Celestino, me equivoqué dándole el título de Capitán a Don Esteban de Anda
Altamirano (cc Doña Inés de Pedroza Marmolejo). El que era Capitán era su
padre, Don Pedro de Anda Altamirano. Disculpa el error.
Nadams que este esta casado con Catalina Lopez de Portugal
Jaime Holcombe
María García de Arrona, his widow, still lived on 2 July 1652, when she was the Godmother of a grandchild that was baptized. She was about 80 years old. Don't have her death record.
The heirs are listed in the order in which I imagine that they became additions to the family:
1. Catalina López de Portugal was a namesake of her paternal Grandmother, Catalina López, which is why she used that surname, followed by "de Portugal." She wed Captain Esteban de Anda Altamirano before the 1608 document, where he's listed as Diego's son-in-law. Esteban was a son of Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano and Beatriz González de Castañeda. Have five children for the couple, who reached adulthood. When a son, Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano married Catalina Sáenz de Vidaurre y Saavedra on 28 July 1648, Catalina was deceased. Esteban lived still in 1652.
A few tips. One of Juan's first offspring was a Priest, licenciado Alejo Vidaurre aka Vidaurri. He performed the marriage, on 28 July 1648, of his sister, Catalina, to Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano. The groom's parents were Esteban de Anda Altamirano and Catalina López de Portugal. The mother was deceased. A child of the wedded couple, Luis, was baptized on 7 September 1653 and the "padrinos" were "Alejo Vidaurri y Luisa de Saavedra, su madre."
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Gracias, Salvador por la información proporcionada, referente a Estevan de Anda y Catalina. Y por los otros nombres Tiscareño, Villalobos, y los Romo de Vivar.
Un calido saludo.
--- On Tue, 8/25/09, cabval@gmail.com
From: cabval@gmail.com
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Tengo un Capitan Esteban de Anda Altamirano
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 5:03 PM
Nadams que este esta casado con Catalina Lopez de Portugal
Jaime Holcombe
María García de Arrona, his widow, still lived on 2 July 1652, when she was the Godmother of a grandchild that was baptized. She was about 80 years old. Don't have her death record.
The heirs are listed in the order in which I imagine that they became additions to the family:
1. Catalina López de Portugal was a namesake of her paternal Grandmother, Catalina López, which is why she used that surname, followed by "de Portugal." She wed Captain Esteban de Anda Altamirano before the 1608 document, where he's listed as Diego's son-in-law. Esteban was a son of Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano and Beatriz González de Castañeda. Have five children for the couple, who reached adulthood. When a son, Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano married Catalina Sáenz de Vidaurre y Saavedra on 28 July 1648, Catalina was deceased. Esteban lived still in 1652.
A few tips. One of Juan's first offspring was a Priest, licenciado Alejo Vidaurre aka Vidaurri. He performed the marriage, on 28 July 1648, of his sister, Catalina, to Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano. The groom's parents were Esteban de Anda Altamirano and Catalina López de Portugal. The mother was deceased. A child of the wedded couple, Luis, was baptized on 7 September 1653 and the "padrinos" were "Alejo Vidaurri y Luisa de Saavedra, su madre."
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Thanks for the transcription of the land grant given to Pedro de Anda in August 1565. I wonder if this is a second land grant on the same year, as the other is identified as given in March 26th, and where it is said that his wife Beatriz is identified. I will try to contact the Ayuntamiento of Lagos, and see who is responsible for posting the historical review, and which were their sources.
Jaime Alvarado
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I doubt that anyone would receive two land grants in the same year, as this
process involved not only the Audiencia Real de Guadalajara but several
other government entities in Mexico City and Spain. I think it is the same
grant, otherwise his wife would be identified on both of them (?). I think
the Ayuntamiento de Lagos is a good place to start the investigation.
Hopefully, they have a copy of the original land grant. The information I
gave you comes from documents archived at the Archivo de Tierras y Aguas
(now AHEJ) in Guadalajara and NOT from the original document. I also found
a land grant awarded to Capt. Esteban de Anda Altamirano "vecino de esta
jurisdicción, labrador y criador de ganados mayores y menores" but have to
check my notes for the date.
Incidentally, could you send me a copy of the History of Santa María de los
Lagos (now Lagos de Moreno). I was unable to download it from the website.
Bill Figueroa
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About the Margarita Gomez, hermana of a 'Beatriz Castaneda', no idea. However, got me thinking about the possibility of a first land grant (March 1565) to the 'de Andas' to have been in Beatris' name (you made me realize that land grants were not only given to males), and thus the second grant (in August), to Pedro. Alternatively, your suggestion of Pedro arriving first, and marrying a younger Beatriz, also makes sense. However, would it be worth searching for a land grant in Beatris's name?
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That may be hard to do. I'm not sure who has the original land grants, but
I suspect they're at the Archivo General de la Nación in Mexico City (AGN)
and/or at the Archivo General de Indias in Seville. If nothing else, it
would be worthwhile to find out where they are and whether or not they are
indexed and accessible to researchers.
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Regarding the Margarita Gomez whose land record you found, there is a Gomez listed:
Julio 4 de 1597 La real audiencia de Nueva Galicia otorga merced de tierras por un sitio de ganado mayor (1,756 hectáreas) al español Diego Gómez Portugal para fundar lo que sería la hacienda del Saltillo de Velázquez (tomó ese nombre porque su tercer propietario fue el Capitán Jacinto Velázquez) cerca de la Mesa Redonda en Lagos de Moreno.
I wonder if there is a connection.
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Nadams que este esta casado con Catalina Lopez de Portugal
Jaime Holcombe
María García de Arrona, his widow, still lived on 2 July 1652, when she was the Godmother of a grandchild that was baptized. She was about 80 years old. Don't have her death record.
The heirs are listed in the order in which I imagine that they became additions to the family:
1. Catalina López de Portugal was a namesake of her paternal Grandmother, Catalina López, which is why she used that surname, followed by "de Portugal." She wed Captain Esteban de Anda Altamirano before the 1608 document, where he's listed as Diego's son-in-law. Esteban was a son of Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano and Beatriz González de Castañeda. Have five children for the couple, who reached adulthood. When a son, Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano married Catalina Sáenz de Vidaurre y Saavedra on 28 July 1648, Catalina was deceased. Esteban lived still in 1652.
A few tips. One of Juan's first offspring was a Priest, licenciado Alejo Vidaurre aka Vidaurri. He performed the marriage, on 28 July 1648, of his sister, Catalina, to Captain Pedro de Anda Altamirano. The groom's parents were Esteban de Anda Altamirano and Catalina López de Portugal. The mother was deceased. A child of the wedded couple, Luis, was baptized on 7 September 1653 and the "padrinos" were "Alejo Vidaurri y Luisa de Saavedra, su madre."
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Tengo un Capitan Esteban de Anda Altamirano