who we are, etc.

A couple weeks ago I recommended a book I thought would shed much light on the thread regarding who we are, illegitimate births, inheritance, secret baptisms, firing squads, a-holes, sangre limpia, etc., etc. There were no follow up posts generated from that recommendation. However, I did receive 3 private emails stating they had reviewed the book preview and  they  all thought "more of us" should read it. . All three stated it was "difficult" to find and get to the proper site, book, chapter, etc. and wished I could make it easier to preview. With that intent, I have included here-in below a direct link to one chapter that I hope you also find thought provoking.
I believe, that without neccesarily believing everything in this link, it's certainly possible  to help us put our history into perpective. Remember, this is written by accredited university researchers without a particular agenda.  My hope is that this will generate a thoughtfull discussion about from "whence we came".
Bernardino Lopez Bravo

Transcripción sobre el porque de la limpieza de sangre
Así comenzaron a ser inútiles los consultores, y no se les convoca sin embargo de que aun suelen explicarse porque el inquisidor general títulos a favor de algunos que los solicitan, porque se reputan honoríficos, y exigen pruebas de limpieza de sangre como los otros del Santo oficio. Se llama limpieza de sangre no descender de judíos, de moros, de herejes castigados por la inquisición, ni de personas que hayan sido infames por derecho o ejercido oficio mecánico y bajo.
Transcript about because of the blood clearance
Thus began the consultants to be useless, and not been called that even though usually explained by the inquisitor general titles for some applicants, because repetition is honorable, and require cleaning of blood tests as the other of the Holy motion. It's called cleaning blood descent from Jews, Moors, of heretics punished by the Inquisition, or infamous people who have been rightfully exercised or mechanical motion and under.