Hi Bill,
Do you mind telling me where in Aguascalientes did you buy the books mentioned, i will be in Aguascalientes in about 10 days,
Thank you
Anna Arellano Smith
----- Original Message ----
From: Bill Figueroa
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 5:39:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Message for Hector Felix, et al.
In your message of October 19th you stated that you're a descendant of
Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco. I'm not related, but I have an
interest in this family because of its connection with other families in
the region, more specifically to Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Geronimo de Orosco. They lived in Aguascalientes. Here
is some information about Geronimo de Orosco from the book "Los Españoles en
Aguascalientes durante la época colonial - Origen, desarrollo e influencia
de una minoría" (1st Ed. 2002 pp. 51) by Prof. Jesús Gómez Serrano of the
University of Aguascalientes:
"La influencia ejercida por los inmigrantes en el incipiente pero crucial
desarrollo que se observa en la región de Aguascalientes durante la segunda
mitad del siglo XVI puede detectarse también de otras maneras. Si aceptamos
el valor de los símbolos en la historia, tendremos que conceder gran
importancia al hecho de que la cédula de fundación de la villa de
Aguascalientes haya sido firmada por el vasco Gerónimo de Orozco. En
diciembre de 1574, cuando Orozco asumió la presidencia de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, recibió del rey instrucciones muy precisas en el sentido de
fortalecer la defensa de la frontera norteña. El mismo, como funcionario de
la Audiencia de México, había recorrido el camino que conducía a las minas
de Zacatecas, constatando la fragilidad de las rutas y los daños, muertes y
robos que hacían los indios chichimecos. Gerónimo de Orozco y su hermano
Juan Bautista, quien lo antecedió en el gobierno de la Audiencia de
Guadalajara, desempeñaron un papel fundamental en la colonización defensiva
de la frontera norteña."
And from the book "Encomenderos y Hacendados 1534-1650" (I don't remember
the name of the author, but can look it up if you'd like):
"Uno de los carreteros mas activos entre 1615 a 1622 fue Gerónimo de Orozco,
descendiente de los primeros pobladores y conquistadores de la Villa de
Aguascalientes, heredó de su abuela doña María de Ortega sitios de ganado
mayor. Los hijos de Gerónimo de Orozco y Angela de Velasco fueron 3 hombres
y 3 mujeres (...)
Apparently the Gerónimo the Orosco that lived in Aguascalientes was the son
of the Governor of the Audiencia de Guadalajara. I'm still not convinced
but I know that they were an important family in early Aguascalientes.
Angela de Temiño y Velasco was a native of the "Villa de los Lagos" in
Jalisco. Any information about the connection between the Angela de Velasco
married to Sancho de Rentería, and Angela Temiño de Velasco (aka Angela de
Velasco) married to Gerónimo de Orosco will be appreciated.
Bill Figueroa
Hi Anna,
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the bookstore where I bought
"Los Españoles en Aguascalientes durante la época colonial" but will retrive
the box where I filed the receipts from my 2006 trip and let you know later.
The bookstore is located in "El Parian", a well known shopping area in
Aguascalientes. You can also buy local history books at the University of
Aguascalientes, where they probably have a better selection.
I've been trying to figure out whether I bought "Encomenderos y Hacendados
1534-1650" in Aguascalientes or in Guadalajara. I'll let you know later.
Have you been in Aguascalientes before? Do you know your way around the
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Hi Bill,
I have been in Aguascalientes before but i can't say that i know my way around, but i have a map.
Anna Arellano Smith
----- Original Message ----
From: Bill Figueroa
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 11:15:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco
Hi Anna,
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the bookstore where I bought
"Los Españoles en Aguascalientes durante la época colonial" but will retrive
the box where I filed the receipts from my 2006 trip and let you know later.
The bookstore is located in "El Parian", a well known shopping area in
Aguascalientes. You can also buy local history books at the University of
Aguascalientes, where they probably have a better selection.
I've been trying to figure out whether I bought "Encomenderos y Hacendados
1534-1650" in Aguascalientes or in Guadalajara. I'll let you know later.
Have you been in Aguascalientes before? Do you know your way around the
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Hi Anna,
Below is the address for the bookstore where I bought "Los Españoles en
Aguascalientes durante la época colonial". I couldn't find the receipt, but
it'll be easy to find with this information.
The mall is known as "El Parián" and is located at the intersection of
"Francisco Rivero y Gutiérrez" and "Morelos" (Zona Centro). It is a 15
minute walk from the main plaza, the Cathedral and the Palacio Municipal.
Although everybody knows where "El Parián" is, your best bet is to take a
taxi cab from your hotel. Across the street is the beautiful "Templo de San
Diego", built between 1653 and 1682. A lot of history here. It is well
worth a visit and a good landmark to use as a reference point. Next to the
church is a building that was the convent of the franciscan friars, which
houses art exhibits (at the room "Jesús Gómez de Portugal").
As I recall, the bookstore at "El Parián" is on the ground level outside the
building. The phone number for "El Parián" is (449) 915-61-33. If you call
them ahead of time they can give you the bookstore's phone number and its
exact location at the mall.
I'll try to send you more info. about "Encomenderos y Hacendados 1534-1650"
this afternoon. Good luck and have a nice trip.
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Sancho de Renteria and Angela de Velasco