Document with some interesting names...

I found a visita of Nueva Galicia in 1616.

Here is where it starts:

Seems to be mostly about indians. But I have found mentioned Francisca Suarez de Ibarra, Antonio Siordia, Sebastian Perez de Frias married to an indian, Mateo Sandoval, and Alonso Gomez Garay thus far.

Here is Mateo Sandoval and Alonso Gomez Garay…

You can find the other names between the two images I have linked. My spanish is not so good, so please let me know if anything useful pops out of this!


Great find, Alex. You and I have actually seen this a few years back, though, in a transcribed form (and I think you found it then, too!):

Only a portion is viewable at that link, so this is cool, to have the complete record. It’s from Oct 1616 - around the same time as that document I had found re: Mariana Ortiz, and features several of the same players - including her husband, Alonso Gomez Garay. We also get approximate ages of those who give testimony: Alonso Gomez Garay 40/1576, Luis de Benavides 60/1556, Juan Iniguez 40/1576.

I think this Luis de Benavides is the one married to Maria de Jorge, parents of Juan de Benavides cc Maria de Avila, whose testamento you found. I tentatively have him as son of Luis de Benavides cc Andrea Cortes, who appeared in that inquisicion document I had posted.

Image 129 has Carlos Lomelini named “escribano nombrado” by Andres de Venegas. Juan de Hijar was alcalde mayor, before Andres de Venegas.

Cool stuff, fills in some holes, and in great condition & easy to read. Thanks for sharing!
Manny Diez Hermosillo

Here are some more testigos and place names, from the same visita, pueblo de Juchipila:

Francisco Rangel Palomino 30; alcalde mayor…
Diego Flores de la Torre 48…
Alonso de Velasco 25…
Bernabe de Velasco 20…
Jorge de Alvarado 56…
Encomienda de Diego Flores de la Torre (Juchipila)…
Don Martin Cortes gobernador del pueblo de Xalpa, Juan Martin principal y Diego Phelipe alguacil mayor de Metatabasco…

Manny Diez Hermosillo

HA! I had no idea we had looked at this before! I find myself going over stuff all the time. Oh well, maybe its time I started taking actual notes :)

Thank you for extracting more useful information. Looks like we also narrow down Alonso's death to between 1616 and 1623 with the visita and the Mariana Ortiz document.

Can you help me as to who Juan Benavides and Maria de Avila are? I don't have either of them in my tree. Where did you find them?

I think I understood Mateo Vasquez de Sandoval as having a wife in Sayula? Or maybe he and his wife are from Sayula?


This is the first primary source I have ever seen with his name. The only other sources I know of are 2 books, both don't give a source. So I can't confirm he is Juan M y S's father. I have never seen a name or source for his wife.
