My family is from the Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico area.
From the locals, I have often heard about mysterious flares of light that just suddenly appear out of the gound at night in the country side.
What could they really be? Signs of natural gas deposts in the ground or oil?
And another folklore by the locals is the saying that there used to be a race of giants. I guess from the discovery of giant bones that wash up when there are heavy rains.
I was told about the mysterious light recently by some friends from
Zacatecas. They said it was from buried gold that people would try to hide.
I have no idea if it has scientific vailidity. They also told me about a
laborer who was working on someone's house who found a cache of gold inside
a wall that the owner didn't even know existed. The laborer would sneak gold
out a little at a time until it was all out. Supposedly the laborer managed
his money, from the gold, well but went crazy from the gas the gold would
release. Again, I have no idea if there is any validity to it to the gas.
On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 3:21 AM,
> My family is from the Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico area.
> From the locals, I have often heard about mysterious flares of light that
>> just suddenly appear out of the gound at night in the country side.
> What could they really be? Signs of natural gas deposts in the ground or
> oil?
> And another folklore by the locals is the saying that there used to be a
> race of giants. I guess from the discovery of giant bones that wash up when
> there are heavy rains.
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Folklore and Legend from the locals