New batch numbers for Ojuelos, Jalisco parish records

The pages on pages on Nuestrosranchos which have the LDS film numbers and batch numbers make it easy to add and edit information, so I recently added half a dozen new batches and associated films to the page for OJuelos.

Also, for those researching the Ojuelos area, the LDS films (and batch numbers) for on the Nuestrosranchos Ojuelos page contain entries from three different churches:
* Señor San José, in Ojuelos, on films numbered 063xxxx and 0640xxx (with xxx up to 140);
* Inmaculada Concepción, in Ciénega de Mata, on films 0640149 to 0641019; and
* Ledesma, Ojuelos (don't know the name of the church), on films 0641027 to 0641037 and films 0641059 and 0641060.

If you know about any other churches in the Ojuelos area which have had their records filmed by the LDS, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know.

The films 0639963, 0640149, 0640150, 0640151, & 0640170 are on permanent loan at the local Family History center and I will gladly do lookups if you know the date to within a year or so, or if there's an index for your record.

- Bert