Hi, I have had a researching problem with the baptism of José Eduardo Tapia of San Martín Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico. The indexed record of his baptism states that the reference number (or page number of the baptism book) is 227. But I can't seem to find that page number in the microfilms of San Martín Hidalgo, Jalisco Mexico 1878-1886. Once I get to the page 218, the numbers change to 250s. The film number is 1108114. Could someone please help. Thanks in advance, I have been researching about Eduardo's family. He is the brother of my great-grandmother Zeferina Tapia.
Here is the link to his baptism record https://www.familysearch.org/search/recordDetails/show?uri=https://api…
And here is the link to the film number and microfilms 1878-1886
Thank you.
In simply looking at the images of the pages, ignoring the text for the moment, the book is in pretty bad shape, clearly it is in pieces.
Since the Family Search index gives you a specific page in the register, someone obviously saw the record in the microfilm, since that is all they had to work with.
This suggests that the pages may be out of sequence in the microfilm.
Your only option is to go through the book essentially page by page. What I did is go to the location where you saw the gap, and started paging through in jumps of 5 images at a time. Since the gap was about 30 pages, and assuming they are all together, I expected to come eventually to the out of sequence pages. This is exactly what happened. From then on, it is a matter of going to the right page number.
For books in poor shape, you must always be consider that the pages may get mixed up. You may need to go through the whole film to find an out of sequence event or page.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
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Hi de Castro,
The Number in the index page (227) refers to the original number handwritten at the top of the film page (almost always). No to the number of the image of the film. That's why some times it is difficult to find the film you are looking for. The baptism of Jose Eduardo Tapia is the last act of the image in page 325. Here you have the direct link: https://www.familysearch.org/search/image/show#uri=https%3A//api.family…
Jorge Elias
Miami, FL
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Check on image number 325 of the second link you sent. I found it searching by date on the book. Sometimes they may have 2 or more books in one roll, each with its own numbering. Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro
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Thank you very much, I only looked for it on the first roll but I would have never guessed there would have been two in one roll. Thanks.
Thank you both Victoriano Navarro and Jorge Elias.
A. de Castro
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San Martin Hidalgo