I don't know what parrish to look for in the pilot program to see the actual film for the marriage or marriage information for my ancestors Xacinto Lopez and Ursula Agustina Losano married 21 Feb 1734 in San Felipe
the pilot program gives the film #0644410 and batch #M620929 but is this El Sagrario? I can't find San Felipe in the pilot program.
Linda in Marietta
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location of San Felipe in Aguascalientes
Based on research, I notice western Guanajuato has a hugepopulation who are related to the altenos of Jalisco, rapidimmigration and intermarriage like families of and of the Paredesfamilies, Romero de Chavez, etc married in to Jalisco andAguascalientes even to Michoacan. Southern half of Zacatecas includingPinos ti the east,all of Aguascalientes North and southern easternJalisco and western Michoacan and western Guanajuato have sameimmigration patterns, altenos went to all these places and they soonbecame the majority by intermarrying the local "elite". Ive alwayswondered whether the altenos knew or planned the wholerelations stuff when they were marrying their kids off to the pointwhere people in 4 states can be so closely related. I have many linesgoing back to Guanajuato, specifically San Felipe.
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> From: longsjourney@yahoo.com
> Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 05:28:50 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] location of San Felipe in Aguascalientes
> I don't know what parrish to look for in the pilot program to see the actual film for the marriage or marriage information for my ancestors Xacinto Lopez and Ursula Agustina Losano married 21 Feb 1734 in San Felipe
> the pilot program gives the film #0644410 and batch #M620929 but is this El Sagrario? I can't find San Felipe in the pilot program.
> Linda in Marietta
San Felipe
I just noticed my error.. San Felipe is in Guanajuato, not Aguascalientes..
sorry I didn't pay more attention!
Linda in Marietta