Looking for any information to huizar family name in aguascalientes. I have extensive info on Huizar family related to Pedro Huizar in eeuu. any info would be great! thank you!
I have a Huizar in my tree who is my gg grandmother, have not been able to
find any info on her; what I have is this:
Maria Huizar
DOB Estamated 1859-give or take 5 years
DOD Unknown; may have moved and died in Los
Angeles, CA
Married: Cristobol Hernandez
Children: At least 2 females that is known of, one by the
name of Zenona Hernandez, born in 1879, she
moved from Fresnillo, Zac, Mx. and died in
L.A., CA.. in 1927. The 2nd siblings name is
unknown, it is beleived that she also left Mexico
and lived in L.A, and that Maria Huizar lived
with her.
I can come forward from Zenona (Huizar) Hernandez, but I have not been able
to find anything on Maria Huizar and Cristobol Hernandez, except that they
were maternal grandparents to Zononas' siblings. All of Zononas' siblings
claim they were born in Fresnillo, and I have proof that at least 2 of them
----- Original Message -----
From: "michael huizar"
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] michael huizar
> Looking for any information to huizar family name in aguascalientes. I
> have extensive info on Huizar family related to Pedro Huizar in eeuu. any
> info would be great! thank you!
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michael huizar