What is the differnce between Informacion Matrimonial films and regular Matrimonio films?
The regular matrimonio films simply have the information regarding the relevant dates and identifying the persons.... thus at most it will have the dates on which the "amonestaciones" were done, the date of the desposamiento and the date of the velacion. The "contrayentes" are named and if you are lucky so are their places of origin and parents' names.
The informacion matrimonial is the documentation that priests had to collect in order to ensure that the couple was eligible to be married. Thus they had to get statements from each of the persons stating that they were either single or widowed, that they were getting married out of their own free will and verification from the couple or others that there were no impediments to their marriage, including being relatives within three degrees.
Thus the informacion matrimonial tends to have a lot more detail as far as genealogical information is concerned. If there is any doubt about the relationship between the couple, there is usually a lengthy discussion of genealogical information. Basically the priest would collect testimonies, etc. and if there was an impediment, these would be sent to the bishop to ask for a dispensation. These are the dispensations that appear in Luz Montejano's Sagrada Mitra book.
The problem with the informacion matrimonial is that it is not standardized, is often multiple pages per entry and not necessarily chronological so it is harder to use than the short entries in chronological order in the registro de matrimonio books... not to mention that the latter are indexed.
I hope this helps. Let us know if you have nay other questions.
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Informacion Matrimonial: When a couple decided to marry, they were required to petition the church for permision to marry. The bride (La Pretensa) and groom (El Pretenso) along with their respective character witnesses (Testigos) would appear before the Priest and make sworn statements about who they were, their parents, where they were from, where they originated, etc. The witnesses would vouch for the individuals, who were the parents, how long they had known the couple, etc. Reasons for the scrutiny were several which included; to prevent close family intermarriages, first cousins etc., to provide for protection of properties, land grants, and that the marriage was of mutual consent between families. This could precede the marriage by several weeks or months. Once the Church was satisfied as to the proper status of the couple permission was granted and the wedding announcement (Bands of Marriage) were made and the wedding took place.
Regular Matrimonio films are the records of the actual weddings, listing the couple, their parents and all the rest of the information required at the time.
Hope I answered your question.......
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arturoramos wrote:
> The regular matrimonio films simply have the information regarding the relevant dates and identifying the persons.... thus at most it will have the dates on which the "amonestaciones" were done, the date of the desposamiento and the date of the velacion.
I've seen examples of a marriage record on one page and then another
seemingly exact record a few pages later. I didn't examine the record
closely at the time but would you guess that one might be the the
wedding record and the other might be the record on the date of the
velacion? Are there books of records devoted to only the Velaciones?
Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)
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Informacion Matrimonial