Dear Nuestros Ranchos members...
The site is back up. Thanks to all of the members who tested the prototype
new site over the last few days and identified a number of issues.
Hopefully we have gotten these resolved and the new site will not have TOO
many problems.
Inevitably there will be issues and I will try to address them as
expeditiously as possible. Rest assured that despite the problems, the
upgrade of software will give the group a more secure and powerful tool to
continue collaborating in the search for our ancestors.
Estimados miembros de Nuestros Ranchos...
Hemos puesto el sitio en linea de nuevo. Gracias a todos los miembros
quienes participaron en las pruebas del sitio prototipo a traves de los
ultimos dias e identificaron un numero de problemas. Ojala hemos
resolucionado esos problemas y el nuevo sitio no tendra demasiados
Inevitablemente, habran problemas e intentare resolucionarolos lo mas pronto
posible. Queden asegurados que a pesar de los problemas, la actualizacion
del software le dara al grupo una herramienta mas segura y util para seguir
colaborando en la busqueda de nuestros ancestros.
The films section is functional. The listings work as do the links to that you can use by clicking VRI or IGI for films that have batch numbers. However, editing and adding film functions are currently not working. We will try to address this issue as soon as possible.
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Hi Arturo:
I realize that the new site might not be 100% operational yet. I just want
to let you know that all of my pictures are still in the Album section, the
only problem I've noticed is that the areas: "General Forum Topics",
"Announcements and Events", "Who's On Line" and "Languages" are being
displayed on top of the pictures when they are enlarged from the thumbnail
view! Can this be corrected?
Thank you for all the great and fine work that you're doing with "our" web
site, we really appreciate it.
John Gonzalez.
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Just in case there is content that is not accessible from the new site, the old site is still available with some functionalities eliminated, i.e. mailing list changes, etc.
The site can be found at
En caso de que haya contenido que no sea accesible del nuevo sitio, el sitio antiguo aun queda disponible con algunas funciones eliminadas, por ejemplo el cambio de subscripciones a las listas de correo-e, etc.
El sitio se encuentra en
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Thank you for your hard work! All of us appreciate it!
George Fulton
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Some glitches