salvador ramires families researches

tryingto find earlier records for salvador ramires or ramirez who had married a woman by the name of pasquala melendes . family search has marriage record 06 February 1681 • San Francisco,Villa De Reyes,San Luis Potosi,Mexico .. their daughter known as rita franca ramires married nicolas de la rosa and had several children including my maria bernarda de jesus de la rosa and places them in or around san luis potosi mexico where can i go or whom i can talk to about the earlier records for these family as i have hit some brick walls and would like to know more about their histories? i have attached the film number in family search records as follows: Film Number 004806532 or is there any books or anything of the relevance i can buy?

Since the couple married in 1681 and the marriage records begin in 1635 you might find the parents marriage record. They were from the Hacienda de Joan Muniz. However, the names are difficult to read.

The Bautimos start 1639 so you might find some other records for the family but it would be image by image. I don't think these records have been indexed as I had to go through many of the records to find my ancestors as they were not indexed 2 years ago.

I just checked the Family History Library catalog, and most, but not all. of the baptism and marriage films have been extracted before about 1885 or so.

The matrimonial investigations, as usual, are not indexed.


This is a difficult area to research. I have ancestors that married there before 1687 and because the informacion matrimonial isn't available im not sure theres a way to go back any further.

Danny C. Alonso

Hola a todos:

En el libro partidos y padrones del obispado de Michoacán de Alberto Carrillo Cázares viene el censo de pobladores de Villa de Reyes.

Sería interesante buscar en los antepasados en las familias de Querétaro, ya que varias ramas de la familia Ramírez de Coy pasaron a otros estados, es posible que se trate de ésta familia porque era muy común casarse entre primos y para hacerlo modificaban los nombres, parte de la familia cambiaba el apellido Ramírez por Roxas, Rojas o Rossas. Hay un Francisco Ramírez nacido a principios del siglo XVII hijo de Juan Ramírez de Coy y de María de Espíndola, vecinos de Querétaro.



salvador ramires parents is looking to be francisco ramirez and or maria cesillia de paneto

"México bautismos, 1560-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), Santiago Martines Melendes, 10 Jul 1713; citing SAN FRANCISCO,VILLA DE REYES,SAN LUIS POTOSI,MEXICO, reference ; FHL microfilm 708,51

pasquala melendes parents may be michaela de la cruz and or leandro melendes time frame for the parents of pasqual is about 1649 roughly. nothing found after that