I just received the message below from Feedback at Family Search. they told me the same thing you told me, that the matrimonios for 1618 are to be found in the Bautismos de Castas 1600-1672.
So, I learned a lot from you, that I need to check the dates in the Catalog. I wish though that Family Search had given me a link directly to the image I wanted, but they would not have the time to do that. It will just require me searching each and every image. Ay, ay, ay.
Port Orchard, WA
Dear Emilie Garcia,
Our sincere apologies for misunderstanding your question. As strange as it seems the record you are seeking is found by following this path:
Mexico, Guanajuato, Catholic Church Records, 1576-1984
San Felipe
San Felipe Apóstol
Bautismos de castas 1600-1672
The Bautismos de castas, 1600-1672 includes Matrimonios y Defunciones.
This is the link to the volume you need:…
If you should require any further assistance, we will be happy to help you.
It is sometimes useful to look at the FHL catalog for details ("film notes") on the films for a specific location. You can get to the catalog from either the old Family Search website, or the current one.
Many times, the film notes are pretty simple (examples from Aguascalientes):
Bautismos 1663-1684
Other times, they will indicate other records:
Bautismos 1616-1662 incluye algunos matrimonios
Sometimes rather complex:
Bautismos de españoles, Libro 12, abr. 1719-dic. 1733 y una partida de mayo 1728 al final -- Libro 34, sep. 1781-mar. 1786 y una de agosto al final -- Libro 41, abr. 1814-mar. 1816 (Incluye partidas de las parroquias de los pueblos de Jesús María y de San Marcos que pertenecen a la Villa de Aguascalientes) [Bill Figueroa posted some comments on this film a couple of years ago here at Nuestros Ranchos.]
The film "titles" as they appear on Family Search's digitized records typically do not give this level of detail, typical is a beginning and end year, with no indication that there are gaps.
Sometimes a digitized record is actually more than one film. This is the case with some of the dispensation records from Guadalajara that Claudia has been posting in the last week.
To further confuse the issue, not all of the digitized images have the actual film numbers. This is the case for Aguascalientes; more recent digitized files typically do have the film numbers (but not always!).
George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA
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Thank you for all these helpful hints.
I also see that some of the print-outs I have kept also list a "reference number", and I don't know what that means. I wish they could also include the Image Number; I can dream, no?
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:51:28 -0700
> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] FHL films
> Emily
> It is sometimes useful to look at the FHL catalog for details ("film notes") on the films for a specific location. You can get to the catalog from either the old Family Search website, or the current one.
> Many times, the film notes are pretty simple (examples from Aguascalientes):
> Bautismos 1663-1684
> Other times, they will indicate other records:
> Bautismos 1616-1662 incluye algunos matrimonios
> Sometimes rather complex:
> Bautismos de españoles, Libro 12, abr. 1719-dic. 1733 y una partida de mayo 1728 al final -- Libro 34, sep. 1781-mar. 1786 y una de agosto al final -- Libro 41, abr. 1814-mar. 1816 (Incluye partidas de las parroquias de los pueblos de Jesús María y de San Marcos que pertenecen a la Villa de Aguascalientes) [Bill Figueroa posted some comments on this film a couple of years ago here at Nuestros Ranchos.]
> The film "titles" as they appear on Family Search's digitized records typically do not give this level of detail, typical is a beginning and end year, with no indication that there are gaps.
> Sometimes a digitized record is actually more than one film. This is the case with some of the dispensation records from Guadalajara that Claudia has been posting in the last week.
> To further confuse the issue, not all of the digitized images have the actual film numbers. This is the case for Aguascalientes; more recent digitized files typically do have the film numbers (but not always!).
> George Fulton
> Pleasanton, CA
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FHL films