Mariana should not be confused with Dona Maria de Colio y de la Torre (III) who was married to Capitan Don Diego de Avila Moscoso.

There is an Esteban de Covarrubias y Colio, son of a Francisco de Covarrubias and a Maria de Colio baptized 11 Apr 1619 in Guadalajara. They are not the same couple we have been talking about since Esteban is described as being the black son of Francisco de Covarubias (a slave of Melchor de Vargas) and his wife Maria de Colio (a Mutlata). Melchor Vargas must have acquired these slaves through his wife Mariana de Colio de Covarrubias who were likewise named after her white Spanish parents Francisco de Covarrubias and Maria de Colio.

According to “Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano” Don Francisco de Covarrubias y Leyva seems to still be alive as of 4 May 1599. The baptism of his daughter Aphonsa in Guadalajara 6 Sep 1600 states that Francisco was dead at this point. This allows us to assume that Don Francisco de Covarrubias y Leyva died between 4 May 1599 and 6 Sep 1600.

As for the relation between Francisco de Covarrubias y Leiva and Diego de Covarrubias y Leiva, Obispo de Segovia, “Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano” describes Francisco as "Deudo de Don Diego de Covarrubias y Leiva, Obispo de Segovia, presidente del consejo Real de Castilla.” Outside of this, I have not spotted any primary sources that describe their relation more specifically than “deudo”. I have seen trees posted where it is assumed that Francisco de Covarrubias’ father Gaspar is a brother to Diego, thus making Diego the uncle of Francisco. However, I am not so sure of this. One would think that if they were this closely related, than Diego and Francisco would have been described more specifically as “sobrino” or “tio” somewhere as opposed to the more general “deudo”. With the “Leiva” being in Francisco de Covarrubias’ name, we may only be able to assume that his father Gaspar may have been a grandchild in some way to Sebastian Martinez de Covarrubias and Maria Gutierrez de Leyva, who were also the grandparents of Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva. This would make Francisco and Diego cousins once removed, which might account for the term “duedo.”
However, I would also like to point out that another cousin once removed of Diego’s was Sebastian de Covarrubias y Orozco. Several of Sebastian’s published books are dedicated to the “memoria del Presidante Don Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva su tio.” Sebastian (or maybe his publishers) used “su tio” even though Diego was really his cousin once removed.

This leads to

The big question:
1. Has anyone seen an original document that specifically describes the relation between Francisco de Covarrubias and the famous bishop Diego de Covarrubias?

I hope there are records out there that can clarify this.

Some other questions:
2. Who is Bernardina de Colio (wife of Rodrigo Gomez Parada) the daughter of?

3. I am assuming that Aldonza de Covarrubias and Agustin de Covarrubias are the children of Francisco de Covarrubias and Maria de Colio y de la Torre (II). Do you agree?

4. Are Aldonza de Covarrubias and Alphonza de Covarrubias the same person?

5. What is the name of Agustin de Covarrubias’ wife?

Thank you very much for your elaborate comment.

I have seen much of the information you have supplied repeated on the internet. I have been searching for primary source documents but have come up with very little.

I am very interested in the ancestry of Juan Guerra, but again have found no documents in my search.

Interesting proposition regarding Melchor Vargas Machuca's possible marriages. Here is a timeline:

1617, Melchor and Mariana are already married as Pedro Vargas Machuca is baptized in Guadalajara on 6 May 1617.

1634, Maria, daughter of Melchor Vargas and Mariana Covarrubias is confirmed (maybe this is Elena??). (Right, middle

1646, Mariana Covarrubias y Colio passes away, legitimate wife of Captain Melchor de Vargas. Son Pedro is mentioned in the record and husband is alive ( Will was written in front of Hernando Enriquez. I checked his protocolos and didn't find it.

So its safe to say Melchor and Mariana were married at least from 1617 - 1646. Elena's first confirmed child was born 1655 and last in 1675. Therefore if she came from a different wife of Melchor's then it had to have been prior to the marriage with Mariana, as from a later marriage she would have been 9 for the first child's birth! The youngest age range for the births in she came from an earlier marriage then would have been 39 - 59. It is possible that Elena could have came from Juana but I think unlikely. The Maria confirmed in 1634 does fit Elena quite nicely!

A more interesting (what I believe to be) erroneous declaration was Diego Herrera's that he was the grandson of Maria de Colio. His mothers name was Catalina Colio Alarcon which lines up much better with him being the grandson of Diego de Colio el Mozo and Ines Ramirez de Alarcon.

I have narrowed Francisco Covarrubias' death even further to Jan 1600 - Sept 1600. Francisco appears as a padrino in a baptism on 13 January 1600 ( and is deceased by the time Alfonza is baptized 6 September 1600 (

I think Maria de Colio, wife of the Contador, may have died in 1620. Search for Maria Colio in Pares and look at the description of "Pleitos de la Audiencia de Guadalajara", Archivo General de Indias ESCRIBANIA, 380A "Bartolomé de la Canal de Lamadrid, oidor de la Audiencia de Guadalajara, con María de Colio, vecina de Guadalajara, sobre paga de los pesos que gastó en reparos que hizo en una casa de dicha María. Fenecido en 1620"

What you say about Francisco Covarrubias y Leyva is spot on to what I'm finding as well. The term "deudo" is found several times in Informaciones: Francisco de Covarrubias. I also have "Diccionario Biografico del Occidente Novohispano" The entry for Layva y Covarrubias, Don Diego de states "Tio (algunas fuentes menos confiables dicen que primo) de Francisco Covarrubias, contador de...." Source being (Fernandez, 2003: 280) I do not know what this source is.

Speculation ahead! We know from Informaciones that Gaspar Covarrubias was born in Covarrubias Spain. Diego Covarrubias y Leyva was born in Toledo according to Wikipedia. Diego's father Alonso was also born in Toledo according to Wikipedia. Other websites place his birth in Covarrubias. Alonso was born in Covarrubias, perhaps Gaspars father and Alonso were brothers. That would make Francisco and Diego, 1st cousins once removed as you said. Again speculation. Gaspar and Margarita were married in Granada. Perhaps a marriage record exists.

Regarding your questions, I wish I had better answers!

1. I have not seen a document other than Informacions using the word "deudo". See images 31, 82, 87, 103, 113, and 124. Was Diego mentioned in the Capellanias?

2. I have no idea, the capellanias are the only mention of her name. Perhaps more info can be uncovered in the original will.

3. I am not positive about Agustins descendancy. There are so many inconsistencies, who knows what is right. Someone much better at Spanish than me should look at and the next image. I think Agustin may have supplied the info (I am not sure) but it looks like he is the brother of Alfonza and Diego and son of Francisco and Maria de Colio. Assuming its true, I agree.

4. Yes because Aldonza and Alphonza are used to describe the daughter of Francisco and Maria.

5. I unfortunately don't know.

I went through all of the documents that were left to go through and no additional info was found. Hernan Guerra de Colio does not mention who his parents are. Infomaciones for Francisco Covarrubias repeats the same info probably 20 times by each witness. It does include info as to where is parents are from but I don't understand it well. Also nothing new in the capellania for Francisco Covarrubias. Images 143 - 179 appear to be a capellania pertaining to Mateo de Pedrosa son of Marcos Pedrosa and Maria de Nava but there is nothing pertaining to the lineages I was discussing in the thread

Diego Covarrubias y Leyva Egas and Gaspar Covarrubias y Leyva Egas are brothers I just posted some of my research on the Covarrubias family under the thread on Toribio Hernandez Arellanos genealogy


Dear David and Alex,

i was hoping to share and discuss my research on the Covarrubias ancestry in person. Are either of you planning on being anywhere near Los Angeles California this summer? Please send me your emails.

Rick A. Ricci