Diego de Villalpando

I am trying to find additional information on Diego de Villalpando. Was he related to Thomas de Villapando of Aguascalientes and Asientos (son of Thomas de VIallalpando and Maria de Veles; originally from Leon)?

He married Ysabel Lozano (or Lozano de Gardea), perhaps in the 1670/80 period. I do not know where, and had at least these children (no baptismal records found):

Gabriel, m. Leonore de Sepulveda (1704 matrimonial information in Aguascalientes; actual marriage record not found; no children found)
Xptoval, m. Getrudis de Estrada (1704, matrimonial information in Aguascalientes; actual marriage record not found; no children found)
Mariana, m. Antonio Trillo, 1694 (they had several children in Aguascalientes)
Joseph, died 1684, Aguascalientes, age 14
Getrudis, m. Bernardo Trillo, 1707 (they had several children in Aguascalientes)

Several Villalpando families lived in Asientos, but not these ones.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
