Francisco Macias Valadez

I have seen two different sets of parents for Francisco Macias Valadez who married Jacinta de Ortega, about 1624 (probably in Aguascalientes).

One source says Nicolas Macias Valadez and Leonor de Retamosa.

Another source says Alonso Macias Valadez and Maria Vazquez de Retamosa.

I have not found any documents that would indicate which of these is correct; or without definitive evidence, which is likely to be correct.

Can anyone help?

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA

Hello George:

Lots of these lines were taken from the work Jaime Holcomb published. So far he looked
like he knew what he was talking about. But then again I have not seen "proof". I know
I have Francisco as son of Alonso Macias and Maria de Retamosa. Jacinta's line I have
researched and can say to a baptismal record of one of her nieces she appears as madrina
Jacinta de Ortega "su hermana" referring to Alonso Perez de Ortega el mozo. They
are children of Alonso PErez de Ortega el viejo and Maria Nunez Vela y Munoz de Xerez
she appears to use both names. Together produced at least 4 kids that I have found.
Jacinta de Ortega, Alonso Perez de Ortega, Juana de Ortega and N. de Ortega (this
last one the name is not known but she was a female according to a dispensa).

Jacinta de Ortega and Francisco MAcias Valadez started the Macias de Ortega family.
They're descendants used this compound name for around three generations then it
was shorten to Macias while others mainted the Macias Ortega. A chapter in the new
Retonos is dedicated to them from the references I have seen. I descend from this couple.

We would have to search the archivos historicos which I plan to extract soon. We ough to
look out for any padrinos that could say "sus abuelos", etc. I'll check the draft of my book.
It includes extractions of Spaniards from the XVII-XIX centuries.

Daniel Méndez Camino

Daniel Medez Camino:

I have a Josefa Macias-Valadez who was married to Juan de dios Camarena in Jalisco, Mexico. She was the legitimate daughter of Antonio Macias and Francisca Santoyo. I was wondering if this line of Macias Valadez has any relation to Francisco Macias Valadez?


Daniel Briones

> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:38:06 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Francisco Macias Valadez
> Hello George:
> Lots of these lines were taken from the work Jaime Holcomb published. So far he looked
> like he knew what he was talking about. But then again I have not seen "proof". I know
> I have Francisco as son of Alonso Macias and Maria de Retamosa. Jacinta's line I have
> researched and can say to a baptismal record of one of her nieces she appears as madrina
> Jacinta de Ortega "su hermana" referring to Alonso Perez de Ortega el mozo. They
> are children of Alonso PErez de Ortega el viejo and Maria Nunez Vela y Munoz de Xerez
> she appears to use both names. Together produced at least 4 kids that I have found.
> Jacinta de Ortega, Alonso Perez de Ortega, Juana de Ortega and N. de Ortega (this
> last one the name is not known but she was a female according to a dispensa).
> Jacinta de Ortega and Francisco MAcias Valadez started the Macias de Ortega family.
> They're descendants used this compound name for around three generations then it
> was shorten to Macias while others mainted the Macias Ortega. A chapter in the new
> Retonos is dedicated to them from the references I have seen. I descend from this couple.
> We would have to search the archivos historicos which I plan to extract soon. We ough to
> look out for any padrinos that could say "sus abuelos", etc. I'll check the draft of my book.
> It includes extractions of Spaniards from the XVII-XIX centuries.
> Daniel Méndez Camino


Antonio Macias Valadez married Francisca Martinez de Santoyo ca. 1680 I believe it
is her son JOseph Macias Valadez who was baptized 14 APR 1691 in Aguascalientes
where she is identified as MARTINEZ DE SANTOYO, somehow GOMEZ and ZUNIGA might
be associated with her as well but that needs more studying. Your anestor was Josefa
Fabiana Macias Valadez who was baptized 7 APR 1685 in Aguascalientes she married
Juan de Dios (I) de Camarena 7 SEP 1718 in Ayo el Chico son of Felix de Camarena
and Josefa de Liebano.

Your Antonio is definately related to Francisco Macias Valadez somehow. There are potential
candidates three to be exact I also have three Antonio MAcias Valadez who I have not been
able to connect so there you go.

Martinez de Santoyo could be from Santa Fe de Guanajuato where a similar family lived
but not sure.

Daniel Méndez Camino