to the group:
In my research I am confused about my gmother's name. In her Bap. it reads Teodora. In her church record it reads Maria Dolores. In different bap. records of her gkids it either or, Is Teodora the same as Maria Dolores is my question? Also there is mention about the 117 families sent to los Altos to colonize the area, in the forum posting recently,can one tell me where I could buy books or articles on the subject.
Also what about misspelled names on, how to correct. Appreciate any info.
I'm glad to have found someone with a similar problem... It makes a little more sense to me now with the reasons given above. I also have a 3rd Great Grandmother who went by "Dolores" (and once in a while, "Maria Dolores") on old records, yet on her birth record (I'm pretty sure its hers) she is "Maria Miguela de los Dolores Arellano Ximenes" (the last two being surnames). I always wondered why she wouldn't just go by "Miguela"? She married Pedro Correa in 1869 in Teul de Gonzalez Ortega, and named one of her daughters "Dolores" too... (she was a sister to my grandmother's grandfather Ramon Correa y Arellano). Anyway, good luck in your research!
Michael D. Castro
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Toedora is not the same as María (de los) Dolores. Her name could have been,
as was mentioned Teodora María (de los) Dolores. The books on the founding
Spanish families of Los Altos are out of print. The surnames of the families
are the following -
*1.- Aceves (Documentada desde principios del siglo XVII en Jalostotitlán;
San José de Moctezuma, hoy Basarte; Capilla de Guadalupe; Ojo de Agua de los
Aceves y 1770: en Ojo de Agua de Aceves [4x], Buei [4x], Carriso,
2.- Alba (de)
3.- Alcalá y Mendoza
4.- Aldrete
5.- Alvarez del Castillo
6.- Alvarez-Tostado
7.- Anava
8.- Anda-Altamirano (de)
9.- Aranda
10.- Ascencio de León
11.- Azuela de San Palayo (de la)
12.- Camacho-Riquelme
13.- Camarena
14.- Carlín
15.- Casillas y Cabrera
16.- Cuéllar
17.- Chávez-Fragoso
18.- Díaz del Castillo
19.- Díaz-Infante
20.- Díaz-Varela
21.- Díaz de Sandi
22.- Enríquez del Castillo
23.- Escoto-Tovar
24.- Esquivel y Vargas
25.- Estévez y Guzmán
26.- Estrada-Bocanegra
27.- Fernández de Palos
28.- Fernández de Rueda
29.- Fernández de San Salvador
30.- Flores-Alatorre
31.- Flores de la Torre
32.- Franco de Cueva
33.- Franco de Escalante
34.- Franco de Paredes
35.- Gallegos
36.- Galván de Rojas
37.- García de Hermosillo
38.- García de León
39.- Gómez de Espejo
40.- Gómez-Hurtado de Mendoza
41.- Gómez de Portugal
42.- González del Castillo
43.- González de Hermosillo
44.- González de Laris
45.- González-Rubio
46.- González de Rubalcava
47.- González de San Román
48.- Guerra
49.- Guerra de San Román
50.- Gutiérrez de Hermosillo
51.- Gutiérrez de Laris
52.- Gutiérrez de Mendoza
53.- Gutiérrez-Rubio
54.- Gutiérrez de Velasco
55.- Helguera (de la)
56.- Hernández-Gamiño
57.- Herrera
58.- Hurtado
59.- Hurtado de Mendoza
60.- Hurtado de Mendoza y Olivares
61.- Issasi
62.- Jiménez de Castro
63.- Jiménez de Mendoza
64.- Landeros
65.- Leal de Avala
66.- Lomelín (Lomellini)
67.- López de Heredia
68.- López de Lara
69.- López de Nava
70.- López de Rivadeneyra
71.- Lozano-Isla
72.- Macháin
73.- Macías-Valadez
74.- Manzo de Zúñiga
75.- Márquez de los Olivos
76.- Martín del Campo
77.- Martín-Gallardo
78.- Martín de Sotomayor
79.- Mora-Hurtado de Mendoza (de la)
80.- Moreno de Ortega
81.- Mota-Padilla (de la) (véase Padilla-Dávila)
82.- Muñoz de la Barba
83.- Muñoz de Hermosillo
84.- Muñoz de Jerez
85.- Muñoz de Nava
86.- Murguía
87.- Navarro-Gaytán (Documentada 1770: en Pandillo [3x], Tepatitlán [2x],
San Antonio del Serro Gordo [2x], Juntas [2x], Tinaja, Ormigas, Piedra
Herrada, Ojo de Agua de Aceves)
88.- Ortiz de Parada
89.- Ortiz-Peguero
90.- Padilla-Dávila
91.- Parga y Gayosso
92.- Peña (de la)
93.- Pérez-Franco
94.- Pérez de Paredes (véase Pérez-Franco)
95.- Pérez-Sandi
96.- Portillo (del)
97.- Rábago
98.- Ramírez de Hermosillo
99.- Ramírez de Mendoza
100.- Rentería
101.- Reynosa y Rentería
102.- Rodríguez de Portugal
103.- Romero de Chávez
104.- Romo de Vivar
105.- Ruiz de Esparza
106.- Sáinez de Santiago
107.- Sánchez de Porras
108.- San Román
109.- Tavera de la Vega
110.- Tello de Orozco
111.- Torre-Ledesma (de la)
112.- Torres
113.- Valdivia
114.- Vázquez de Victoria
115.- Vázquez de Zermeño
116.- Verdín
117.- Villalobos
Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia - Tomo 2, Esquemas Genealógicos: Las
Familias Genearcas, por Mariano Gonzalez-Leal , 1983, 497 páginas
Padrón de la Feligresía de Tepatitlán de 1770, por Jose de Jesus de Leon
Arteaga , 2006, 98 páginas
Cronología Tepatitlense, por Francisco Gallegos Franco, 2006, 88 páginas *
Before I started genealogy research I would joke with my cousins saying
everybody in Lagos is related to each other. Due to my genealogy research I
have seen how true a statement that is and not just a joke.
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 2:02 PM,
> to the group:
> In my research I am confused about my gmother's name. In her Bap. it reads
> Teodora. In her church record it reads Maria Dolores. In different bap.
> records of her gkids it either or, Is Teodora the same as Maria Dolores is
> my question? Also there is mention about the 117 families sent to los Altos
> to colonize the area, in the forum posting recently,can one tell me where I
> could buy books or articles on the subject.
> Also what about misspelled names on, how to correct.
> Appreciate any info.
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In my many film look-ups I came across many similar name differences. Perhaps her name was Teodora Maria(de los) Dolores? I find many instances where the either name is used.
Re: misspelled names: quite often many log entries in baptisimal/marriage the priest wrote in names phoenetically.
WHAT TO BE ALERT TO: Expect many variations of name spellings.
"b" can be "v", i.e. Baldez for Valdez, Vanuelos for Banuelos, Vorrego for Borrego, Chabes for Chavez
"s" can be "c" or a “z“, i.e. Senteno, Centeno, Zenteno or Cilla for Silla
“j” can be “x”, Jimenez, Ximenez, Jaime Xaime, Javier, Xavier
“r” can be “rr”, Carrillo, Carillo, Cariyo,
“t’” is written the same height as the other letters and can be mistaken for an “r” or “c”
“y” is often a “ll” or even an “i“, i.e. Ayala, Allala, Mayorga, Maiorga, Montoya, Montolla
in many parishes the local custom uses the “ph” for “f” i.e., Phelipe for Felipe or Josepha for Josefa
sometimes the "h" is dropped off a name altogether. i.e. Haro, Aro, Holguin, Olguin, Hernandez, Ernandes, etc. OR the “h” is added where you don’t expect it. i.e. Hortis for Ortis or Hortega for Ortega.
Expect many variations of abbreviations, including the same names.
Welcome to our world of genealogy!
Jose Carlos de Leon
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