¿Alguien tiene cupones adicionales de descuento para pruebas de ADN?

Estimados primos!!
Estoy en busca de un cupon de descuento para las pruebas de ADN de familythreeDNA.

Si alguien pudiera ser tan amable de proporcionarme un código se los agradeceria mcuho.

De antemano muchas muchas gracias!!

Hola Isabel,

Hay un montón de codigos de cupones de FTDNA en la página http://bit.ly/2gJfnKa Hicieron la página para poder compartir los cupones.

Si no lo has hecho espero que tambien vas a participar en el proyecto Nueva Galicia DNA en https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/nueva-galicia-dna/about/background Solo hay que hacer clic en join para cada persona que se va hacer una prueba de ADN.


Armando muchas gracias!!! Rdorigues De Frías me paso cupones y en una oportunidad me pongo a explorar la página para unirme al proyecto... A ver que tal nos va... estoy algo nerviosa :D

Isabel, muchas gracias por considerar unirte al proyecto. Por curiosidad ¿Cuales pruebas vas a comprar? En mi opinion es bastante divertido conocer el ADN de uno, la familia, los parientes, y la gente de la región sea microregión como Los Altos o macroregión como Aguas, Jalisco, y Zacatecas sin importar el tipo de prueba. Pero las que dan mas información son las mas fiables.

Armando, you've mentioned a Proyecto, what is it and to what end does it seek? Are both females and males included in the Proyecto? Thanks, sounds interesting.


Hello Simona. The project is so that we can see the Y-DNA and mtDNA results of different ancestors of ours. You can also join if you have had a Family Finder test but we haven't implemented a way to share the results of participants. It is also useful for people to see if a person has tested and doesn't have a match but sees that people with the same surname have been tested then their lineage is possibly from a different ancestor than the surname or ancestor that they have in their genealogy or the other way around or if the surname is not in the list there is a possibility that they are descendants of the first family in the region with the surname. The exact situation in the first two examples can be determined when enough distant cousins with documented ancestry have tested. That has already happened several times. There are still a lot of surnames that are investigated in this forum that are missing so we need as many people that are willing to participate to do so but there are also a lot of surnames that are in the project already. The project continues to grow a little at a time as people become aware of the project and as people get Y-DNA and mtDNA after initially only getting the Family Finder. There is also an Activity Feed where people can post messages and ask questions. Both females and males are included. Have you or your family members tested with FamilyTreeDNA?


I have taken a test with ancestry.com (is this what you call familyfinder?). I would now like my brother to take the Y-DNA37 (cheapest). I am also thinking of doing the mtDNA.

Here is first reason, I have a 4th greatgrandfather named Domingo Lopes (padres no conocidos) married in Aguascalientes to Clara Antonia de Esparsa (Padres no conocidos)
when Domingo and Clara's daughter marries in 1778 she uses the full name Lopes de la Fuente y Nava.
Clara most likely is a Ruiz de Esparsa and then possibly not.

2nd reason, I have not been able to find the fountain of which my Rodriguez springs from. Rodriguez and Delgado's (I have as grandparents) have a history of marrying to each other's family. I just have not found Juan Manuel Rodriguez married to Petra Alonso married around 1779 possibly aguas or pinos.

So if I understand correctly, your project is to find matches of DNA with the surnames in the area of Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Colima...?

So given the 2 scenarios above, (don't know much about the Y37 for males test just that it traces the males something that is only passed from male to male) would you be able to explain if these tests would be of good or great use? Thanks!


Family Finder is the FamilyTreeDNA equivalent to the AncestryDNA autosomal DNA test. If you had the AncestryDNA v1 test (before May 15, 2016) you can do a $39 transfer to FTDNA. Try it for free before paying. https://www.familytreedna.com/AutosomalTransfer

The mtDNA test would be unlikely to resolve the issue that you mentioned but it tell you if your direct maternal line is Native American, European, Africa, or of another origin. You might even find matches that are significant but the likelihood is very low. The best one is the MT Full Sequence since it test the whole mtDNA.

With Y-DNA you have more of a chance of finding a match to someone with well documented ancestry if you test a male from the lineage that you mentioned. So your father, a male sibling, an uncle, or a close cousin would have to get the test. You can order the test and have it sent to the address of the tester if you don't live near them. Not everyone has matches though but as more people test the chances increase. We still need a lot of people to be tested. So we would be pleased if you were to participate.

You can order a test and join the project at the same time at https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=NuevaGaliciaDNA

Thanks so much for your answer as it makes clear what each test can and cannot do. I will ask a male of the family to do the test and hopefully join your project.