Need help!

I need help finding an old posting regarding using a mini tripod to take a
digital photo of contents on a microfilm while doing research......does
anyone remember who posted this info? All I can remember is that it sounded
great but now I cannot find the posting in the archives. If anyone knows
what I am talking about, please enlighten me~!


Josie in San Antonio

Thank you, Arturo! I will try this method next week when I go to the local
FHC library......Josie in San Antonio

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of arturoramos
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Digital Camera for Film Images

That discussion about using a digital camera and tripod to photograph film
images was begun by me and Joseph contributed some information, including
photos of the setup he uses, including a white paperboard to adjust for the
"tilt" on the film viewers.