Help locating la Barranca in Calvillo

I've read a few marriage dispensations for Calvillo that reference "la Barranca de esta feligrecia." I can't figure out exactly what this town is today as there are a few "Barrancas" near Calvillo. Does anyone have a definite suggestion where "Barranca" might be?

Here's one reference, on the right-hand side of the image:…

Thanks, Arturo

According to the document it's not a town, it's a rancho. It could be the
rancho called Barranca de Portales located west of Calvillo, northeast of
Michoacanejo, and southwest of El Rodeo. All of those places show up on
Google maps. I don't see any other rancho called Barranca, although some
have gone through name changes over the years and some that exist aren't on
Google maps.
Some of the ranches that don't show up on Google maps will show up on I did a search there for La Barranca, Aguascalientes
and I got the following:

Barranca de Portales -
Barranca del Roble -
La Barranca (Municipio de Jesús María) -


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:51 PM, wrote:

> Hello,
> I've read a few marriage dispensations for Calvillo that reference "la
> Barranca de esta feligrecia." I can't figure out exactly what this town is
> today as there are a few "Barrancas" near Calvillo. Does anyone have a
> definite suggestion where "Barranca" might be?
> Here's one reference, on the right-hand side of the image:
> Thanks, Arturo

Una buena opcion para buscar localidades, es el archivo histórico de
localidades del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Información:…

Donde buscas por Estado, Municipio y te da varias opcines de busqueda, y la
informacin que proporciona es de los distintos nombres que ha tenido la
localidad durante los distintos censos de población en méxico.

2011/6/10 Armando

> According to the document it's not a town, it's a rancho. It could be the
> rancho called Barranca de Portales located west of Calvillo, northeast of
> Michoacanejo, and southwest of El Rodeo. All of those places show up on
> Google maps. I don't see any other rancho called Barranca, although some
> have gone through name changes over the years and some that exist aren't on
> Google maps.
> Some of the ranches that don't show up on Google maps will show up on
> I did a search there for La Barranca,
> Aguascalientes
> and I got the following:
> Barranca de Portales -
> Barranca del Roble -
> La Barranca (Municipio de Jesús María) -
> Armando
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:51 PM, wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've read a few marriage dispensations for Calvillo that reference "la
> > Barranca de esta feligrecia." I can't figure out exactly what this town
> is
> > today as there are a few "Barrancas" near Calvillo. Does anyone have a
> > definite suggestion where "Barranca" might be?
> > Here's one reference, on the right-hand side of the image:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks, Arturo
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
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> >
> >

Gracias por la informacion. Aparte de estos dos posibilidades, tambien hay un lugar con el nombre de "Barranca" en la carreter a Jalpa. La gente quien se casaron en Calvillo eran de un rancho cerca de Jalpa, y por eso primer pensaba que la referencia en el IM era a este tercer lugar.

Por el momento se queda una abierta la pregunta.

Arturo G

Juan Francisco Sanchez Alvarez

Armando, Searching in parish records of San Cristobal de la Barranca I saw a place named Calvillo and of course is near the town San Cristobal de LA BARRANCA , but I do not if exist at this moment.

Hello Juan Francisco,

La Barranca was being asked about by Arturo. San Cristobal de la Barranca is
a town in Jalisco and wouldn't be the rancho La Barranca of Calvillo,
Aguascalientes mentioned in the document. Thank you for mentioning this


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:56 PM, wrote:

> Juan Francisco Sanchez Alvarez
> Armando, Searching in parish records of San Cristobal de la Barranca I saw
> a place named Calvillo and of course is near the town San Cristobal de LA
> BARRANCA , but I do not if exist at this moment.