San Miguel el Alto, Jalisco records: research Digest, Vol 11, Issue 8

Hello Maureen,
I have ancestors from San Miguel El Alto & Jalostotitlan too. I
have found that sometimes I find them in Jalostotitlan records and
vice-a-versa. You might look into Jalostotitlan for that time period.
One Jalos film even had a separate section from San Miguel. I searched
far & wide for a marriage record for my GGGG Grandparents from Jalos--I
found them in San Miguel. I would check that before looking for
Confirmation records since it seems those have so little info. San
Miguel & Jalos are pretty close to each other.
Irma Gomez Gtz.
Northern Calif.

The LDS gave me an answer on the missing files from 1865 San Miguel El
Alto. They said that either they had been overlooked or had been
destroyed, but that I may write the church to see if they might have the
missing 1865 records. She said I might also try the civil records, but
the civil records did not start until after 1865! For those of you
looking for records in San Miguel El Alto, please be aware that the film
for baptisms 1865 is not complete. Only the first six months of 1865
are contained on the film. LDS said I might also try confirmations.

Now for my questions. Does anyone know how or where to request
historical records from the parish of San Miguel El Alto? Is there a
cost involved and how much? If there is a cost, will an international
money order work to send funds? I have sent for records in the States
and also in the UK, but never for Mexico. Since my Spanish is limited
at best, is there a form in Spanish that I may use? Last but not least,
at what age were confirmations done in Mexico?

Thank you for any help. My aim is to track down Julian Alviso where
ever he may be hiding! He is pretty good at this hide and seek game.
Sooner or later he has to get tired of playing and come out of hiding.


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:57:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Erlinda Castanon-Long
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sending for Records from San Miguel El
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Maureen, I found the comfirmation records from Jerez Zacatecas good only
for finding names, no age's or locations of birth. I've found 2 year
olds and 40 year olds confirmed the same day. It appears from the older
records the priest or bishop came from Zacatecas City and did everyone
who wanted confirmation every few years. In fact some records read they
were confirmed in the morning and others in the afternoon.. huge mass
comfirmations. I hope your city gives you more information than mine
did.. but then again, I'll gladly take whatever I can get!
Linda in Everett

Maureen Bejar wrote:

The LDS gave me an answer on the missing files from 1865 San Miguel El
Alto. They said that either they had been overlooked or had been
destroyed, but that I may write the church to see if they might have the
missing 1865 records. She said I might also try the civil records, but
the civil records did not start until after 1865! For those of you
looking for records in San Miguel El Alto, please be aware that the film
for baptisms 1865 is not complete. Only the first six months of 1865 are
contained on the film. LDS said I might also try confirmations.

Now for my questions. Does anyone know how or where to request
historical records from the parish of San Miguel El Alto? Is there a
cost involved and how much? If there is a cost, will an international
money order work to send funds? I have sent for records in the States
and also in the UK, but never for Mexico. Since my Spanish is limited at
best, is there a form in Spanish that I may use? Last but not least, at
what age were confirmations done in Mexico?

Thank you for any help. My aim is to track down Julian Alviso where ever
he may be hiding! He is pretty good at this hide and seek game. Sooner
or later he has to get tired of playing and come out of hiding.