Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on October 5, 1791 (image 142).
I think it says he was from Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria?), and was the son of Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan. I also think it says he was the widower of someone named Ortiz?
Anna Cleta was from San Juan, and her parents were Matheo Calzada and Maria Barbara de la [?].
Alquien puede leer y decirme que dice este documento del matrimonio de Jph Cayetano Garcia con Anna Cleta Calzada, en Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, 5 Octubre, 1791 (image 142).
Thank you/gracias,
Port Orchard, Washington State, EU
I am here again, yesterday I have a busy day, but at night, like a magic thing, I opened the Marriage Information book from Aguascalientes 1694. The first thing I Noticed was that the files were not ordered by date, starting in November or December … and I thought I will never find the record for Antonio Trillo and Mariana Villalpando. I select some random numbers to fill the page´s blank and “viola” the third one was the one for them. Image: 189…
I would like to find the record of Nicolas García and María San Juan Velasco, Trillo or Villalpando, but nothing yet.
I am sending you attached part of the transcription of the information record. I did not transcribe the full text because is repetitive, but still I wrote the important details. There are some interesting facts: Antonio has a beautiful signature, whereas Mariana (she was 20 years old) did not sign because “dijo no saber”. The first witness is Antonio´s own father: Felipe de Trillo, 58 years old.
It is interesting the second last name of Mariana (Gardea, or Lozano de Gardea), I have never heard it. At first time I thought it was García, but the other records reassure the spelling Gardea and not Garcia. I fund Mariana´s death certificate from January 29, 1746. She approximately was 72 years old when she died, but the record don’t register the cause.
This is the link to the file:…
And I attached the transcription too.
As I said you, I could not find the marriage record for Nicolas García and María San Juan Belasco or Trillo, or Villalpando but we have three possible children:
1. Our José or Pedro Cayetano
2. María Catarina Dololres (4 may 1726)…
Padrinos: Juan Silva Noroña? And Maria Dolores (no last name)
3. María Teresa de Jesus (24 Oct 1740)…
Padrinos: Bernardo de Trillo y Gertrudis Villalpando!
Concerning the Testamentaria Histórica, I see the post is from 2006, I really do not know if the user Ferero still active in nuestros ranchos, but I already leave it a comment, I will let you know.
I have never attached a file, let me know if you can get both files:
Jorge Elias
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Thank you so much again for finding this information.
Yes, I was able to open the links you sent. I couldn't open them at first, but I got a message that I needed to download a compatability pack because you have the newer Microsoft Word 2007, and I have the old 2003.
Thank you so much for transcribing the records. I appreciate it very much.
> To:
> From:
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:33:19 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Antonio Trillo y Mariana Villalpando
> I am here again, yesterday I have a busy day, but at night, like a magic thing, I opened the Marriage Information book from Aguascalientes 1694. The first thing I Noticed was that the files were not ordered by date, starting in November or December … and I thought I will never find the record for Antonio Trillo and Mariana Villalpando. I select some random numbers to fill the page´s blank and “viola” the third one was the one for them. Image: 189
> I would like to find the record of Nicolas García and María San Juan Velasco, Trillo or Villalpando, but nothing yet.
> I am sending you attached part of the transcription of the information record. I did not transcribe the full text because is repetitive, but still I wrote the important details. There are some interesting facts: Antonio has a beautiful signature, whereas Mariana (she was 20 years old) did not sign because “dijo no saber”. The first witness is Antonio´s own father: Felipe de Trillo, 58 years old.
> It is interesting the second last name of Mariana (Gardea, or Lozano de Gardea), I have never heard it. At first time I thought it was García, but the other records reassure the spelling Gardea and not Garcia. I fund Mariana´s death certificate from January 29, 1746. She approximately was 72 years old when she died, but the record don’t register the cause.
> This is the link to the file:
> And I attached the transcription too.
> As I said you, I could not find the marriage record for Nicolas García and María San Juan Belasco or Trillo, or Villalpando but we have three possible children:
> 1. Our José or Pedro Cayetano
> 2. María Catarina Dololres (4 may 1726)
> Padrinos: Juan Silva Noroña? And Maria Dolores (no last name)
> 3. María Teresa de Jesus (24 Oct 1740)
> Padrinos: Bernardo de Trillo y Gertrudis Villalpando!
> Concerning the Testamentaria Histórica, I see the post is from 2006, I really do not know if the user Ferero still active in nuestros ranchos, but I already leave it a comment, I will let you know.
> I have never attached a file, let me know if you can get both files:
> Jorge Elias
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I have also been troubled by the fact that the matrimonial investigations are in such a disarray. After going back and looking through the same volume more than once, I decided to create an index for them.
I have gone through the volumes through 1720, and have posted them on Nuestros Ranchos:
The lists gives the documents in chronological order. The lists are pdf files, and are searchable. But please note, that the names were recorded as spelled in the original document. For example, Garcia could be listed as Garsia or Garzia. The list will give the image number reference to the files as listed on Family Search.
The matrimonial investigations are not complete, and are not in order. Sometimes you will find a document that is years out of order. The link above will give you all the details.
You are welcome to download the files, and print them, but they are well over 200 pages.
I am working on the period after 1720, and will also post that when done.
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
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Thank you so much for shearing it. I already download it and put it in my "library". It is really beautiful. I think you have invested lots of hours in it, but it is a great tool to work.
Thank you again for the information, I will read them, regards.
Jorge Elias
Miami, FL
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Le pido disculpa Jorge, ya que te mencioné en otro post como Elías pero ahora me di cuenta que es su apellido.
Estimado Jorge,
Mi línea de Trillo que he estudiado es lo siguiente:
D. Juan Manuel de Trillo bautizado en Aguascalientes el 2 de noviembre de 1695 y casado en el Sagrario de Aguascalientes el 12 de abril de 1723 con Da. Juana de Jesús Pérez-Gallo, dicha familia con sus orígenes en Bilbao, Vizcaya en País Vasco.
Juan Manuel era hijo de D. Antonio de Trillo y Da. Mariana de Villalpando, dichos casaron el 25 de julio de 1666 en Aguascalientes. Antonio era hijo de D. Felipe de Trillo patriarca y fundador de su linaje en México y Andrea Macías Valadés también parece como Castañeda. No tengo más de ellos. En efecto, Mariana de Villalpando era hija de D. Diego de Villalpando y Da. Isabel Lozano de Gardea.
Lozano de Gardea era apellido compuesto cuando los padres de Isabel casaron. D. Cristóbal Lozano y Da. Mariana López de Gardea, motivo para nombrar su nieta, Mariana de Villalpando. Cristóbal era nieto del ilustre regidor de Zacatecas. El apellido Lozano de Gardea sobrevivió grandemente hasta el siglo XIX. Sin embargo, hoy en día si se puede encontrar en Aguascalientes.
Daniel Méndez Camino
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Hola Daniel no hay necesidad de pedir disculpas, a lo largo de mi vida me han dicho muchas veces Elias pensando que es mi nombre. Mi Tatarabuelo zacatecano se llamaba José Carmen y sus apellidos eran Elías Jaime. ¡Cuatro nombres para escoger!.
Muy interesante lo que dices sobre la familia Trillo. Lo que quiere decir que María San Juan era hermana de Juan Manuel de Trillo, no hemos podido encontrar su partida de nacimiento o tal vez pueda ser una de las que menciona Emilie, pero ¿de dónde provendrá lo de Belasco que le aparece en algunos documentos?
No había oído el apellido Gardea en un primer momento pensé que era García y transcribí el documento colocando García, pero después me percaté que era Gardea y además compuesto Lozano de Gardea. De ambas partes de mi genealogía, paterna y materna he encontrado apellidos compuestos, por el lado de mi padre el de Ruiz de Esparza y por el lado materno Rodrígez de Montemayor, pero mi tatarabuelo solo lo llevó de manera simplificada Rodrígiuez sin Montemayor como su Madre.
Hace un tiempo pensaba que encontrar mis raíces genealógicas era una misión imposible, estoy asombrado de la cantidad de información que se puede encontrar on Line,
Muchas gracias Daniel por tus comentarios creo que ayudarán a que Emilie continue profundizando en su genealogía. Hasta pronto.
Jorge Elias
Miami, FL
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Hola, Daniel,
You had said that Dn. Felipe/Phelipe de Trillo was "patriarca y fundador de su linaje en Mexico" with parents born in Spain. Do you know who his parents were, and how to trace them in Spain?
Port Orchard, WA
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:56:25 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Hola Daniel, algo sobre María San Juan de Trillo
> Hola Daniel no hay necesidad de pedir disculpas, a lo largo de mi vida me han dicho muchas veces Elias pensando que es mi nombre. Mi Tatarabuelo zacatecano se llamaba José Carmen y sus apellidos eran Elías Jaime. ¡Cuatro nombres para escoger!.
> Muy interesante lo que dices sobre la familia Trillo. Lo que quiere decir que María San Juan era hermana de Juan Manuel de Trillo, no hemos podido encontrar su partida de nacimiento o tal vez pueda ser una de las que menciona Emilie, pero ¿de dónde provendrá lo de Belasco que le aparece en algunos documentos?
> No había oído el apellido Gardea en un primer momento pensé que era García y transcribí el documento colocando García, pero después me percaté que era Gardea y además compuesto Lozano de Gardea. De ambas partes de mi genealogía, paterna y materna he encontrado apellidos compuestos, por el lado de mi padre el de Ruiz de Esparza y por el lado materno Rodrígez de Montemayor, pero mi tatarabuelo solo lo llevó de manera simplificada Rodrígiuez sin Montemayor como su Madre.
> Hace un tiempo pensaba que encontrar mis raíces genealógicas era una misión imposible, estoy asombrado de la cantidad de información que se puede encontrar on Line,
> Muchas gracias Daniel por tus comentarios creo que ayudarán a que Emilie continue profundizando en su genealogía. Hasta pronto.
> Jorge Elias
> Miami, FL
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Hello Emily,
Yesterday I found the marriage information for Cayetano García and Theresa Ortiz. More details to analyse.…
Even though there are some inconsistencies, could be the same Cayetano that years later get married to Anacleta.
Datos a favor:
a) Obviously his name and the name of his wife Teresa Ortiz,
b) the names of his parents except the second name of his mother Villalpando instead of Trillo,
c) his age 25 years
d) his mother is "difunta"
Datos en contra
a) Here he said he is from la Villa de Aguas Calientes in the other file he said he is "originario de esta Villa" (Encarnación).
b) the last name of his mother does not match.
b) He did not sign.
I think these three references do not discard the possibility that both are the same person.
If this Cayetano is the same person that years later get married to Anacleta, he was born in la Villa de Aguascalientes and moved to Lagos at age of 16 and later he moved to Encarnación. These three towns are relatively close. The fact that his mother was already death when he was young, explain the other fact that it is not easy to find more brothers and sisters of him (but this is only my speculation) And explain too the variable use of his mother last name (speculation too).
Le deseo buena suerte en su investigación, a mi me es muy plasentero porder ayudar cuando me es posible.
Jorge Elias
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Jorge, again I thank you so much for your help in my research. It is hard for me to look through the images because of my poor eyesight and because I don't understand all the words in Spanish. I usually look for people in the index, and the Informacion Matrimonial doesn't have an index, I guess. Also, people back then in Mexico seemed to change their names like we change our socks. Every document, a different surname.
I agree that this Informacion Matrimonial is for my husband's ancestors.
In his marriage to Anna Cleta Calzada, he is called Jph. Calletano, and I think I found his baptism record under Pedro Cayetano Garcia Belasco who was baptized on May 11, 1738 (image 17) in El Sagrario, Aguascalientes, and was born "en esta Villa" on April 26, 1738. It lists his parents as Nicolas Garcia and Maria SnJuan Belasco. His padrinos were Br [?] Dn. Phelipe de Trillo and Da. Maria Gertrudis de Trillo. I am sure this is my husband's ancestor. But where does the Belasco come from? In other documents, Maria de San Juan is called de Trillo. The women used so many different surnames.
Thank you so much again; te agradesco mucho. Dios te bendiga,
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 12:33:42 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Informacion Matrimonial Cayetano Garcia y Teresa Ortiz
> Hello Emily,
> Yesterday I found the marriage information for Cayetano García and Theresa Ortiz. More details to analyse.
> Even though there are some inconsistencies, could be the same Cayetano that years later get married to Anacleta.
> Datos a favor:
> a) Obviously his name and the name of his wife Teresa Ortiz,
> b) the names of his parents except the second name of his mother Villalpando instead of Trillo,
> c) his age 25 years
> d) his mother is "difunta"
> Datos en contra
> a) Here he said he is from la Villa de Aguas Calientes in the other file he said he is "originario de esta Villa" (Encarnación).
> b) the last name of his mother does not match.
> b) He did not sign.
> I think these three references do not discard the possibility that both are the same person.
> If this Cayetano is the same person that years later get married to Anacleta, he was born in la Villa de Aguascalientes and moved to Lagos at age of 16 and later he moved to Encarnación. These three towns are relatively close. The fact that his mother was already death when he was young, explain the other fact that it is not easy to find more brothers and sisters of him (but this is only my speculation) And explain too the variable use of his mother last name (speculation too).
> Le deseo buena suerte en su investigación, a mi me es muy plasentero porder ayudar cuando me es posible.
> Jorge Elias
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Hi Emily, This is a very interesting research for me. The second last name of my Mother is Garcia too, but Garcia is a frequent last name. My grandmother was from Montemorelos NL (a beautiful blond and blue eyes old lady, at least thus is the way as I remember her). I have been tracking her ancestors since almost two years and I could find that across her maternal line she was related to the founders of Guadalajara, but always selecting the maternal side. I need to do some DNA test and compare them with other people of the same branch to prove if my research is correct. But that is another story.
About the baptism record you fund I have some comments,
a) It is possible that this Pedro Cayetano is the same Joseph Cayetano, even though the date is a little old for ”our” Cayetano. I think could be him, or an older brother. I found in my genealogy that my 3 grand parents had 3 sons with the same name (the oldest died as a baby, but the other two reach adulthood in a little town in Nuevo Leon).
b) The coincidence in the names of Cayetano´s parents and the last name of the godparents is a clue to connect both Cayetanos. And could be possible that Cayetano was related to his godparents and that´s the reason why he used some times their last name Trillo.
c) The abbreviation Br means “bachiller” (bachelor), but generally in that time the title was given to priests or individuals in ecclesiastical studies. There is a Priest with that name (Felipe de Trillo) appearing in a testament of 1762 that was listed in this very page. You can see it in the comments of this link here in Nuestos Ranchos:
Actually, if you see the signature in the baptism record of Pedro Cayetano you can notice the same title to Br. Vicente Anastacio Preciado that was “teniente del Cura”of Dr. Don Manuel Colon in the same record. The godmother, Gertrudis de Trillo, could be the sister of “bachiller” Felipe de Trillo.
le deseo una buena semana,
Jorge Elias
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I am glad that you find my research interesting, because you are helping me a lot.
Yes, I wondered about the name Garcia being so common, and how I can trace it farther back, maybe even to the first one of my husband's ancestors who came to the new world from Spain. I was hoping they would use combined names such as Garcia de Noriega, Garcia de la Cadena, etc. but so far they only use the Garcia name.
In the Informacion Matrimonial I read for Cayetano, I read that his mother's parents were Antonio Trillo and Mariana Villalpando, and I found several children for them in the bautismos, but not one named Maria de San Juan. There is a Jua. Maria (female) born in 1712, so that may be her. They also had a son Phelipe (Felipe) so maybe he is the one who became a priest.
The parents of Antonio Trillo were Phelipe de Trillo and Andrea Balades. The parents of Mariana were Diego de Villalpando and Ysabel Lozano de Gardea.
I wondered if the "Br." was a title, now thanks to you I know what it means.
Yes, I agree that Pedro Cayetano was quite a bit older than the age Calletano gave for his Diligencia, but could he have shaved off a few years in light of the fact that he was marrying a girl of 18? Also, in many census records here in the US which is taken every ten years, the ages they give each time are very much off their real birth dates. Of course, it could be also that Nicolas Garcia had two sons with similar names---Pedro Cayetano and Jph. Calletano.
I think that Antonio Trillo had a brother named Bernardo Trillo who married a Gertrudis Villalpando because that couple appears as godparents for some of Antonio's children. So two brothers of one family married two sisters of a neighboring family. I know that that was common then when families were very large and people stayed in the same community for generations.
Thank you so much for that link to the Testamentaria Historica. Besides the Trillo name, I also see mentioned other ancestral names of my husband's: Lozano, Lopez, Valdez, Esparza, Cervantes, Villalobos, Reyes, Munoz, Leon. I wonder how I could get copies of the stories. Hoever, if they are not transcribed, I probably wouldn't be able to read them.
Thank you again so much for your assistance,
> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 13:38:44 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Br. Felipe de Trillo
> Hi Emily, This is a very interesting research for me. The second last name of my Mother is Garcia too, but Garcia is a frequent last name. My grandmother was from Montemorelos NL (a beautiful blond and blue eyes old lady, at least thus is the way as I remember her). I have been tracking her ancestors since almost two years and I could find that across her maternal line she was related to the founders of Guadalajara, but always selecting the maternal side. I need to do some DNA test and compare them with other people of the same branch to prove if my research is correct. But that is another story.
> About the baptism record you fund I have some comments,
> a) It is possible that this Pedro Cayetano is the same Joseph Cayetano, even though the date is a little old for ”our” Cayetano. I think could be him, or an older brother. I found in my genealogy that my 3 grand parents had 3 sons with the same name (the oldest died as a baby, but the other two reach adulthood in a little town in Nuevo Leon).
> b) The coincidence in the names of Cayetano´s parents and the last name of the godparents is a clue to connect both Cayetanos. And could be possible that Cayetano was related to his godparents and that´s the reason why he used some times their last name Trillo.
> c) The abbreviation Br means “bachiller” (bachelor), but generally in that time the title was given to priests or individuals in ecclesiastical studies. There is a Priest with that name (Felipe de Trillo) appearing in a testament of 1762 that was listed in this very page. You can see it in the comments of this link here in Nuestos Ranchos:
> Actually, if you see the signature in the baptism record of Pedro Cayetano you can notice the same title to Br. Vicente Anastacio Preciado that was “teniente del Cura”of Dr. Don Manuel Colon in the same record. The godmother, Gertrudis de Trillo, could be the sister of “bachiller” Felipe de Trillo.
> le deseo una buena semana,
> Jorge Elias
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Calletano Garcia, según se ve en el informe matrimonial sabía escribir, pues firma su declaración Calletano Garcya. Algo muy poco común en la época. Era muy poca la gente que escribía a mediados del siglo XVIII. Definitivamente no puede ser hijo de la pareja de Colotlan, creo yo. Estudiar el documento completo, las declaraciones de la novia y los testigos sin duda le aportará datos nuevos muy interesantes.
Buena suerte,
Jorge Elias
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Hi Emilie,
Looking this other post I thinking the Indian couple Nicolas and Maria San Juan from Colotlan is not the same as the one parents of this Cayetano García. I do not know if you already found the file in the Marriage Information for Cayetano Garcia and Anacleta Calzada. There, the letter is more clear and comprehensible. It is in image 163 This is the direct link:…
Jose Calletano Garcia Español Originario y Vecino de esta Villa de 46 años hijo legítimo de Nicolás García y de Maria San Juan de Trillo (ya difuntos) viudo de Teresa Ortiz
Anacleta Calzada española de 18 años de San Juan vecina de esta villa del Puesto de Santa María hija legítima de Matheo Calzada y Barbara Martin.
Buena Suerte and you are alright acaudalado means wealthy
Jorge Elías
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Ups I placed the wrong link but already changed it in my previous comment
the correct one is this:…
Jorge Elias
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I am so happy to receive your e-mail here. No, I had not found the Informacion Matrimonial, only the Matrimonio. The Matrimonios are in the index, but the Informacion is not.
God Bless You! You have shown me six pages of information, with so many interesting facts, such as that Calletano was literate, at least he could sign his name! and no, now I know for sure the couple from Colotlan are not my husband's ancestors.
Another interesting fact I found in reading the declaraciones is that a witness Sevastian Gonzales was Anna Cleta's uncle and the grandfather of her daughter-in-law. Celletano and Anna Cleta had a son, Jose Maria Garcia who married Maria Gregoria Morones on June 10, 1818 in Encarnacion. Gregoria's mother was Ygnacia Gonzales, the daughter of Sevastian Gonzales!
Thank you again so much for the research you have done for me,
Muy agradecida,
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 20:46:09 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Informe Matrimonial
> Hi Emilie,
> Looking this other post I thinking the Indian couple Nicolas and Maria San Juan from Colotlan is not the same as the one parents of this Cayetano García. I do not know if you already found the file in the Marriage Information for Cayetano Garcia and Anacleta Calzada. There, the letter is more clear and comprehensible. It is in image 163 This is the direct link:
> Jose Calletano Garcia Español Originario y Vecino de esta Villa de 46 años hijo legítimo de Nicolás García y de Maria San Juan de Trillo (ya difuntos) viudo de Teresa Ortiz
> Anacleta Calzada española de 18 años de San Juan vecina de esta villa del Puesto de Santa María hija legítima de Matheo Calzada y Barbara Martin.
> Buena Suerte
> Jorge Elías
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Emily, like you I am so grateful for the help and generosity of Ranchos members
to share and help each other.
Joseph and Arturo you set up a forum that has helped so many reclaim lost long
thank you
Linda in B.C.
From: Emilie Garcia
Sent: Sat, July 23, 2011 10:57:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Informe Matrimonial
I am so happy to receive your e-mail here. No, I had not found the Informacion
Matrimonial, only the Matrimonio. The Matrimonios are in the index, but the
Informacion is not.
God Bless You! You have shown me six pages of information, with so many
interesting facts, such as that Calletano was literate, at least he could sign
his name! and no, now I know for sure the couple from Colotlan are not my
husband's ancestors.
Another interesting fact I found in reading the declaraciones is that a witness
Sevastian Gonzales was Anna Cleta's uncle and the grandfather of her
daughter-in-law. Celletano and Anna Cleta had a son, Jose Maria Garcia who
married Maria Gregoria Morones on June 10, 1818 in Encarnacion. Gregoria's
mother was Ygnacia Gonzales, the daughter of Sevastian Gonzales!
Thank you again so much for the research you have done for me,
Muy agradecida,
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 20:46:09 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Informe Matrimonial
> Hi Emilie,
> Looking this other post I thinking the Indian couple Nicolas and Maria San Juan
>from Colotlan is not the same as the one parents of this Cayetano García. I do
>not know if you already found the file in the Marriage Information for Cayetano
>Garcia and Anacleta Calzada. There, the letter is more clear and comprehensible.
>It is in image 163 This is the direct link:
> Jose Calletano Garcia Español Originario y Vecino de esta Villa de 46 años hijo
>legítimo de Nicolás García y de Maria San Juan de Trillo (ya difuntos) viudo de
>Teresa Ortiz
> Anacleta Calzada española de 18 años de San Juan vecina de esta villa del
>Puesto de Santa María hija legítima de Matheo Calzada y Barbara Martin.
> Buena Suerte
> Jorge Elías
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Hello Emilie,
You should look for the información matromonial to see if there is more info
The marriage document says:
...Jph Cayetano Garcia español originario y vecino de esta feligresía en Sta
Barbara hijo legitimo de Nicolas Garcia y de Maria de San Juan de ¿Tello? y
viudo de Teresa de Ortiz ha un año con Anna Cleta Calzada española
originaria de San Juan y vecina de esta feligresía ha cuatro años hija
legitima de Mateo Calzada y de Maria Barbara de la ?...…
Anna Cleta Calzada was born 03 Aug 1772 in San Juan but is described as
india in that document…
Cayetano Garcia and Teresa Ortiz were married 29 Jan 1769 in Lagos de Moreno
and it shows Cayetano as being originally from Aguascalientes and the son of
Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan Villalpando.…
I can't find anything on Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan Villalpando or
Trillo or Tello.
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 3:54 AM, Emilie Garcia
> Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia
> to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on
> October 5, 1791 (image 142).
> I think it says he was from Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria?), and was the
> son of Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan. I also think it says he was
> the widower of someone named Ortiz?
> Anna Cleta was from San Juan, and her parents were Matheo Calzada and Maria
> Barbara de la [?].
> Alquien puede leer y decirme que dice este documento del matrimonio de Jph
> Cayetano Garcia con Anna Cleta Calzada, en Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, 5
> Octubre, 1791 (image 142).
> Thank you/gracias,
> Emilie
> Port Orchard, Washington State, EU
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Armando---thank you so much for doing that extra research for me. I feel I am hitting the jackpot here with everyone's help.
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 17:19:44 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Need Help with Marriage Record for Jph. Cayetano Garcia
> Hello Emilie,
> You should look for the información matromonial to see if there is more info
> there
> The marriage document says:
> ...Jph Cayetano Garcia español originario y vecino de esta feligresía en Sta
> Barbara hijo legitimo de Nicolas Garcia y de Maria de San Juan de ¿Tello? y
> viudo de Teresa de Ortiz ha un año con Anna Cleta Calzada española
> originaria de San Juan y vecina de esta feligresía ha cuatro años hija
> legitima de Mateo Calzada y de Maria Barbara de la ?...
> Anna Cleta Calzada was born 03 Aug 1772 in San Juan but is described as
> india in that document
> Cayetano Garcia and Teresa Ortiz were married 29 Jan 1769 in Lagos de Moreno
> and it shows Cayetano as being originally from Aguascalientes and the son of
> Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan Villalpando.
> I can't find anything on Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan Villalpando or
> Trillo or Tello.
> Armando
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 3:54 AM, Emilie Garcia
> >
> >
> > Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia
> > to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on
> > October 5, 1791 (image 142).
> >
> > I think it says he was from Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria?), and was the
> > son of Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan. I also think it says he was
> > the widower of someone named Ortiz?
> >
> > Anna Cleta was from San Juan, and her parents were Matheo Calzada and Maria
> > Barbara de la [?].
> >
> > Alquien puede leer y decirme que dice este documento del matrimonio de Jph
> > Cayetano Garcia con Anna Cleta Calzada, en Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, 5
> > Octubre, 1791 (image 142).
> >
> > Thank you/gracias,
> >
> > Emilie
> > Port Orchard, Washington State, EU
> >
> >
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List
> >
> > To post, send email to:
> > research(at)
> >
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> >
> >
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Hello Emilie,
I have typed what my old eyes see for you.
... Joseph Cayetano Garcia Español originario y vecino de esta feligresia en Santa Barbara Hijo lexitimo de Nicolas Garcia y de Maria de San Juan de Trillo y viudo de Thereza Ortis ha[ce] un año con Anna Cleta Calzada española originaria de San Juan y vecina de esta Feligresia ha[ce] quatro años hija lexitima de Matheo Calzada y de Maria Barbara de [So Mayor ?] ...
I think that the Sta. Maria in the margin refer to where the bride lives now. Hope this helps.
David from Albany, CA
-----Original Message-----
>From: Emilie Garcia
>Sent: Jul 19, 2011 1:54 AM
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Need Help with Marriage Record for Jph. Cayetano Garcia
>Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on October 5, 1791 (image 142).
>I think it says he was from Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria?), and was the son of Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan. I also think it says he was the widower of someone named Ortiz?
>Anna Cleta was from San Juan, and her parents were Matheo Calzada and Maria Barbara de la [?].
>Alquien puede leer y decirme que dice este documento del matrimonio de Jph Cayetano Garcia con Anna Cleta Calzada, en Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, 5 Octubre, 1791 (image 142).
>Thank you/gracias,
>Port Orchard, Washington State, EU
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David---thank you so much. I appreciate it; now I can make more sense of it and now I know his widow's name and when she died.
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 14:50:57 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Need Help with Marriage Record for Jph. Cayetano Garcia
> Hello Emilie,
> I have typed what my old eyes see for you.
> ... Joseph Cayetano Garcia Español originario y vecino de esta feligresia en Santa Barbara Hijo lexitimo de Nicolas Garcia y de Maria de San Juan de Trillo y viudo de Thereza Ortis ha[ce] un año con Anna Cleta Calzada española originaria de San Juan y vecina de esta Feligresia ha[ce] quatro años hija lexitima de Matheo Calzada y de Maria Barbara de [So Mayor ?] ...
> I think that the Sta. Maria in the margin refer to where the bride lives now. Hope this helps.
> David from Albany, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Emilie Garcia
> >Sent: Jul 19, 2011 1:54 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Need Help with Marriage Record for Jph. Cayetano Garcia
> >
> >
> >
> >Can someone please help me read the marriage record for Jph Cayetano Garcia to Anna Cleta Calzada that took place in Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco on October 5, 1791 (image 142).
> >
> >I think it says he was from Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria?), and was the son of Nicolas Garcia and Maria de San Juan. I also think it says he was the widower of someone named Ortiz?
> >
> >Anna Cleta was from San Juan, and her parents were Matheo Calzada and Maria Barbara de la [?].
> >
> >Alquien puede leer y decirme que dice este documento del matrimonio de Jph Cayetano Garcia con Anna Cleta Calzada, en Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco, 5 Octubre, 1791 (image 142).
> >
> >Thank you/gracias,
> >
> >Emilie
> >Port Orchard, Washington State, EU
> >
> >
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Antonio Trillo y Mariana Villalpando