Here is the transcription of Carlos Gutierrez's baptismal record:
Montoro.....En la Yglesia parroquial de Union de San Antonio, a diez
Carlos........de noviembre de mil novecientos uno, Yó el Presbítero Miguel
.................Cano, cura sustituto de esta parroquia, bauticé solemnemente
..C..............poniendo el Santo Oleo y Sagrado Crisma, a un niño nacido
.................en Montoro, el día cuatro del presente a las cuatro de la ma-
.................ñana, al que puse por nombre Carlos, hijo legítimo de Lo-
.................renzo Gutiérrez y Emilia Calvillo. Abuelos paternos: Be-
.................nedicto Gutiérrez y Felícitas Hurtado. Abuelos maternos: Yg-
.................nacio Calvillo y Felipa Gutiérrez. Padrinos: D. José Ma. Romo
.................y Ma. Dolores Padilla, a quienes advertí su obligación y pa-
Sr. Cura.....rentesco espiritual. Para constancia firmé
.................Presb. Miguel Cano
Freelance Translation:
At the parochial church of Union de San Antonio on 10 November 1901,
I, Miguel Cano, substitute priest of this parish, solemnly baptized with
Holy Oil and Sacred Chrism, a boy born in Montoro the fourth of this month
at 4 am, whom I named CARLOS, legitimate son of Lorenzo Gutierrez and Emilia
Calvillo. Paternal grandparents: Benedicto Gutierrez and Felicitas Hurtado.
Maternal grandparents: Ygnacio Calvillo and Felipa Gutierrez. Godparents:
D. Jose Maria Romo and María Dolores Padilla, whom I advised of their
obligation and spiritual cognation. Signed as evidence
[signed] Presb. Miguel Cano
Thanks for the translations Bill, they help a LOT.
I also noticed that Carlos was born in Montoro. From what I can discover, Montoro is located in San Jose de Gracia, Aguascalientes, Mexico. 6 days later he was baptized in Union de San Antonio. His sister, Maria, was born in Viscaino, which appears to be on the Baja penninsula. 3 days later she was baptized in Union de San Antonio. Is it possible that their family was doing that much traveling? Is it possible that Montoro and Viscaino are also names of ranches/farms?
- Evelyn
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I don't think that it is very likely that the family traveled that much so
soon after the mother gave birth. According to my mother even as late as
1935 when she was born it was customary for the mother to be bed ridden for
more than a week after the birth of a child. In fact, the mother was usually
not present at the baptism. That being the case I think that Montoro &
Viscaino were probably names of local ranchos.
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You are correct, El Vizcaíno is a rancho or hacienda located between La Unión and Lagos de Moreno. This location caught my eye a few years back when looking at a map of the area since my bisabuelo was from Vizcaya, Spain and he moved to Lagos from Spain. Vizcaíno is a term for someone from Vizcaya.
link to a map of the area - http://maps.google.com/maps?near=Lagos+de+Moreno,+Ja,+Mexico&geocode=CQ…
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Montoro, Viscaino and Union de San Antonio were either settlements or barrios within the city of Aguascalientes. There is a Montoro farm in the outskirts of the city where the Montoro family first settled into the area. Jaime Alvarado already gave you a description of this farm. Juan de Montoro is best known as the founder of Aguascalientes, where he settled with his family 434 years ago. The Montoro farm is located about half-way between the International Airport and the center of town. The original farm buildings are gone and the area does not resemble what it must have been in 1575. This area is South of the center of town, not near San José de Gracia. There are several places bearing the name Montoro, including one of the best known avenues in Aguascalientes.
I don't think any of these kids were born out of state. Viscaino is not an uncommon name and could be found anywhere. I suppose it could be a neighborhood or farming area near Aguas, and probably the same can be said about Union de San Antonio. I'll try to find out and let you know.
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Fw: Fw: translation