Genealogias de Nochistlan por Jose Luis Vasquez y Rodriguez de Frias

Hola, saludos a todos los miembros de Nuestros Ranchos.

Alguno de ustedes sabe donde se puede conseguir el libro de Genealogias de Nochistlan del Sr. Jose Luis Vasquez y Rodriguez de Frias?


Ricardo Rodriguez

Daniel, by the way... I hope you haven't forgotten about the research
information I sent you several months ago and that you promised you were
going to send me some of your research info in exchange. I also hope you
read the emails I sent you since, which I never got a reply from, asking you
where you were on sending me that info and that still I haven't got from
So, can I still count on you to come through with you promise?



-----Mensaje original-----
[] En nombre de Daniel
M?ndez del Camino
Enviado el: Friday, November 06, 2009 2:50 PM
Asunto: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Hernando de frias

Could you sent me some of your work? I am very interested in this topic!


Yes! I have not forgotten; I had to scan each page.

What worries me is how to send such a huge file.

Youll have to teach me how to! Other that

give me two weeks max. The College process has

been excruciating. -Daniel

Ive usually only been getting 5 hours of sleep each day. I know this is bad.



I am so glad that you brought up this subject.
since I am involved in working so many lines, I never followed up on the hernando de frias lines. I saw the opinions of jaime holcombe and J. Luis and just left my notes there with their comments. Since you brought the subject up I was forced to look seriously at my notes and the lines that all of you mentioned.
I had not looked at rodrigo de frias line before and did not know of its connection to our other family lines in los altos de jalisco.
Rodrigo de frias is related to the hurtado de mendoza and the fernandez de hijar lines before his descendents intermarried. it wasn't until you told me about his parents that it all clicked.
this information helps further the work that I have all ready done on the rodriguez de hijar.

I strongly believe that rodrigo de frias is the grandfather of hernando de frias just as jaime holcombe claims. I was not forced into an opinion about the competing theories until you claimed the opposite one, that he is his father, and forced me to look stronger at all my data.

When you look at my work, I believe you will concur that he is a grandson and not the son. This is not set in stone but the evidence heavily leans in that direction.
Thanks tocayo


en el libro Genealogia de Nochistlan antiguo reino de la nueva galicia en el siglo de XVII segun sus archivos parroquiales escrito por jose luis vasquez y rodriguez de frias el habla de diferentes teorias de su ascendencia. El dice que que todo parece indicar que hernando frias sea hijo de Rodrigo de frias. Tambien dice que Jaime Holcombe no creia en este teoria. segun el, jaime holcombe pensaba que era mas probable que su padre era diego delgadillo(mayor de teocaltiche en 1561) y dona de frias y esta possiblemente hija de rodrigo de frias.

segun mis estudios, si hay una connecion entre rodrigo frias y hernando frias pero y comparto la ultima teoria que el era nieto de Rodrigo.

Ya somo descendietes de la tataraabuela de rodrigo frias por otra lineas.
despues te mando una copia de lo que dicejose luis vasquez y rod.
En mi libro de arbol de los rodriguez de frias y hijar estan ligados estas familias por muchos matrimonios

Por lo que mencionan de los Hijar, creo que han de haber sido un linaje
importante, la verdad es que no he investigado acerca de ellos. No sé si
alguno de ustedes ha investigado el linaje de Frias, que por lo que he
investigado, fue uno de los más poderosos de España a través de su historia
y se puede rastrear su ascendencia hasta el año 200 DC, pero quizás ya han
hablado de esto en el foro y yo sin darme cuenta.



the hijar line hooks up with a lot of the same people that the frias lines hooks up with. we actually descend from a first cousin of a pope from both of these lines since that is one of the places where they hook up again. I say one of the places because there are more connections.

both of these lines came from families that were heavily involved in the politics of the kingdoms that eventually make up spain. again, both lines are also connected through maternal lines.

the information that I am gathering on these families and their descendents in los altos de jalisco is the basis for my book on the rodriguez de frias y hijar family.

Both these lines were married into our other ancestors from spain in the 1300's and 1400's

Hi tocayo,

Are you referring to Benedicto XIII, the antipope, Pedro Martinez de Luna?
I also found some info online linking Frias to the Senores de Albornoz, and
these all the way back to 200 AD. Do you already have this info?


Rick Rodriguez
Valle de Guadalupe, Jalisco