Trying to find information on Diego De Aguayo (birth abt. 1730) married Francisca De Becerra (birth abt. 1735) parents to Candido De Aguayo (Wife Maria Gomez De Mendoza). They had a son named Agapito De Aguayo married to Narciza De Loza, married 21 May 1827. In information is appreciated.
Thanks in Adavance, Jaime Gonzalez
I have compiled some information about Diego de Aguayo and Francisca Javiera
Becerra Contreras. However, I must warn you that I have not verified this
information, and that it should be verified using other sources.
I have Diego's parents as Nicolás de Aguayo and Juana de la Cruz González,
who married 19 Sep 1672 in Nochistlán, Zac. (LDS Film 0226724 Marriages
1627-1686 Nochistlán, Zac.) Juana was a native of Santa María de los Lagos,
Jalisco. Parents of Nicolás de Aguayo were Diego de Aguayo and Isabel de
Arisaga. Parents of Juana de la Cruz González were Juan de la Cruz and
María Andrea González.
Diego de Aguayo (m. to Francisca Becerra) had a brother named Nicolás de
Aguayo, who was baptized 6 Sep 1683 in Nochistlán, Zac. (LDS Film 0226646
Baptisms 1627-1686 Nochistlán, Zac.).
The parents of Francisca Javiera Becerra Contreras were Miguel Becerra and
Nicolasa de Contreras. Parents of Nicolasa de Contreras were Juan de
Contreras and Josepha de Saavedra, both from Lagos.
Diego de Aguayo and Francisca Becerra had a son named Macario de Aguayo y
Contreras who married 1) Mónica Durán Cuevas 22 Dec 1746 and 2) Thomasa de
Luna (I'm not sure which marriage was first).
I also have a second marriage for Francisca Javiera Becerra Contreras. She
married Santiago de Contreras Macías from Nochistlán, Zac., son of Lucas
Contreras Lomelín and Juana Macías Valadez. Their daughter Ana María
Contreras Macías married Raphael Ferrer Millero 20 Jun 1742 in Nochistlán
(LDS Film 0226726 Marriages 1736-1762 Nochistlán, Zac.)
Notice that the approximate dob 1730 and 1735 for Diego de Aguayo and
Francisca Becerra do not match the above information. Seems to be a
difference of one or two generations. Coult there be another couple with
the same names? I have nothing on Cándido de Aguayo, who married María
Gómez de Mendoza.
Hope this info. is helpful to you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 3:03 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Aguayo and Becerra
> Trying to find information on Diego De Aguayo (birth abt. 1730) married
> Francisca De Becerra (birth abt. 1735) parents to Candido De Aguayo (Wife
> Maria Gomez De Mendoza). They had a son named Agapito De Aguayo married to
> Narciza De Loza, married 21 May 1827. In information is appreciated.
> Thanks in Adavance, Jaime Gonzalez
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Thank you very much Bill for the information on your findings. You might be correct. My Diego and Francisca sound like they might be a generation or two later. On the LDS FamilySearch Site, it shows them being born and married in Jalostotilan, JAL. There is one anomally. Francisca's last name is spelled Veserra. Don't know if this makes a difference. On the other hand, the grand-son Agapito Aguayo, his wife Narciza De Loza's grand-father was from Nochistlán, Zac. (born 1735). Thanks Again. At least I know now that I will need to look at Nochistlán, Zac. a little more closely.
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Aguayo and Becerra