I just found Worldconnect and discovered my files there! I didn't know I sent them.. Do the sites share information since I did sent these files to Ancestryfamily Tree. This was a surprise to me but I'm glad there is more than one place my files can be accessed.
a surprised Linda in B.C.
Linda, you got it. I think the URL is Rootsweb.worldconnect.com. And yes, I do my family trees using the Ancestry Family Tree online program. I don't have a genealogy software program like PAF, Family Tree, etc on my computer. I use the online program that is on Ancestry.com which holds all those files in their servers (that way if someone steals my computer or it crashes, my trees are safe, plus the public can view them anytime, and I can edit them, update them anytime, etc). And yes, Ancestry Family Tree loads onto Rootsweb's WorldConnect site. Also anyone can upload their gedcoms directly to WorldConnect through Rootsweb ("keeping genealogy free").
The Ancestry Family Tree program is very user friendly, isn't it? However, one has to be careful when setting up new trees not to do so on their One World Tree. That only goes to their program that can only be viewed if you are a subscriber to that part of Ancestry.com, and it is very different than Ancestry Family Tree that loads the trees onto WorldConnect. The OWT only shows the trees in the pedigree chart format, but I like to choose the Ahnentafel view when sending a link to my tree to people. That is the view that is on the link on my Nuestros Ranchos files.
I am a subscriber to Ancestry.com, but I don't subscribe to all their databases. I resent the fact that they are buying up all the genealogy databases that were formerly free on the internet or available from genealogical societies or churches and cemeteries and charging for them individually or by making people subscribe to their "packages". I also have no intention of subscribing to their British Isles databases packages. I will never use them. If I want to help my friends of British or Irish or German descent with their research, I use the Ancestry.com at the local FHC which does subscribe to all their databases.
Yes, I saw your trees on WorldConnect some time ago, since there is an Olague on there (that was my maiden name) and the search brought up your trees. I had asked you about it, but you didn't seem to remember that tree.
Did you move from Everett to B. C. recently?
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Okay now I feel like a real dummy.. I did not know Roots, Worldconnect and Ancestry.com were all connected! Where have I been!
Linda Castanon-Long
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Yes, Linda, you got it again. MyFamily.com (based in Utah) does business as Ancestry.com, Genealogy.com, etc. They have been buying up as much of the genealogy information that anyone has out there and are now setting up all that info that was formerly free into databases sold as packages (Census, Military, Immigration, etc., British Isles, etc). If you do searches on many of the formerly independent genealogy websites, you will see that more and more of them have come under the umbrella of MyFamily.com and that they all link you to the Ancestry.com website that brings up a page telling you you must subscribe in order to view that information you asked for on your search! They are into money, not genealogy!
I do wish they would give the Arizona Catholic Dioceses an offer they couldn't refuse, since those bishops won't let the LDS church microfilm their records, and I would love to have that information online like FamilySearch.com does. Other dioceses in Texas have refused to let the LDS microfilm their records. Maybe they will cave in when the offer is just too good to refuse. That is why so many genealogical resources are selling their information to Ancestry.com. Some genealogical societies and churches need money, so they sell what they can to the highest bidder. For example, I was so looking forward to one entity's publishing their cemetery records only to find out that they will sell it to Ancestry.com when the project is complete. Bummer. Ancestry has found the golden goose, and we will pay.
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Emilie I do remember you asking abt your Olague family from Jerez but I didn't realize where you got the information. We did move from Everett Wa. to Gold River, Vancouver Island when my husband retired 2 weeks ago.. The nearest history center is in Campbell River which is just too far away, almost 1 1 /2 hours away through a national park with winding, 2 lane roads. I have 6 months to concentrate on recording the records I tried to accumulate when I found out we were going to be so far from a history center. We will be going stateside in Oct. for 6 months.. we're snow birds..
Using online services like Ancestry.com to record and preserve records is a good idea. I know many people don't like to share but I figure if I can help someone else who doesn't have the time or resources to find their family then I've done something good by sharing. I was not aware that LDS paid anyone for recording and preserving records. Considering what the condition is of some records one would think any church or program would be glad to have another source to preserve them.. go figure!
thank you for the info, Linda in B.C.
Emilie Garcia
Yes, Linda, you got it again. MyFamily.com (based in Utah) does business as Ancestry.com, Genealogy.com,
I do wish they would give the Arizona Catholic Dioceses an offer they couldn't refuse, since those bishops won't let the LDS church microfilm their records, and I would love to have that information online like FamilySearch.com does. Other dioceses in Texas have refused to let the LDS microfilm their records. Maybe they will cave in when the offer is just too good to refuse. That is why so many genealogical resources are selling their information to Ancestry.com. Some genealogical societies and churches need money, so they sell what they can to the highest bidder. For example, I was so looking forward to one entity's publishing their cemetery records only to find out that they will sell it to Ancestry.com when the project is complete. Bummer. Ancestry has found the golden goose, and we will pay.
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Linda, I meant to say that Ancestry.com, not LDS, is paying people for their databases or for records they have transcribed even before they finish their transcribing projects, such as the burial records of that one church. As for some Catholic Dioceses that won't cooperate, yes, their records are in terrible shape and will soon be lost since they won't preserve them nor let anyone else do it. I was just hoping that Ancestry.com would come up with enough money to break the resistance of the bishops that are contrary to letting their old records be microfilmed or transcribed for the internet. However, the powers that be at the dioceses would ask a lot, since they have the money to preserve the records if they wanted to, they are just not into genealogy and may be leery of handing over records to LDS due to the use of the information to "seal" more souls in the LDS temples.
As for sharing info on WorldConnect, yes, it works both ways. I know that some people might just take my info and tack it onto theirs without doing their own research, but since our e-mail addresses appear on WorldConnect, I also get contacted frequently by people who want more information and who in turn help me get more information. I wish people would realize this, and not hoard their info for that "book" they are going to publish someday and hopefully make a mint on. I am into genealogy, not money or something else.
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Worldconnect site