Introduction of Saul Navarro (amended)

Hello everyone,
It is time to introduce myself. My name is Saul Navarro and I have been researching my family tree for half a year. The places of my research include Nochistlan, Toyahua, Moyahua, Juchipila, all in Zacatecas, Mexticacan, LLano Grande, Jahualica,in Jalisco. The last names in my research include Navarro, Garcia, Gutierrez, Mejia, Mexia, Megia, Quesada, Perez, Roque, Florez, Chavez, Leonardo, Guzman, Donato, Leon, Legaspi, Arambulo, Gonzalez, Vasquez, Yniguez, Estrada, Rios, De Campa, Zepulbeda, Rivera. I have more relatives that lived in Nochistlan Zacatecas than elsewhere, so the bulk of my search is there. My paternal grandfather was Jose Anastacio Navarro Perez baptized on the 02 Apr. 1893, born in Toyahua.
He was married to Ma Catalina Garcia Gutierrez (date unknown), her parents were Presciliano Garcia Quesada bapt.(06 Jan 1867) married on (10 Jan. 1887) to Macedonia Gutierrez Perez bapt.(13 Sept 1867)in Mexticacan Jal. My g-grandfather was Jose Tomas Navarro Mejia bapt.on (22 Dec 1867) married to Maria Andrea Perez Chavez bapt.(02 Dec. 1868)in Nochistlan unknown date of marriage. My gg-grandfther was Jose Bartolome Navarro Roque bapt. (29 Aug.1841) married on (07 Feb. 1865) to Maria Dionicia Mejia Florez bapt. (18 Apr. 1852) in Nochistlan. Dionicia's parents were Pio Mejia Guzman and Maria Socorro Florez Donato unknown Bapt., marriage dates. My ggg-grandfather was Cirilo Navarro Perez (no date) married to Maria Yrinea Roque Leonardo(no bapt. date) on the 02 of May 1838 in Nochistlan Zac. My gggg-grandfather was Rafael Navarro (date unknown) married to Maria Catalina Perez (date unknown).

I have the names of all my sixteen paternal grandparents but no dates of bapt. just that my gggg-grandfather Jose Pablo Perez married Maria Ysabel Legaspi on the 31 May 1823 in Nochistlan Zac. I have names and bapt dates for their children. On the maternal side of my family tree is my grandfather Lorenzo Arambulo Born in el Llano Grande Jalisco, he married (date unknown) Maria Sabas Vasquez bapt. (12 Dec 1897). My grandmother's parents were Pablo Vasquez (date unknown) married to Gregoria Yniguez (date unknown)and that is all I know about them. My g-grandfather is Jose Blas Arambula Estrada bapt. (07 Feb. 1865) married (date unknown) to Diega Gonzalez Garcia bapt. (14 Nov 1873) my guess is in Nochistlan. My gg-grandfather was Francisco Arambula (date unknown) married on (25 Nov.1863) to Maria Victoria Estrada (date unknown). My g-grandmother Diega's parents were Lazaro Gonzales Mexia (date unknown) married on (13 Feb 1863) to Maria Del Refugio Garcia
Rios (date unknown). Ma. Refugio's parents were Antonio Garcia and Tomasa Rios no dates. Lazaro's parents were Jose Simon Gonzales Campa married on (27 Jan. 1836) to Maria De La Cruz Mexia Zepulbeda bapt. date (16 Sept 1816) in Nochistlan Zac. Maria De la Cruz's parents were Rafael Mexia Rivera (date unknown) married on (27 Jul. 1815)to Maria De Jesus Zepulbeda (date unknown)in Nochistlan. Jose Simon's parents were Jose Dionicio Gonzales (date unknown) married on (26 Aug. 1807) to Maria Anastacia De La Campa (unknown) in Nochistlan Zac. Rafael's Parents were Pedro Megia (date unknown) married on (22 May. 1774)in Nochistlan to Petra Rivera (date unknown). Last are the parents of Maria De Jesus Zepulbeda and they were Francisco Zepulbeda married to Ana Maria Perez and no dates.

I hope that this is enough information for my primos to recognize the family line. If anyone can help with the missing dates that would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
Saul Navarro