Introduction of Israel Sustaita Loera

I'm really happy to be part of this great community and I thank everybody that runs this website. My family comes from the small town of Ojocaliente, Calvillo in in the state of Aguascalientes. In Ojocaliente there are many people with the surname Loera and my research has proven that many of us are related .This area used to be called Valle de Huajucar or Huejucar.

I started my research about 4 months ago and it's been an amazing experience because to me it feels like I'm a lucky archaeologist who discovers a lost tomb and I'm the first one to see it in hundreds of years. I was very surprised to discover that both my grandparents on my mother's side and my grandmother on my father's side are related. All of them are descendants of Ricardo Loera and Barbara Gertrudis Lopez who were married, probably, between 1750 and 1770. It is very frustrating that I have not been able to find out who their parents were to continue my research and I hope somebody can help me on this. It was also surprising to find out that I'm related to the Fernandez de Palos from Aguascalientes.

Me siento muy feliz al ser parte de esta gran comunidad les doy las gracias a todos los que hacen este sitio posible. Toda mi familia es originaria del el pueblo de Ojocaliente en el municipio de Calvillo en Aguascalientes. En Ojocaliente hay muchísimos Loeras y he encontrado en mis investigaciones que muchos somos parientes lejanos. Esta área se llamaba Valle de Huajucar o Huecar antes de llamarse Calvillo.

Llevo 4 meses investigando y ha sido una experiencia maravillosa porque me siento como si fuera un arqueólogo que ha descubierto una tumba perdida y es el primero en ver adentro en siglos. Durante todo este corto tiempo he descubierto que mis abuelos del lado de mi mama tienen un ancestro en común y que también ese mismo ancestro en común lo tiene mi abuelita del lado de mi papa. Todos son descendiente de Ricardo Loera y Bárbara Gertrudis López quien se han de haber casado entre el 1750 y 1770. Es una lastima que no he podido encontrar quienes eran sus papas pues los únicos records que he encontrado en Familysearch son de sus hijos y nunca mencionan a los padres por esos años espero y alguien pueda ayudarme con esto. También he descubierto que soy descendiente de los Fernandez de Palos de Aguascaliente


We are and should be closely related. My mother's family had continuous movement between Aguascalientes and
Calvillo. My mother was born in Aguascalientes. You are absolutely correct, there is only one Loera family. All
the Loera of Aguascalientes come from Diego de Loera and Margarita de Nava back from the early 1600s.

Like many here I am also closely related to Fernandez de Palo, Lopez de Nava, Tiscareno, Romo de Vivar
and Martinez de Sotomayor. These families were close knit not only in Aguascalientes but also Calvillo.

Please contact me,

Hi, How about Sustaita???? had you made any reseach in that branch??,

Hola, bienvenido y espero q tengas muchas satisfacciones con la genealógia,
estoy seguro que muchos de Nuestros Ranchos te podrán ayudar con tu rama
materna, tienen muy bien estudiados esos rumbos, asi que te topaste con una
mina de oro!!!!, en cuanto a tu padre, de donde es???? yo soy del df y tengo
una rama relativamente reciente de sustaitas al igual que mi esposo, es un
apellido poco común es por eso que me llamo la atención

2011/7/22 Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino

> Israel,
> We are and should be closely related. My mother's family had continuous
> movement between Aguascalientes and
> Calvillo. My mother was born in Aguascalientes. You are absolutely correct,
> there is only one Loera family. All
> the Loera of Aguascalientes come from Diego de Loera and Margarita de Nava
> back from the early 1600s.
> Like many here I am also closely related to Fernandez de Palo, Lopez de
> Nava, Tiscareno, Romo de Vivar
> and Martinez de Sotomayor. These families were close knit not only in
> Aguascalientes but also Calvillo.
> Please contact me,
> Daniel

Hi, How about Sustaita???? had you made any reseach in that branch??,

Hola, bienvenido y espero q tengas muchas satisfacciones con la genealógia,
estoy seguro que muchos de Nuestros Ranchos te podrán ayudar con tu rama
materna, tienen muy bien estudiados esos rumbos, asi que te topaste con una
mina de oro!!!!, en cuanto a tu padre, de donde es???? yo soy del df y tengo
una rama relativamente reciente de sustaitas al igual que mi esposo, es un
apellido poco común es por eso que me llamo la atención

2011/7/22 Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino

Mi papa es de Ojocaliente, Calvillo también al igual que mi mama. Si he investigado el apellido Sustaita y hasta ahora el ancestro mas antiguo parece ser, no estoy seguro, un tal Simón Sustaita que se caso con Lucia Montañés. Existe un récord parroquial de cuando murió en 1739 en Aguascalientes. Me encantaría saber donde nació y quien eran sus papas de el pero no he podido encontrar mas ;-)

Espero aprender mucho aquí con ustedes

My father is from Ojocaliente, Calvillo, but my grandfather was from San tadeo, Calvillo.

Yes I have made research about sustaita and so far my oldest ancestor could be, I need more proof, Simon Sustaita who died on March 21 1739 in Rio de los Negritos , Aguascalientes. He was married to Lucia Montañes.

I said that I have no proof because Jose Tomas Sustaita who married Tomaza de Marquecho has Francisco Sustaita and Maria Lopez as his parents. The only Francisco Sustaita That I found married a lady with the name Maria Lopez de Elizalde. I have no idea where the Elizalde came from since Maria's mother is Ines gonsales. This Francisco is the son of Simon Sustaita and Lucia Montañes. All the sustaitas that I have found come from Ojocaliente, San tadeo, and Milpillas,

Israel Sustaita Loera

Hi, I have Loera or Luera in my lines. I have been researching Mezquitic Jalisco. I’m confused because some ancestors show up as indigenous and some are not indigenous. I don’t know if there was mote than one line of Loeras in Mezquitic (very small town). It makes me question whether I have a mess or if it’s one family. Or how accurate were those labels? I myself am over 50% native to Zacatecas, per my Ancestry test.

Israel, We are and should be closely related. My mother's family had continuous movement between Aguascalientes and
Calvillo. My mother was born in Aguascalientes. You are absolutely correct, there is only one Loera family. All
the Loera of Aguascalientes come from Diego de Loera and Margarita de Nava back from the early 1600s.Like many here I am also closely related to Fernandez de Palo, Lopez de Nava, Tiscareno, Romo de Vivar
and Martinez de Sotomayor. These families were close knit not only in Aguascalientes but also Calvillo. Please contact me,Daniel

I also wonder if all of us Loeras are related, but tell me where did you find out about Diego de Loera and Margarita Nava and do you know anything about Ricardo Loera and Barbara Gertrudiz Lopez?

You are totally right about the families you mentioned it seems as if you have taken a look at my tree ;-)

Israel, welcome to the wonderful frustrating elating world of genealogy.  My
fathers family was from Jerez Zacatecas and there were many Loera/Luera located
there. I find the change in spelling frustrating but it was the scribe not the
people the records talk abt.  I ended up putting into my files Loera/Luera since
there was no other way to do it. I put my files on because it's
free and anyone can check them without having to pay.

good luck
Linda Castanon-Long in B.C.

From: ""
Sent: Fri, July 22, 2011 2:55:21 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Introduction of Israel Sustaita Loera

I'm really happy to be part of this great community and I thank everybody that
runs this website. My family comes from the small town of Ojocaliente, Calvillo
in  in the state of Aguascalientes.  In Ojocaliente there are many people with
the surname Loera and my research has proven that many of us are related .This
area used to be called Valle de Huajucar or Huejucar.

I started my research about 4 months ago and it's been an amazing experience
because to me it feels like I'm a lucky archaeologist who discovers a lost tomb
and I'm the first one to see it in hundreds of years. I was very surprised to
discover that both my grandparents on my mother's side and  my grandmother on my
father's side are related. All of them are descendants of Ricardo Loera and
Barbara Gertrudis Lopez who were married, probably, between 1750 and 1770. It is
very frustrating that I have not been able to find out who their parents were to
continue my research and I hope somebody can help me on this. It was also
surprising to find out that I'm related to the Fernandez de Palos  from

Me siento muy feliz al ser parte de esta gran comunidad les doy las gracias a
todos los que hacen este sitio posible. Toda mi familia es originaria del el
pueblo de Ojocaliente en el municipio de Calvillo en Aguascalientes. En
Ojocaliente hay muchísimos Loeras y he encontrado en mis investigaciones que
muchos somos parientes lejanos. Esta área se llamaba Valle de Huajucar o Huecar
antes de llamarse Calvillo.

Llevo 4 meses investigando y ha sido una experiencia maravillosa porque me
siento como si fuera un arqueólogo que ha descubierto una tumba perdida y es el
primero en ver adentro en siglos. Durante todo este corto tiempo he descubierto
que mis abuelos del lado de mi mama tienen un ancestro en común y que también
ese mismo ancestro en común lo tiene mi abuelita del lado de mi papa. Todos son
descendiente de Ricardo Loera y Bárbara Gertrudis López quien se han de haber
casado entre el 1750 y 1770. Es una lastima que no he podido encontrar quienes
eran sus papas pues los únicos records que he encontrado en Familysearch son de
sus hijos y nunca mencionan a los padres por esos años espero y alguien pueda
ayudarme con esto. También he descubierto que soy descendiente de los Fernandez
de Palos de Aguascaliente

Israel, welcome to the wonderful frustrating elating world of genealogy. My
fathers family was from Jerez Zacatecas and there were many Loera/Luera located
there. I find the change in spelling frustrating but it was the scribe not the
people the records talk abt. I ended up putting into my files Loera/Luera since
there was no other way to do it. I put my files on because it's
free and anyone can check them without having to pay.

good luck
Linda Castanon-Long in B.C.

Yes I've seen both versions, but since there are church records in Aguascalientes in the early 1600s spelled Loera it leads me to think that it is the original spelling. As you may already know, Calvillo (Valle de Huejucar)in Aguascalientes and Tabasco (Mecatabasco) in Zacatecas share a border and many people from Calvillo were baptized there I am sure there was a lot of trade between both ranchos. I wouldn't be surprised if some Loeras from Zacatecas are related to the Loeras in Aguascalientes.