Digest Version

As of late there have been a lot of messages to the group. Just as a
reminder. You can always manage your account by "logging in" and then to
"my account" and click on "edit" then to "my mailing lists" and then
change your email delivery from "all mail" to "digest" which will mean
that instead of getting many individual emails everyday you'll get one
large email with all that days activity within. If you really have to
you can also choose "no mail" which means you'll have to go to the site
periodically to catch up on what has been going on in the group. But I
would say that you shouldn't select "unsubscribe" for obvious reasons
unless you plan to leave the group.




Joseph Puentes
http://H2Opodcast.com (Environment Podcast)
http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History)