Antonio Liendo Senior vs. Junior

This arrival would be for Juan Antonio LIENDO, senior since it is before the birth of the junior. But the time frame seems correct given that you believe the junior was born around 1700. This Antonio LIENDO came unmarried to the new world... Guatemala, which is not quite Nueva Espana but very close and certainly within easy migrating distance to Zacatecas a decade later...

Furthermore, Catalina DE LA ROSA strikes me (gut instinct) as an indigenous name... I have run across many a records with DE LA ROSA and DE LA CRUZ and so forth indicating the person as India/o. Makes sense that they would be assigned such simple, descriptive names instead of really obscure Basque names, etc.

I think you are on the right track about his parents marrying in Zacatecas. If I make it to Salt Lake in October, I will be looking through the informaciones matrimoniales of the 1600s in Zacatecas and will keep an eye open.

Hi Arturo!

THANKS! It does fit the time frame, does it not? If this does turn out to
be my ancestor, the document provides me with the name of another
generation!!! I can't wait to get to the Zacatecas film!! :-)


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Arturo
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Antonio Liendo Senior vs. Junior


This arrival would be for Juan Antonio LIENDO, senior since it is before the
birth of the junior. But the time frame seems correct given that you
believe the junior was born around 1700. This Antonio LIENDO came unmarried
to the new world... Guatemala, which is not quite Nueva Espana but very
close and certainly within easy migrating distance to Zacatecas a decade

Furthermore, Catalina DE LA ROSA strikes me (gut instinct) as an indigenous
name... I have run across many a records with DE LA ROSA and DE LA CRUZ and
so forth indicating the person as India/o. Makes sense that they would be
assigned such simple, descriptive names instead of really obscure Basque
names, etc.

I think you are on the right track about his parents marrying in Zacatecas.
If I make it to Salt Lake in October, I will be looking through the
informaciones matrimoniales of the 1600s in Zacatecas and will keep an eye