Apellido Rizo en Jalisco

Hola a todos!

Estoy ayudando a una amiga con su genealogia del apellido Rizo en Jalisco. Su abuelo le comenta que viene de Italianos :-)

Alguien sabe el origen del apellido Rizo en Jalisco?



Hello all!

I'm helping a friend of mine with the root the Rizo last name in Jalisco. Her grandfather told her that it was Italian :-)

Any thoughts on the origin of the Rizo last name in Jalisco?


I don't know how reliable this is info is but here it is. I hope that it helps.

1 Rosario Rizo (1899 - 1970) B: 1899, D: 1970
+ Florentino Carlos (1888 - 1940) B: 04 Apr 1888 in Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas, Mexico, D: 08
Aug 1940 in Yuma, Arizona