Year 1785 (document Milicias Fresnillo) Huejuquilla El Alto Mentioned in Verso 29

bloque 2 verso 19 (fish drawing):

Another Chart of Militia that shows names of Capitans, towns (Bloque 2, Recto 20).

Capitan Jose Duval - Huejuquilla

Page (bloque 2, recto 28) (bloque 2, verso 28) (bloque 2, rector 34):

Mentions Jose Duval as Capitan De Dragones of Huejuquilla

Huejuquilla mentioned in:

(bloque 2, verso 38)

In (bloque 2, recto 39) describes their uniforms

(bloque 2, recto 45) mentions that of 14 companias of Dragones (militias) 3 were in Huejuquilla, Hacienda Santa Teresa and Congregacion de Cuculiten