Nochistlan siglo XVII Archivos Parroquiales

We just unpacked from storage our copy of:

"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."
Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. This was privately printed in 2001, with more than 400 pages, and thousands of surnames in the index, and "data from Jalostitlan, Lagos de Moreno, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and more."

It sounds similar to the book "Nochistlan Zacatecas - Los Duran, su Parroquia y otras familias antiguas" that Alicia has. If someone has surnames they would like looked up, we'll give it a try. (Sorry, there's no Corbera, I already checked.)

Gloria Delgado


Does anybody know if this book is still available anywhere?

Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."

Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias.


Thank you for checking for Corbera...
Since I joined NuestrosRanchos, I've been "plowing," through papers, some dating back to 1996 that reference Tino's ancestry. I came across a description/listing of the "capitulos," in the book that you mentioned by Vazquez y Frias. I found one that looked promising, and I would appreciate it if you could/would check it out. I've listed it below...

Genealogia de Nochistlan, by Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias
Capitulo 30 Descendencia de Lorenzo Mexia viudo de Ines de Estrada.

Many thanks!

Gloria wrote:
We just unpacked from storage our copy of:

"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."
Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. This was privately printed in 2001, with more than 400 pages, and thousands of surnames in the index, and "data from Jalostitlan, Lagos de Moreno, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and more."

It sounds similar to the book "Nochistlan Zacatecas - Los Duran, su Parroquia y otras familias antiguas" that Alicia has. If someone has surnames they would like looked up, we'll give it a try. (Sorry, there's no Corbera, I already checked.)

Gloria Delgado



I have both books, Jose Luis' book is mostly Geneaology with a couple of indexes one for all the names and one for the chapters.

The other book, Nochistlan Zacatecas has much historical data with a multitude of Duran family trees and groups of families, some census data for 1879, data on the diocese of Guadalajara, a diagram of the original blueprint of the town of Nochistlan. A diagram of the forts and fortifications that existed in May of 1864 during the battle with the French. It has a list of the political leaders of Nochistlan from 1853-1885. It has land owners and deed holders for the year 1876 and the taxes they paid. It lists all the ranchos that belonged to the curate of Nochistlan in July of 1896. Also listed is a list of all the Presbiters from 1619 through 1693.

It also lists some history of El Teul, Apulco, Juchipila, Yahualica, Mexticacan, Teocaltiche, Jalpa, Tlaltenango, Santa Maria de Los Lagos, Tenayuca, Toyahua, Ichipalco and Aguascalientes.
It has an index for the chapters and unlike Jose Luis' book, it does not have an index for all the names that appear in the book which would be really useful for finding a particular name or person.

Deena Ortiz has volunteered to index the names if I photo copy the pages and forward them to her. First I would like to ask Mr Enrique Legaspi, our new member if his copy is an original and if it is, it might have indexed names.

Thanks Gloria,

Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
San Jose, Ca

We just unpacked from storage our copy of:

"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."
Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. This was privately printed in 2001, with more than 400 pages, and thousands of surnames in the index, and "data from Jalostitlan, Lagos de Moreno, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and more."

It sounds similar to the book "Nochistlan Zacatecas - Los Duran, su Parroquia y otras familias antiguas" that Alicia has. If someone has surnames they would like looked up, we'll give it a try. (Sorry, there's no Corbera, I already checked.)


I'd appreciate it if you would check Moctezuma, Navarro, Gabay and Ruiz de Esparza. I've never found an exact birthdate for Petronila de Moctezuma, only the year 1550.

I'm often surprised at the new twists and turns I find on Familysearch. I've entered my ancestor Ana Diez de Equinoa before. But this time I left off the final "a." and came up with entirely different results. I thought Familysearch took into account minor spelling variations.

I see her name also spelled Ana Dias de Equino.

This leads me to believe that Equinoa might today be Aquino. Can any of you with greater expertise in Basque names tell me if this is correct?



Have you had a chance to see Connie Dominguez' files in Nuestros Ranchos database, especially under Simon Ruiz de Esparza. She references all of the above in her genealogies.

Buena Suerte,

I'd appreciate it if you would check Moctezuma, Navarro, Gabay and Ruiz de Esparza. I've never found an exact birthdate for Petronila de Moctezuma, only the year 1550.

I'm often surprised at the new twists and turns I find on Familysearch. I've entered my ancestor Ana Diez de Equinoa before. But this time I left off the final "a." and came up with entirely different results. I thought Familysearch took into account minor spelling variations.

I see her name also spelled Ana Dias de Equino.

This leads me to believe that Equinoa might today be Aquino. Can any of you with greater expertise in Basque names tell me if this is correct?


Alicia, my book is an original i bought in Nochistlan but its not indexed. Enrique

Alicia Carrillo wrote: Gloria,

I have both books, Jose Luis' book is mostly Geneaology with a couple of indexes one for all the names and one for the chapters.

The other book, Nochistlan Zacatecas has much historical data with a multitude of Duran family trees and groups of families, some census data for 1879, data on the diocese of Guadalajara, a diagram of the original blueprint of the town of Nochistlan. A diagram of the forts and fortifications that existed in May of 1864 during the battle with the French. It has a list of the political leaders of Nochistlan from 1853-1885. It has land owners and deed holders for the year 1876 and the taxes they paid. It lists all the ranchos that belonged to the curate of Nochistlan in July of 1896. Also listed is a list of all the Presbiters from 1619 through 1693.

It also lists some history of El Teul, Apulco, Juchipila, Yahualica, Mexticacan, Teocaltiche, Jalpa, Tlaltenango, Santa Maria de Los Lagos, Tenayuca, Toyahua, Ichipalco and Aguascalientes.
It has an index for the chapters and unlike Jose Luis' book, it does not have an index for all the names that appear in the book which would be really useful for finding a particular name or person.

Deena Ortiz has volunteered to index the names if I photo copy the pages and forward them to her. First I would like to ask Mr Enrique Legaspi, our new member if his copy is an original and if it is, it might have indexed names.

Thanks Gloria,

Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo
San Jose, Ca

We just unpacked from storage our copy of:

"Genealogia de Nochistlan, Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII segun sus Archivos Parroquiales."
Author is Jose Luis Vazquez y Rodriguez de Frias. This was privately printed in 2001, with more than 400 pages, and thousands of surnames in the index, and "data from Jalostitlan, Lagos de Moreno, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Teocaltiche, Tepatitlan, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan and more."

It sounds similar to the book "Nochistlan Zacatecas - Los Duran, su Parroquia y otras familias antiguas" that Alicia has. If someone has surnames they would like looked up, we'll give it a try. (Sorry, there's no Corbera, I already checked.)


Thanks Enrique,

Did you find any of your family listed within this book? I found some lateral families of mine but no direct descendants.
How long ago did you buy the book? Do you think it would still be available for sale?


Alicia, my book is an original i bought in Nochistlan but its not indexed. Enrique


Alicia, yes i did find some. I found Legaspi, Frias, Lomeli, Sandoval, Minero, Mejia, Juarez. Ive had the book for 4 years. Its possible that there maybe some books in Nochistlan. I will gladly send you some pics from Nochistlan I recently took. My brothers and I were just in Nochistlan for the "papaqui"s. If you like i did a powerpoint slide show documenting our trip.

Enrique Legaspi Frias

Alicia Carrillo wrote:
Thanks Enrique,

Did you find any of your family listed within this book? I found some lateral families of mine but no direct descendants.
How long ago did you buy the book? Do you think it would still be available for sale?


Alicia, my book is an original i bought in Nochistlan but its not indexed. Enrique


Thanks Enrique,

I would love to see your powerpoint presentation. Too bad you can't make it to the group meeting in July. That would be a great complement to the book's presentation.

Now I'm going to ask a very stupid question but what is "papaqui's? While I was born just outside of Nochistlan, I lived in Mexico up until I was 2½ years of age so I would say my recollection is just about nil.

I have been to Nochistlan a total of 5 times, the first time in 1977, the second time to accompany my mother to her father's funeral in the 80's but the longest and most endearing trip was in September 2004 for las Fiestras Patronales de San Agustin and that was for 2 weeks when we spent it with my Olmos cousins who live in Tlachichila, one is a teacher and the other is a veterinarian. The Olmos are my mom's family and the Duranes are my dad's family and Carrillo is my husband's family. That is why I began doing family research, because aside from my father in-law and his children, we never knew of any other Carrillo family members because they said my father in law had been orphaned when he was young. It turns out he wasn't orphaned but abandoned by both his parents.

Enough of my babbling, I must get to bed now as tomorrow is my dad to go to the family history center.

Hasta Luego,

Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo

Alicia, yes i did find some. I found Legaspi, Frias, Lomeli, Sandoval, Minero, Mejia, Juarez. Ive had the book for 4 years. Its possible that there maybe some books in Nochistlan. I will gladly send you some pics from Nochistlan I recently took. My brothers and I were just in Nochistlan for the "papaqui"s. If you like i did a powerpoint slide show documenting our trip.

Enrique Legaspi Frias

In reply to by oldcar53


Alicia Carrillo wrote:
Thanks Enrique,

I would love to see your powerpoint presentation. Too bad you can't make it to the group meeting in July. That would be a great complement to the book's presentation.

Now I'm going to ask a very stupid question but what is "papaqui's? While I was born just outside of Nochistlan, I lived in Mexico up until I was 2½ years of age so I would say my recollection is just about nil.

I have been to Nochistlan a total of 5 times, the first time in 1977, the second time to accompany my mother to her father's funeral in the 80's but the longest and most endearing trip was in September 2004 for las Fiestras Patronales de San Agustin and that was for 2 weeks when we spent it with my Olmos cousins who live in Tlachichila, one is a teacher and the other is a veterinarian. The Olmos are my mom's family and the Duranes are my dad's family and Carrillo is my husband's family. That is why I began doing family research, because aside from my father in-law and his children, we never knew of any other Carrillo family members because they said my father in law had been orphaned when he was young. It turns out he wasn't orphaned but abandoned by both his parents.

Enough of my babbling, I must get to bed now as tomorrow is my dad to go to the family history center.

Hasta Luego,

Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo

Alicia, yes i did find some. I found Legaspi, Frias, Lomeli, Sandoval, Minero, Mejia, Juarez. Ive had the book for 4 years. Its possible that there maybe some books in Nochistlan. I will gladly send you some pics from Nochistlan I recently took. My brothers and I were just in Nochistlan for the "papaqui"s. If you like i did a powerpoint slide show documenting our trip.

Enrique Legaspi Frias

In reply to by enriquelegaspi


Ernie, there are 9 1/2 pages in Jose Luis Vazquez' Navarro-Moctezuma family genealogy, I'm sending you a scan of the first page. If it is clear, I can scan the remainder for you tomorrow. If it is not clear, I'll have to try a better scanner, since the remaining pages have print that is much smaller. Let me know if this first page is legible. Unfortunately there are no birth dates given for Petronila. She may be my ancestor also, though I'm missing a link or two. Your ancestor is called Maria Ana Diez de Eguinoa in the listing of her daughter Francisca da Gabay.

FamilySearch is sometimes a problem, especially when researching names with interchangeable c's, s's and z's, or a surname like URSUA. FS won't recognize the sounds as similar or interchangeable, eg Orsua, Urzua, Orçua, Horzua. They all require separate searches. We just try all the variations we can think of. Here's one that threw me - VIOA - I finally realized that it was ULLOA! Also occasionally some priests tended to 'feminize' a surname---there will be a list of COLON brothers, but their sisters will be listed as COLONA; or the brothers CASTILLO, their sisters CASTILLA.



This is a general message to the group about attachments in emails. The
way the system is set up there are no attachments allowed in emails as
they will be stripped and the text only will arrive. So what to do????

well if it is something like a picture or scan then go to the Albums
area of the group and if there is an existing folder that your material
would fit in (probably Misc Records and Other) then click on it to open
it and then either create a new subfolder or click on one of the
existing folders. Once this is open then click on "add a photo" and
follow the directions.

That sounded like a lot but it only took two sentences to say (well one
was a run-on wasn't it?). If it really comes down to it and you've tried
and failed then email or me at and I'll upload the files for you.


Gloria wrote:

>Ernie, there are 9 1/2 pages in Jose Luis Vazquez' Navarro-Moctezuma family genealogy, I'm sending you a scan of the first page. If it is clear, I can scan the remainder for you tomorrow. If it is not clear, I'll have to try a better scanner, since the remaining pages have print that is much smaller. Let me know if this first page is legible. Unfortunately there are no birth dates given for Petronila. She may be my ancestor also, though I'm missing a link or two. Your ancestor is called Maria Ana Diez de Eguinoa in the listing of her daughter Francisca da Gabay.
>FamilySearch is sometimes a problem, especially when researching names with interchangeable c's, s's and z's, or a surname like URSUA. FS won't recognize the sounds as similar or interchangeable, eg Orsua, Urzua, Orçua, Horzua. They all require separate searches. We just try all the variations we can think of. Here's one that threw me - VIOA - I finally realized that it was ULLOA! Also occasionally some priests tended to 'feminize' a surname---there will be a list of COLON brothers, but their sisters will be listed as COLONA; or the brothers CASTILLO, their sisters CASTILLA.


Ernie......may I ask which Navarro you are referring to in your message?
Thanks! Josie

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gloria
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Nochistlan siglo XVII Archivos Parroquiales

Ernie, there are 9 1/2 pages in Jose Luis Vazquez' Navarro-Moctezuma family
genealogy, I'm sending you a scan of the first page. If it is clear, I can
scan the remainder for you tomorrow. If it is not clear, I'll have to try a
better scanner, since the remaining pages have print that is much smaller.
Let me know if this first page is legible. Unfortunately there are no birth
dates given for Petronila. She may be my ancestor also, though I'm missing
a link or two. Your ancestor is called Maria Ana Diez de Eguinoa in the
listing of her daughter Francisca da Gabay.

FamilySearch is sometimes a problem, especially when researching names with
interchangeable c's, s's and z's, or a surname like URSUA. FS won't
recognize the sounds as similar or interchangeable, eg Orsua, Urzua, Orçua,
Horzua. They all require separate searches. We just try all the variations
we can think of. Here's one that threw me - VIOA - I finally realized that
it was ULLOA! Also occasionally some priests tended to 'feminize' a
surname---there will be a list of COLON brothers, but their sisters will be
listed as COLONA; or the brothers CASTILLO, their sisters CASTILLA.



Thanks to the patients and help from Joseph, Deena, and Alicia I am S L O W
L Y getting around. I finally found the new home for Ranchos and saw that
you had information for one of my names.
I am researching;Anselma Rodriguez who was married to Epifanio Ramirez.
They married mar.1878 Nochistlan,Zac,Mexico.
his parents were Rogelio Ramirez and Estanisla DURAN. Does your packet have
anything on them? I sure appreciate everyone being so helpful. I do have
some infor I can share if I knew what to do with it.
thank you



anytime you need help just email and one
of us will do our best to assist you.

Now as far as getting your genealogy onto the site tell me what form its in:

is it in a genealogy program like PAF or Family Tree Maker?

is it information that you have put on paper only?

is it written into an email or word file?

if you email me at I'll be glad to help you get your
folder in order and your information put into your folder.

email me at and I'll try to help,


beelieve wrote:

> Thanks to the patients and help from Joseph, Deena, and Alicia I am S L O W
>L Y getting around. I finally found the new home for Ranchos and saw that
>you had information for one of my names.
> I am researching;Anselma Rodriguez who was married to Epifanio Ramirez.
>They married mar.1878 Nochistlan,Zac,Mexico.
>his parents were Rogelio Ramirez and Estanisla DURAN. Does your packet have
>anything on them? I sure appreciate everyone being so helpful. I do have
>some infor I can share if I knew what to do with it.
>thank you


I have just added my name to some of the existing film numbers for Momax, Jerez, Atolinga, and Tlaltenango which I have on long term.

Since I live within walking distance (not that I would walk it!!!) to the Family History Center I would be happy to make hard copies of any records members would find with "batch numbers", and send you the copy.

I have about 21 films for Tlaltenango, 9 for Momax, and 1 each for Jerez, and Atolinga.

I have 6 films of death records, and 3 baptisms without batch numbers for Tlaltenango. If I am able to find those batch numbers, then I will add these films to the list.

Currently, I am at a "brick wall" with my research so,
if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Saludos, Helyn

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.


Santos, with viewing the films for Tlaltenango, do you recall seeing a reference to Iglesia de Santo Tomas Apostol de Momax? My father-in-law's birth record has the following information, but I've been unable to locate the film for this parish so that I can located birth records of his siblings.

Time frame: 1894
Rancho de Los Pintos...
En la Capilla de Momax, ayuda de Parrouquia de Tlaltenango.

Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,
Pat Silva Corbera

Santos Luna wrote:
I have just added my name to some of the existing film numbers for Momax, Jerez, Atolinga, and Tlaltenango which I have on long term.

Since I live within walking distance (not that I would walk it!!!) to the Family History Center I would be happy to make hard copies of any records members would find with "batch numbers", and send you the copy.

I have about 21 films for Tlaltenango, 9 for Momax, and 1 each for Jerez, and Atolinga.

I have 6 films of death records, and 3 baptisms without batch numbers for Tlaltenango. If I am able to find those batch numbers, then I will add these films to the list.

Currently, I am at a "brick wall" with my research so,
if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Saludos, Helyn

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.


Sorry, Helyn, it's no wonder I couldn't find the films that you referred to, I was looking for Santos Luna in Ranchos... Back to the drawing board... sorry for the error. Pat

Santos Luna wrote:
I have just added my name to some of the existing film numbers for Momax, Jerez, Atolinga, and Tlaltenango which I have on long term.

Since I live within walking distance (not that I would walk it!!!) to the Family History Center I would be happy to make hard copies of any records members would find with "batch numbers", and send you the copy.

I have about 21 films for Tlaltenango, 9 for Momax, and 1 each for Jerez, and Atolinga.

I have 6 films of death records, and 3 baptisms without batch numbers for Tlaltenango. If I am able to find those batch numbers, then I will add these films to the list.

Currently, I am at a "brick wall" with my research so,
if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Saludos, Helyn

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.


Any questions on the films, do not hesitate to ask.
Saludos, Helyn

Patricia Corbera wrote:
Sorry, Helyn, it's no wonder I couldn't find the films that you referred to, I was looking for Santos Luna in Ranchos... Back to the drawing board... sorry for the error. Pat

Santos Luna wrote:
I have just added my name to some of the existing film numbers for Momax, Jerez, Atolinga, and Tlaltenango which I have on long term.

Since I live within walking distance (not that I would walk it!!!) to the Family History Center I would be happy to make hard copies of any records members would find with "batch numbers", and send you the copy.

I have about 21 films for Tlaltenango, 9 for Momax, and 1 each for Jerez, and Atolinga.

I have 6 films of death records, and 3 baptisms without batch numbers for Tlaltenango. If I am able to find those batch numbers, then I will add these films to the list.

Currently, I am at a "brick wall" with my research so,
if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
Saludos, Helyn

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.


Thank you for baring with me and my lack of computer skills.
I was sharing with Deena that I have a copy of a copy of a copy and on and
on of my ggmothers death cert. I dont know how to scan and copy ( I tried)
but if you have a fax and could use the info. I would love to fax it to you.
If not I will just write down all this info untill I learn more about
computers or for another fam. member to carry on at a later time . Thanks



Si se refiere al libro, Nochistlan Zacatecas, Su Parroquia, Los Duran y otras
familias antiguas. Un estudio historico e genealogico, escrito por el Ingeniero,
Jesus Duran R.

Ese libro esta fuera de imprenta desde hace muchos años. Quizas se puede ver en
una biblioteca por World Cat.


From: ""
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 5:19:41 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] libro los duran .su parroquia y otras familias
antiguas .

Rafael Jauregui alguien sabe donde podria comprar este libro tuve la oportunidad
de mirarlo esta mull interesante sobre todo para mi que soll un aficionado a la
geneologia cualquer informacion fabor mandar a grasias