Hi everyone,
I am new here so bear with me if I ask to many questions... I joined the group about 2 weeks ago and put out 4 surnames that I am researching... and I want to thank those that answered me... I am reading the information that you are sending among yourself's and getting a general idea how the group works...
I am researching in and around Fresnillo in Zacatecas, the surnames that I am very interested in right now, are:
Arroyo----------- (my Grandmother's father)
Hernandez----- (my Grandmother's mothers maiden name)
What do I need to do or where can I go to find these surnames... or is there anyone in the group that has any surnames of Arroyo or Hernandez... I have the names of their spouses...which may led us to a family link.
Welcome again Marty,
Just a quick note about how the group works. There are three lists.
Research, General, and Announce.
research@nuestrosranchos.org is for talking about our target area
(Jalisco, Zacatecas, and/or Aguascalientes) research. So that one would
be a good one for your message [Notice I changed it over from "general"
where you posted it to the research list].
general@nuestrosranchos.org is for general genealogy talk that is not
necessarily within our target area but I'm not going to go so far as to
say that it is for just a continuous and total discussion outside our
area. I would eventually like discussion outside our area to be taken to
private email but you'll have to use your own judgment as to when that
is appropriate. The recent discussion about the Zaldivar's is a good
example. Welester had a gut feeling that his Zaldivar's were from
Zacatecas and he and Esther seem to have worked toward the goal of
bringing that line back from Nuevo Leon to Zacatecas. Our group is for
Jalisco, Zacatecas, and/or Aguascalientes and the general group allows
for some flexibility but keep it in mind that our group is about
Jalisco, Zacatecas, and/or Aguascalientes.
annouce@nuestrosranchos.org is for announcements.
I said that only to say that everyone on the list especially those that
have been around for awhile should "try" to post to the appropriate list
depending on the subject of the discussion.
Marty's genealogy file can be found at:
Marty one of the ways that has been beneficial to many in the group for
finding information is your local Family History Center which is part of
the LDS church. You don't have to be a member of the church to use the
FHC and you can find information about the location closest to you at:
You can also find information about what films to order and even some
descriptions of what is on those films. [Note: even if you find
information on the internet you still need to order the films and
confirm for yourself that this indeed your family].
well it is best if you find the location close to you and pay them a
visit and ask lots of questions about how to find and order films for
Fresnillo, Zacatecas.
So you order a film or two and you can only view the film at the FHC and
you will roll the film in search of your family records either baptism,
marriage, death, confirmation, census, etc.
If you need help finding your closest FHC let me know or just ask on the
list or you could just look in the phonebook for your local LDS church
and ask them where the closest one is, but like I said you will find a
complete list of them at www.familysearch.org
don't be shy to ask your questions. . .ask away.
Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)
Marty wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am new here so bear with me if I ask to many questions... I joined the group about 2 weeks ago and put out 4 surnames that I am researching... and I want to thank those that answered me... I am reading the information that you are sending among yourself's and getting a general idea how the group works...
> I am researching in and around Fresnillo in Zacatecas, the surnames that I am very interested in right now, are:
> Arroyo----------- (my Grandmother's father)
> Hernandez----- (my Grandmother's mothers maiden name)
> What do I need to do or where can I go to find these surnames... or is there anyone in the group that has any surnames of Arroyo or Hernandez... I have the names of their spouses...which may led us to a family link.
> Thanks
> Marty
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How the Group Works: was-Newbee