document attached

I got this when an article about me was in somos primos. I think it is
the work of Salvador Cabral Valdes. I have attached it.

Where is it? marge:)
On May 3, 2006, at 9:06 PM, George Luna wrote:

> Arturo,
> I got this when an article about me was in somos primos. I think it is
> the work of Salvador Cabral Valdes. I have attached it.
> George

The Nuestros Ranchos group is currently configured to not allow
attachments. If the members have something that they would like to share
with the group you need to go into "create content" and if its a scanned
article then pick the "Acidfree Media" and put the content in an album.

Then you can send in your email siting the location (URL Please) of the


Margarita Vallazza wrote:

>Where is it? marge:)
>On May 3, 2006, at 9:06 PM, George Luna wrote:
>>I got this when an article about me was in somos primos. I think it is
>>the work of Salvador Cabral Valdes. I have attached it.