LOMELIN - Ocotlán

Hello: Is there anyone out there who is a male who descends from these ancestors ?:

A. Jose Manuel Lomalin (Becerra) B: Circa 1754 Ocotlan
B. Jose Cayetano Lomelin (Perez) B: April 26, 1780 Ocotlán
C. PEREZ- Juan Antonio Perez de Vargas G: 3/17/1738

I would greatly appreciate it. Our family has been told for generations that our great grandfather was not a Perez, but a Lomelin. It would be helpful to find someone who depended from these ancestors.

Thank you,

S. Medina Perez

Hello S Medina Perez

I'm not male, but I descend from the Lomelin and Perez lines from Ocotlan.

My 6th great uncle was Jose Manuel Lomelin b. Abt 1751 Ocotlan
Married to Maria Ignacia Perez Gonzales
Hijo de Juan Joseph Lomelin y Maria Antonia de la Cruz Becerra (my 6th great grandparents)
His father in law was Juan Antonio Peres de Bargas b. Abt 1738
Their son Calletano De La Cruz Lomelin Perez b. 6 May 1780

I have a lot more Lomelin and Perez from Ocotlan in my tree, maybe I can be of further assistance.

Sandra Perez