Am I wrong...?? Usually the early 1500's records are IGI and not always correct but "word of mouth" information.
Sandra Gómez Mendoza
San Antonio, TX
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Hi Bill, Jaime, and Sofia,
I still believe Temino and Trevino are the same surname. Diego and his family were listed in the cesus in Guadaljara as Temino. Listed that way in the "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia, Guadalajara Tomo I" by Garamendia Leal who did extractions from the archives. I also believe that Temino can also be used a location as in Lenor de Temino, Lenor from Temino.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from --------------
> Hi Esther, Sofia and Bill, i have followed with interest the exchange about Diego Temino de Velasco and relatives, particularly since mi maternal line (Nuevo Leon and Coahuila) descends directly from Diego Treviño and Beatriz Quintanilla. Based on the evidence presented so far, I am inclined to think that Diego Treviño (perhaps the same as the Diego Velazco de Treviño who travelled in 1538 with his mother Francisca Alcocer and brothers Alonso de Velazco and Baltazar Velazco -all listed as sons of Velazco Treviño) is NOT the son of the Alcalde Diego Temiño de Velasco married to another Francisca Alcocer -daughter of Hernando Bañuelos and Isabel Alcocer. This second Francisca is recorded as traveling along with her three maiden daughters in company of Lope Saavedra (aka Lopez de Sayavedra in
> the Inquisitional papers) with no mention of any sons. Further, I agree with Bill's interpretation that Temiño and Treviño are not the same surnames. In some document of Nuevo Leon however, Treviño y sometime
> spelled as Tremiño (m instead of v, but always with an r after T), although this
> usage eventually stopped.
> Finally, regarding the connection of Diego Temiño de Velasco to Don Bernardino
> Fernandez de Velasco, I can't find no convincing evidence to support it.
> Sincerely
> Jaime
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From:
> > The earliest marriage film I see for Mexico City is 1575. That is not early
> > enough for us.
> > I would like to see Seville marriage records for Diego and Francisca Alcocer.
> > Anybody going to spain soon?
> > --
> > Esther A. Herold
> >
> > -------------- Original message from sophia :
> > --------------
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Hola Bill,
> > >
> > > There was no image. I just copied and pasted so you could see what was
> there.
> > >
> > > Sofia
> > > > From:> To:> Date: Tue,
> 26
> > Aug 2008 19:47:16 -0500> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE
> > VELASCO> > Sofía,> > Did you try to download the actual document from the
> > website? It > would be interesting to read the manuscript. It would also be
> > interesting > to read the original marriage record of Diego Treviño to
> Beatriz
> > de > Quintanilla in 1563. Do church records in Mexico City go that far back?>
> >
> > > Bill
> > > _________________________________________________________________
> > > Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
> > >
> > > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> > >
> > > To post, send email to:
> > > research(at)
> > >
> > > To change your subscription, log on to:
> > >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
> > To change your subscription, log on to:
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Esther, Sofía, Jaime, George et al
Last Friday I visited the Dallas Public Library in order to check out the book "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia, Guadalajara, Tomo I" by Guillermo Garmendia Leal. While looking for the Treviño connection, I found another book entitled "Origin of the Surnames Garza and Treviño in Nuevo León", by Tomás Mendirichaga Cueva. What they have is a translation the English language made by Edna G. Brown (Corpus Christi, Texas, 1989). I did not find this to be a good translation and will start looking for the original Spanish version. Notwithstanding, I discovered in that book that church records were indeed kept in Mexico City prior to 1575. Mr. Mendirichaga mentions the following three books:
1) Primer Libro de Bautismos de Españoles (Nov. 1536 - Oct. 1547)
2) Segundo Libro de Bautismos de Españoles (1552 - 1669)
3) Tercer Libro de Bautismos de Españoles (Ene. 1570 - Nov. 1589)
Some of the baptisms from the first book (Nov 1536 - Oct 1547) are as follows:
1) "Pedro, son of Juan de Salamanca and Doña Beatriz "his wife", was baptized February 1, 1543 and Pedro de Pacheco and Doña Ana de Timiño "were godparents". (Folio 113 verso)."
My comment: The godparents of Pedro de Salamanca were undoubtly Pedro Pacho Rodríguez (Conquistador) and Mariana Temiño de Bañuelos. I am beginning to think that the surname Pacho, used interchangeably with Pacheco, was an abbreviation taken at face value. For example, the surname Rodriguez appears in early records abbreviated as Rdz, but we don't call Juan Rodriguez "Juan Rdz". Just a thought. They were big on abbreviation in the 16th and 17th centuries. Anyway, I'm changing Pedro Pacho to Pedro Pacheco in my records.
2) "Mariana, daughter of Pedro de Pacheco and Doña Ana "his wife", baptized Wednesday, August 29, 1549. (Folio 124)."
My comment: This Mariana is the daughter of Pedro Pacheco Rodríguez and Mariana Temiño de Bañuelos. The "Diccionario Autobiografico de Conquistadores y Pobladores de Nueva España" sacado de los textos originales por Francisco A. de Icaza, lists the following information:
"554.- Pedro PACHO, muerto, dize:
En efecto, quez vezino desta ciudad y natural de la villa de Fregenal, e hijo legítimo de Pedro Pacho y de Beatriz rrodríguez, vezinos que fueron de Seuilla, y que ha treze años que pasó a esta Nueua Spaña, y a la contina después acá ha rresidido en ella, e tenydo armas e cauallos, e que ha seys años que se casó con Doña Ana de Velasco de Temyño, e que su magestad fue seruido mandar que a la persona que con ella se casase, se le hiziese merced en qualquier aprouechamyento de la tierra, y tiene tres hijas que la mayor ha çinco años, y que siruió en la pacificaçión de Jalisco con Vuestra Señoría Illustrísima, desde el prinçipio hasta el fin de todo, y sienpre se le ha hecho merced de corregimyentos."
3) "Fernando, son of Juan de Salamanca and "of doña beatriz his wife", was baptized April 7, 1545. (Folio 147 verso)."
4) "Bernardina, daughter of Pedro Pacheco and Doña Ana de Tremiño, was baptized August 26, 1545. (Folio 157 verso)."
5) "Juan, son of Juan de Salamanca and Doña Beatriz de Temiño, was baptized March 13, 1547. (Folio 157 verso)."
Also in the first book of baptisms appears one Treviño:
6) "Melchor, son of Miguel Treviño and Juana Cortés, baptized June of 1542 (Folio 100)."
In the second book appear the surnames Tremiños and Treviños:
7) "Lázaro, son of Pedro Fernández de Jerez and Catalina Treviño, baptized April 8, 1560 (Folio 123 verso)."
8) "Isabel, daughter of Diego de Tremiño and Beatriz de Quintanilla, baptized November 12, 1562. (Folio 169)."
9) "José, son of Diego Tremiño and Beatriz de Quintanilla, was baptized March 22, 1565. (Folio 218)."
And in the third book (Jan 1570 - Nov 1589), more Temiños, Tremiños and Treviños:
10) "Pedro, son of Juan Treviño, "Bookseller", and María Vanegas "his wife", was baptized November 1, 1574. (Folio 96)."
11) "Juana, daughter of Diego de Angulo and Doña Ana de Temiño, his wife, baptized July 5, 1575. (Folio 108 verso)."
12) "Luisa, daughter of Diego de Angulo and Doña Ana de Temiño, was baptized June 24, 1576. (Folio 124 verso)."
13) "Ana, daughter of Juan de Tremiño and María Vanegas, baptized January 6, 1577. (Folios 136 and 150)."
14) "Mariana (On the margin of the record it says María Ana), daughter of Diego de Angulo and Doña Ana Tremiño, baptized June 16, 1577. (Folio 140)."
Apparently, some assumptions, right or wrong, were made based on these early records and the passenger lists at the Archivo General de Indias in Seville. It seems to me that the surname Treviño was often misspelled Tremiño, as is the case in 10) and 13) above. I have not checked the LDS index to see if these early books were microfilmed. I would like to see them. Does anyone in the group have done any research on this?
Bill Figueroa
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE VELASCO
Hi Bill, Jaime, and Sofia,
I still believe Temino and Trevino are the same surname. Diego and his family were listed in the cesus in Guadalajara as Temino. Listed that way in the "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia, Guadalajara Tomo I" by Garmendia Leal who did extractions from the archives. I also believe that Temino can also be used a location as in Lenor de Temino, Lenor from Temino.
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from --------------
Hi Esther, Sofia and Bill,
I have followed with interest the exchange about Diego Temino de Velasco and relatives, particularly since mi maternal line (Nuevo Leon and Coahuila) descends directly from Diego Treviño and Beatriz Quintanilla. Based on the evidence presented so far, I am inclined to think that Diego Treviño (perhaps the same as the Diego Velazco de Treviño who travelled in 1538 with his mother Francisca Alcocer and brothers Alonso de Velazco and Baltazar Velazco -all listed as sons of Velazco Treviño) is NOT the son of the Alcalde Diego Temiño de Velasco married to another Francisca Alcocer -daughter of Hernando Bañuelos and Isabel Alcocer. This second Francisca is recorded as traveling along with her three maiden daughters in company of Lope Saavedra (aka Lopez de Sayavedra in the Inquisitional
papers) with no mention of any sons. Further, I agree with Bill's interpretation that Temiño and Treviño are not the same surnames. In some document of Nuevo Leon however, Treviño y sometimes spelled as Tremiño (m instead of v, but always with an r after T), although this usage eventually stopped.
Finally, regarding the connection of Diego Temiño de Velasco to Don Bernardino Fernandez de Velasco, I can't find no convincing evidence to support it.
-------------- Original message ----------------------
The earliest marriage film I see for Mexico City is 1575. That is not early enough for us. I would like to see Seville marriage records for Diego and Francisca Alcocer. Anybody going to Spain soon?
Esther A. Herold
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Esther, Sofía, Jaime, George et al
I missed the important line "hija del Alcayde de Temyño" when copying the
information about Pedro Pacheco Rodríguez from the "Diccionario
Autobiografico de Conquistadores y Pobladores de Nueva España" by Francisco
de Icaza. The correct quotation is as follows:
"554.- Pedro PACHO, muerto, dize:
En efecto, quez vezino desta ciudad y natural de la villa de Fregenal, e
hijo legítimo de Pedro Pacho y de Beatriz rrodríguez, vezinos que fueron de
Seuilla, y que ha treze años que pasó a esta Nueua Spaña, y a la contina
después acá ha rresidido en ella, e tenydo armas e cauallos, e que ha seys
años que se casó con Doña Ana de Velasco de Temyño, hija del Alcayde de
Temyño, e que su magestad fue seruido mandar que a la persona que con ella
se casase, se le hiziese merced en qualquier aprouechamyento de la tierra, y
tiene tres hijas que la mayor ha çinco años, y que siruió en la pacificaçión
de Jalisco con Vuestra Señoría Illustrísima, desde el prinçipio hasta el fin
de todo, y sienpre se le ha hecho merced de corregimyentos."
Bill Figueroa
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Figueroa"
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE VELASCO
Esther, Sofía, Jaime, George et al
Last Friday I visited the Dallas Public Library in order to check out the
book "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia, Guadalajara, Tomo I" by Guillermo
Garmendia Leal. While looking for the Treviño connection, I found another
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I have been researching my family roots in Villa Hidalgo and Teocaltiche,
Jalisco. I noticed in both places that there is an area called Tepusco. As a
matter of fact, my family, VIDAURE, lived for several generations on Rancho
Tepusco in Paso de Sotos.
Anyway, my question is this: does Tepusco mean anything? I just found it be
an unusual word and, for it to be in two different towns, even though they
are close together, it just makes me wonder.
Does anyone know what it means?
Veronica Vidaure Rahorn
Gilbert, AZ
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Actually there is only on Tepusco, its between both Teocaltiche and Villa Hidalgo,
Tepusco and Villa Hidalgo use to be part of Teocaltiche but when the 1770s hit
it seperated itself.
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Whap page was that? Thanks,
Esther A. Herold
-------------- Original message from "Bill Figueroa"
> Esther, Sofía, Jaime, George et al
> I missed the important line "hija del Alcayde de Temyño" when copying the
> information about Pedro Pacheco Rodríguez from the "Diccionario
> Autobiografico de Conquistadores y Pobladores de Nueva España" by Francisco
> de Icaza. The correct quotation is as follows:
> "554.- Pedro PACHO, muerto, dize:
> En efecto, quez vezino desta ciudad y natural de la villa de Fregenal, e
> hijo legítimo de Pedro Pacho y de Beatriz rrodríguez, vezinos que fueron de
> Seuilla, y que ha treze años que pasó a esta Nueua Spaña, y a la contina
> después acá ha rresidido en ella, e tenydo armas e cauallos, e que ha seys
> años que se casó con Doña Ana de Velasco de Temyño, hija del Alcayde de
> Temyño, e que su magestad fue seruido mandar que a la persona que con ella
> se casase, se le hiziese merced en qualquier aprouechamyento de la tierra, y tiene tres hijas que la mayor ha çinco años, y que siruió en la
> pacificaçión
> de Jalisco con Vuestra Señoría Illustrísima, desde el prinçipio hasta el fin
> de todo, y sienpre se le ha hecho merced de corregimyentos."
> Bill Figueroa
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill Figueroa"
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 3:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE VELASCO
> Esther, Sofía, Jaime, George et al
> Last Friday I visited the Dallas Public Library in order to check out the
> book "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia, Guadalajara, Tomo I" by Guillermo
> Garmendia Leal. While looking for the Treviño connection, I found another
> book...
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The page that has the autobiography of Pedro Pacheco Rodriguez aka Pedro
Pacho in the "Diccionario Autobiografico de Conquistadores y Pobladores de
Nueva España" by Francisco de Icaza is PG. 30. The autobiographies are
numbered sequentially. The SEQUENCE NUMBER for Pedro Pacho is 554.
Bill Figueroa
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE VELASCO
What page was that? Thanks,
Esther A. Herold
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Thank you Bill!
I am a little side tracked with some work so I have to wait at least a week before I start up my search again.
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Hi Bill,
It would be great if you could see the actual documents or their microfilms where you think they are abbreviating "Pacheco" as"Pacho". Many times when abbreviating a word or name, they would wrtie the last letter or the last few letters of the abbreviated form as what we call "superscipt" on Micorsoft's World. I've seen this many times when abbreviating "Don" as "Dn", "Doña" as "Dna", "Villarreal" as "Villarrl", "Maria" as "Ma" etc. although not always, as when abbreviating "Joseph" as "Jph" .
Usually these superscript are ahown as plain text in printed transcriptions, especially older ones.
I think if you find an original document showing "Pacho" with the fnal "o" as superscript, you can bet it is an abbreviation for something else, probably "Pacheco" as you think.
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I have no doubt the Temiño de Velasco, are related to this family. It seems all Velascos are related to the Dukes. Since Diego was the mayor, he might have dropeed this lineage name for
the place where he was at Temiño, his house name would have been Velasco. I still dont fint this how is he related to Bernardino? a Child or grandchild. -Daniel
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*ALCOCER*, Doña Francisca de
Madre de Baltasar Temiño de Bañuelos, Alonso de Velasco, Diego de Temiño
y Doña Francisca de Velasco, mujer de Francisco Cornejo. Doña Francisca
de Alcocer y su marido, Diego Temiño de Velasco, eran vecinos de
_Sevilla_. Pasó, el 13 de junio de 1538, con sus hijos varones, Alonso,
Diego y Baltasar, desde _España_ a _Cartagena_ a reunirse con su esposo
e hijas. Difunta en 1589 (Palomino y Cañedo, 1972: 75, 220 y 232). wrote:
> Hi Esther, Sofia and Bill,
> i have followed with interest the exchange about Diego Temino de Velasco and relatives, particularly since mi maternal line (Nuevo Leon and Coahuila) descends directly from Diego Treviño and Beatriz Quintanilla. Based on the evidence presented so far, I am inclined to think that Diego Treviño (perhaps the same as the Diego Velazco de Treviño who travelled in 1538 with his mother Francisca Alcocer and brothers Alonso de Velazco and Baltazar Velazco -all listed as sons of Velazco Treviño) is NOT the son of the Alcalde Diego Temiño de Velasco married to another Francisca Alcocer -daughter of Hernando Bañuelos and Isabel Alcocer. This second Francisca is recorded as traveling along with her three maiden daughters in company of Lope Saavedra (aka Lopez de Sayavedra in the Inquisitional papers) with no mention of any sons.
> Further, I agree with Bill's interpretation that Temiño and Treviño are not the same surnames. In some document of Nuevo Leon however, Treviño y sometime spelled as Tremiño (m instead of v, but always with an r after T), although this usage eventually stopped.
> Finally, regarding the connection of Diego Temiño de Velasco to Don Bernardino Fernandez de Velasco, I can't find no convincing evidence to support it.
> Sincerely
> Jaime
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From:
>> The earliest marriage film I see for Mexico City is 1575. That is not early
>> enough for us.
>> I would like to see Seville marriage records for Diego and Francisca Alcocer.
>> Anybody going to spain soon?
>> --
>> Esther A. Herold
>> -------------- Original message from sophia
>> --------------
>>> Hola Bill,
>>> There was no image. I just copied and pasted so you could see what was there.
>>> Sofia
>>>> From:> To:> Date: Tue, 26
>> Aug 2008 19:47:16 -0500> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] DIEGO TEMINO DE
>> VELASCO> > SofÃa,> > Did you try to download the actual document from the PARES
>> website? It > would be interesting to read the manuscript. It would also be
>> interesting > to read the original marriage record of Diego Treviño to Beatriz
>> de > Quintanilla in 1563. Do church records in Mexico City go that far back?> >
>>> Bill
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>>> To post, send email to:
>>> research(at)
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