Anyone going to Salt Lake?

Is anyone going to Salt Lake anytime soon? I will be starting school so wont have as much time to do research as I do in summer or vacations. I would appreaciate if someone is going that they could look up somethings. I need someone to look at Bautismos de hijos legítimos 1724-1747 - FHL INTL Film [ 640150 ]
in Cienega de Mata, Jalisco, Mexico. I trying verify my Diaz de Tiscareno line. If these records contain the grandparents im looking for then I can connect to Lope Ruiz de Esparza and Moctezuma II. I have the rest from 1500-1705, I just need someone to verify it for me. Here are my records that someone can use to find the children and verify the grandparents. I need a verification for at least one of them that the parents of Nicolas de Tiscareno (b. 1705) are in fact Diego de Tiscareno and Luisa de Aguilera. I would be eternally grateful to this person because it would be my first line back to Spain. If anyone ever needs help with anything, I will be at your service. You can use this to hopefully at least one will have the grandparents. And if possible at least scan one copy that contain the grandparents. Hopefully someone is going soon! -Daniel Mendez del Camino

Diaz de Tiscareno Family (Only the Baptized in Cienega de Mata)
Father: Nicolas (Diaz) de Tiscareno Mother: D(L)eonicia de la Pedrosa
Nicolas Miguel 23 Jan 1734 Cienega de Mata
Phelipe Xil 10 Jun 1736 Cienega de Mata
Jose Manuel Pheliciano 24 Jun 1732 Cienega de Mata
Joseph Maria del Ascencion 25 Oct 1744 Cienega de Mata
Gertrudis 29 Apr 1742 Cienega de Mata