Montoro was one of the oldest haciendas in Aguascalientes. Around the turn of the century is was owned by my great-grandfather Urbano Santoyo. After his untimely death due to some ailment complications (hepatatis?), the property was seized by the Banco Nacional de Mexico, as documents show that several loans and mortgages became delinquent, and my greatgrandmother did not know how to handle business affairs.
Jaime Alvarado
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Fw: Fw: Fw: translation
Disregards my previous message. I thought these records were from
Aguascalientes, and just realized that they are from UNION DE SAN ANTONIO in
JALISCO, some 50 miles from Aguascalientes. I have no knowledge of this
area. Sorry if I mislead you.
Fw: Fw: Fw: translation
I did wonder while reading your comments. They were really interesting anyway!
Your translation of the 3 baptismal records was very helpful. I had totally missed the comments on the birth date and locations. It makes me wish I had paid closer attention in grade school during Spanish class.
I did find that there is an El Viscaino and Montoro as small towns a few miles NW of Union de San Antonio, Jalisco.
Thanks again for all your efforts. I have a list of microfilm reels to order (one at a time) and hours of viewing ahead of me. I feel like I 'hit the mother lode' when I found this web site.
Mucho gracias,
Fw: Fw: Fw: translation
I did wonder while reading your comments. They were really interesting anyway!
Your translation of the 3 baptismal records was very helpful. I had totally missed the comments on the birth date and locations. It makes me wish I had paid closer attention in grade school during Spanish class.
I did find that there is an El Viscaino and Montoro as small towns a few miles NW of Union de San Antonio, Jalisco.
Thanks again for all your efforts. I have a list of microfilm reels to order (one at a time) and hours of viewing ahead of me. I feel like I 'hit the mother lode' when I found this web site.
Mucho gracias,
Fw: Fw: translation
Hola Bill!
Pregunta... Que Francisco Ruiz de Esparza no fundo Aguascalientes? O fue uno de ellos?
Sandra Gomez Mendoza
San Antonio, Tx
------Original Message------
From: Bill Figueroa
Sender: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
To: research
ReplyTo: research
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Fw: Fw: translation
Sent: Oct 12, 2009 1:25 PM
Montoro, Viscaino and Union de San Antonio were either settlements or barrios within the city of Aguascalientes. There is a Montoro farm in the outskirts of the city where the Montoro family first settled into the area. Jaime Alvarado already gave you a description of this farm. Juan de Montoro is best known as the founder of Aguascalientes, where he settled with his family 434 years ago. The Montoro farm is located about half-way between the International Airport and the center of town. The original farm buildings are gone and the area does not resemble what it must have been in 1575. This area is South of the center of town, not near San José de Gracia. There are several places bearing the name Montoro, including one of the best known avenues in Aguascalientes.
I don't think any of these kids were born out of state. Viscaino is not an uncommon name and could be found anywhere. I suppose it could be a neighborhood or farming area near Aguas, and probably the same can be said about Union de San Antonio. I'll try to find out and let you know.
Fw: Fw: translation
Hola Sandra,
Antes que nada, les pido disculpas a ti y al grupo en general por la información incorrecta incluida en mi mensaje del 12 de octubre pasado. No me di cuenta que los registros que estaba traduciendo eran de Unión de San Antonio, Jalisco. Desde un principio creí que eran de Aguascalientes y por eso supuse que las areas mencionadas eran suburbios de esa ciudad.
Con respecto a la fundación de Aguascalientes, puedo decirte que el documento que se conoce como cédula o título de su fundación fue fechado en Guadalajara el 22 de octubre de 1575, unos 18 años antes que Lope Ruiz de Esparza cruzara el Atlántico con destino a la Nueva España. La petición para su fundación fue presentada por Juan de Montoro, quien hizo las gestiones ante la Real Audiencia de la Nueva Galicia para la fundación de la villa, no solo para si mismo sino a nombre de Jerónimo de la Cueva, Alonso de Alarcón y "muchas otras personas". La concesión fue firmada en Guadalajara por el doctor Jerónimo de Orozco, presidente de dicha Audiencia, a nombre del rey Felipe II. Ese mismo año Juan de Montoro y sus acompañantes recibieron mercedes de tierras.
La Audiencia ordenó que "se hiciese el asiento y traza de la dicha villa", orden que fue cumplida haciéndose un primer reparto de tierras "entre 12 vecinos que se hallaron presentes a ello". Luego de trazar las calles alrededor de la plaza principal se nombraron autoridades para regirla, dándosele el nombre de Villa de la Asunción de las Aguas Calientes.
Los nombres de los fundadores que se encuentran listados en una pared de la Plaza de Fundadores en el centro de la ciudad de Aguascalientes son los siguientes:
Juan de Montoro, Jerónimo de la Cueva, Alonso de Alarcón, Luis González, Juan López de Elizalde, Pedro González, Cristóbal Lozano, Gaspar Silva, Nicolás Ramírez y Pedro Hernández. Algunos de ellos son fáciles de reconocer como genearcas de Aguascalientes, Altos de Jalisco, Zacatecas y areas circumvecinas.
----- Original Message -----
To: "research"
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Fw: Fw: translation
Hola Bill!
Pregunta... Que Francisco Ruiz de Esparza no fundo Aguascalientes? O fue uno de ellos?
Sandra Gomez Mendoza
San Antonio, Tx
Fw: Fw: Fw: translation
I did wonder while reading your comments. They were really interesting anyway!
Your translation of the 3 baptismal records was very helpful. I had totally missed the comments on the birth date and locations. It makes me wish I had paid closer attention in grade school during Spanish class.
I did find that there is an El Viscaino and Montoro as small towns a few miles NW of Union de San Antonio, Jalisco.
Thanks again for all your efforts. I have a list of microfilm reels to order (one at a time) and hours of viewing ahead of me. I feel like I 'hit the mother lode' when I found this web site.
Mucho gracias,
Fw: Fw: Fw: translation
Hi Evelyn I have some ancestors from san Antonio in Los Altos, email me and hopefully I can help
Daniel Camino