Dispensation Records - Bishphoric Marriage Records

The film below is from the Sagrada Mitra at the bishphoric of
Guadalajara and is the same series of marriage films that Luz
Montejano based her book on. Thus I would imagine it would have
similar information, i.e. all of the testimony and evidence and then
the letter that went out to the parrish priest granting the

So this would be different than what you would find at the parrish
level for the same marriage. You just have to cross your fingers that
the marriage is on that film as there appears to be no others for the
year in question... strange because for years just before and after
there are multiple films per year.... I imagine by that time the
population of the bishphoric had grown tremendously. They must have
had dedicated staff just to process the volume of dispensations

> Arturo, I do have the marriage and the marriage information records for this couple, it's the actual dispensation record I'm looking for in the hopes that it names the trunk that would take me back another generation on my branch of the Caldera family. Any idea what film that would be? I have never ordered a film for actual dispensations and didn't know they existed. I always thought the information record and dispensation record were one and the same!
> Boy we do learn on this site!
> thank you, Linda
> arturoramos wrote:
> Linda:
> We got a bit off topic but I was rereading your message about you trying to find the marrige dispensation for the coupe Santiago Saldivar and Juliana Caldera. They were married in 1853, just three years before the new bishphoric of Zacatecas was formed so their dispensation would have been given by the bishop of Guadalajara.
> While Luz Montejano stopped extracting around 1750, the dispensation records for later years are filmed. For some reason there are no films for 1853 however other than possibly:
> Matrimonios 1829-1830, 1850-1860, 1896 (faltan a?os) FHL INTL Film
> 168670

Arturo, I answered my own question.. I looked up the Guadalajara records and see what you're talking about. I will order the film and see what comes of it!
thank you for another chance to find these elusive ancestors.

Erlinda Castanon-Long wrote:
Arturo, when I order this film > Matrimonios 1829-1830, 1850-1860, 1896 FHL INTL Film 168670, is it Guadalajara, Jalisco or does it read bishphoric of Guadalajara Jalisco? I'm not familiar with these films..
